
15 March 2022

Love Letter to Anna Parenna

Beloved Goddess,

Enduring Year, you have gifted me another and this shall be my sixty-first! Ooh Kind Mother - the cycle of life continues to evolve and expand... so much has changed in my life - so much that it's barely recognizable. 

In your honor, I have created a circular garden altar, at the base of the oak tree. There on the trunk is a circle like indention that looks like a little window. I wish I had eyes to see within... as I can imagine the faeries that live there - and that wee view might show me their kitchen. I know that there must be tiny acorns and seeds upon their table. Every week I offer my hair that they may stuff their duvet and keep warm on these cold damp nights.

Though the altar simply resembles a fairy ring, at the moment, in time I want to plant small petaled flowers, and make a few charms and gifts to set upon it. And, as I know you will delight in this, I will do random acts of kindness in your name throughout the coming year. I'll write and tell you all about the things I will do to surprise and bless those unaware, but in need of love and kindness.

Until then, I hope you will continue to bless us all. We, the children of this earth, need you. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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