
25 March 2022

Love Letter to Cybele

Beloved Goddess,

I am now dwelling in the Enchanted Forest surrounded by mighty pine trees, one of which I feel is your beloved Attis. 

Earlier this morning, just after the sun rose, I built a small altar over his roots. Upon the little moss covered altar I placed a meteorite stone, dark and heavy it was, to represent you and let him know that you are ever with him. This crystal is a spirit stone that brings me into a heightened state of awareness, opening and enhancing my metaphysical abilities, such as clairvoyance, telepathy and foresight. I feel that you have a part in this, so I'll leave it there until the new moon. Also, I left a key there, too, that love, health and victory may be unlocked within us all. 

Later this afternoon, I will plant the astilbe cuttings I was given as a gift near the purple spotted dead-nettle I remember growing there last summer. I think you will like the way the purples and mauvy-pinks look together. Afterward, I will shove the cast iron candle holder into the earth, and when it's warmer, some night in the coming weeks, I'll place a votive  candle in it and let it flicker and burn itself out with a prayer for you and your true love. 

Perhaps, I'll dance beneath the tree barefoot upon the earth and feel strength and courage enter into my body, that I may never become hopeless while here in this world. Though I have the heart of a lioness and my rising sign is Leo, I need courage that I may not be shy, that I may boldly pursue my dreams and stand up for all that I believe. That I may be brave when I feel afraid, and alone on this journey.

Mother, please help me learn new concepts that I may be aware of the changes happening all around me. Help me to open my mind and heart to new ideas, that I may be more creative and receptive to your wisdom. Help me to use my voice to communicate better with others. Open my third eye fully that I may see the sacred path I am to follow. Also, please help me to see and understand the wisdom of beings on other dimensions that I may help others to awaken and be empowered as we walk the path of beauty.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly 

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