
13 June 2022

Love Letter to Epona

Beloved Goddess, 

In my dreams I see you on horseback racing the storm clouds... Your golden hair flying and your spirit free.

Please imbue me with your grace, Epona. Inspire me to be even more abundant, loving and capable. Allow your divine providence to continue; care for and protect me, and all those who love the animals that love and serve humankind so well. Bless them, espeically.

In  my dreams, you often hold up a golden goblet to me, as if cheering me on, blessing me, granting me with sovereignty, authority and leadership. Please guide me to embody these qualities whenever the situation calls for it. 

Today, and hereafter, I ask that you please saturate my food with your blessings and power that I may internalize your energy in every given moment. Help me to be more mindful, so that I may sincerely acknowledge all that I am given, all that I am. 

While writing this letter, I was inspired to remove the little silver horse from my charm bracelet. After doing so, I cupped it in my hands. Knowing that it symbolically invokes your protection, I watched with delight as it filled with glittery white light. Instantly, I knew what you were guiding me to do.  So, I placed it on Shiva DaVee Nambe's collar with this sincere request: Watch over him and please bless him with a long, healthy and happy life. Keep him safe from all harm, as I love him beyond expression. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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