
19 June 2022

Love Letter to Maat

Beloved Goddess,

How dearly I cherish your wisdom. 

Teach me how to live in true alignment with the Universal Laws, that I may be in unity with All. 

As I am implementing new ways of being even more orderly, honest, and harmonious in my daily life, show me where I need improvement. I would truly appreciate it, if you would please bestow grace upon me and my present situation. There is much that I do not comprehend; please grant me insight. Allow me to see the deeper truths so I may easily clarify what I am hearing, seeing and experiencing. You are so fair and just, Maat, please help me to act from a place of pure love and deeper compassion regardless of whatever is happening or how I may feel about it. Keep my heart free of fear.

Though you have always called me a Pure Heart, I feel tainted... Stained by the ugliness that attaches itself to me via thoughtless behavior, unkindness and vile rumors of horrific, unbearable atrocities, frightening happenings, evil wrongdoings, corrupt and unsustainable infrastructure, longstanding betrayal, greed and selfishness, and blatantly rampant and unchallenged deception perpetuated by generational and cultural ignorance and blindness. What is going on?! 

Oddly, it's as if those that I trust, know and love most dearly are the very ones that are causing the most destruction and turmoil. I am weary of hate, lies, fear and drama. Set us free!

Maat, you know me! You know the very heart and soul of me! I am a peacekeeper, a loving and deeply compassionate woman, yet I am more easily frustrated and aggravated lately than ever before! I am undone by the cruelty, dismissive attitudes, lies and self deception that I witness. How much must I continue to endure? I am exhausted! Please show me where this energy hides within me so I may eradicate it from my life entirely. 

Help me to accept your gift of freedom! Prepare my heart and mind to embark upon a brand new way of living, thinking, being. I'm ready for a new beginning; an adventure! I want to live from a place of love and light -in the world that I have always dreamed of- a new reality! 

Give me a sign when the timing is right, and show me what I must do. I want to be free of the stress, anger, blame and shame that is being directed toward me, projected by those who cannot see the truth of who they are, of who I am... 

Help me to transmute all this heaviness into something good, healthy, bright and beautiful. Set my soul free! 

Show me how to remain calm, clear and undisturbed when someone I love and trust betrays me, lies to me, or acts in unkind ways. 

You know the truth of my heart. You see where I am held down- not wanting to hurt or abandon others, and where I am troubled- holding when I want to let go. Please help me release the past, with all its lies, fears, hurts, traumas and misunderstandings. Help me to forgive myself and others. Help me to let go of all that keeps me a slave and a prisoner to the karmic wheel. 

Free my spirit to be as light as a feather. I am ready and willing to be free of the deception and the confusion. Help me to rise above fear and all misaligned entanglements. 

Help me to find a way to unravel or just sever connections with those who are not for my highest good, even though they may be my beloved family members. Help me to rip up and disempower old soul contracts so I may be free once and for all!

I am deeply grateful for all that I have learned and experienced, and for all those who helped me grow, but I am ready for change and now willing to release myself from all unhealthy attachments. 

I choose Love. 

I choose Truth. 

I choose Freedom.

I allow myself the freedom to be authentic. I reclaim my sovereignty as a feral soul. Help me to keep my promises -to myself -to life -to Source. Help me to remember why I am here and what I must do to live in harmony, peace and love with all sentient beings.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly  

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