
27 June 2022

Love Letter to Shakuru

Beloved Goddess,

It was you who first taught me to honor my animal spirit guides. You who gave me gave me the deck of medicine cards. The totems that you gave to me were influential for three decades. Now, I sense that a few of them have moved on, or perhaps, I have out-grown them. Is that even possible? I feel it must be, as I've learned what I needed to learn from them. 

New ones are showing up in my life. Will you please help me to hear the messages of the crows, hummingbird, turtle and butterfly? Teach me to pay close attention and tell them that I am listening. 

Shakuru, help me to communicate with all the old trees that live near me. Especially the big one that lives outside my bedroom window. I have always wanted to know the secret language of trees. Will you please help me to understand? 

Daughter of the Moon, I would be honored if you would teach me all that your mother once taught you. Grandmother Moon taught me the Moon Lodge teachings, and I have shared her wisdom with my sisters, but I want to know more... Ask her to please teach me the Dark Moon teachings, as I no longer bleed. If it's not too late, I truly want to know the pattern of my unique moon path and how she moon moves through my body. Bless me with her magick that I may be as wise as she.

Goddess of the Sun, shine your light on me in gentle ways... my skin and eyes are too fair for your direct intensity. Let me sit in the shade of the trees while you show me how to divine the truth. Guide me through each day with pure awareness. Reveal any would-be thieves who might try to steal my power. Reveal all with murderous hearts who might try to kill my spirit.  Help me to see who is trustworthy and who is not  Protect me with your great love, as I love you always. 

Mother of us all, bless us, every one. Hold us in your warm embrace and kiss our cheeks. Fill our hearts with happiness. Strengthen our soul connection with one another that we may be more compassionate and kind. Unite our hearts and minds that we may remember we are one. Guide us through each day to make wise choices. Please take our needs and welfare into consideration as we work and play. Help us to act from our heart and speak to each other with love. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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