
09 June 2022

Love Letter to Wakasaname No Kami

Beloved Goddess, 

In Japanese, 若狭那売神  Wakasaname No Kami means young rice planting maiden. Yet, you are a Goddess! I wonder why your parents, a food goddess and grain god, named you so. Did they knowingly intend that you toil your entire life? Did they purposefully place this responsibility upon you? You were so young, and yet, your life mission was set; you were given no choice. 

When I think of your life and your loving, kind demeanor, I feel a great kinship with you. I have deep respect and admiration for you, and your selflessness. You were born of majesty, abundance and spiritual power, still you were predestined to work the fields... for the good and well-being of all. 

Patiently, persistently, and how you lovingly handle each seedling as you plant it in the wet earth. I can just imagine the back ache of such tedious work. And yet, you never complained. Dutifully and determinedly, you attend to the task at hand until completion. This you have taught me by example- but not wholly that, as I am naturally like you in many ways. 

Though I have been diligently working with steady attention and care to the tasks at hand, I have yet to reap an abundant harvest, and quite honestly, I'm growing weary with the years of unfortunate outcomes. Therefore, I write this letter to draw your attention to my plight. Please help me, No Kami. 

I am officially summoning you, humbly requesting that you please make my life even more abundant, and bring to me happiness, money and love.

I sat before this image of you, and held you in my heart. While I carved into a green candle with a wooden skewer, I allowed your divine wisdom to guide my hand as I creatively inscribed designs, kanjis and symbols of abundance, love and joy. Then, upon a piece of rice paper, I wrote of the abundance I want to manifest into my life before rolling it into a scroll and tying it with a red silk string.  Then, I lit the candle and burned the paper while singing a spirit song to you.

The entire time I was singing and asking for your blessing, I was visualizing your gracious abundance being given to me in many loving and joyful ways. 

Thank you!

-Yours devotedly

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May the Goddess Bless You Abundantly!