
05 June 2022

Love Letter to Uto

 Beloved Goddess,

My earliest memories involve you… 

Held by the dark, primal Void, while in the cosmic womb, even as I was being formed in the womb of my mother before I was born, it was you who wrapped me in the gifts of Life:

Earth- my support: the precious container to hold my roots and bones, the sacred waters, blood and nutrients for growth.

Water- my protection: to keep me fluid and in the Universal flow; to refresh, rejuvenate, and sustain. Pure magick!  Water is a mirror, a genie in a bottle, a holy blessing.

Fire- my power: to harness for love, joy, health and well-being; it cleanser, purifier, burns away excess and waste, it energizes, shines light for clarity, keeps me warms, stirs my passion, allows me to digest and transform.

Wind- my spirit: the breath of life; it animates, brings change, gives direction and whispers wisdom.

Space- my connection to Source -the Sacred Mystery: it makes room for me and my personal reality.

Gifts that have become my familiar, constant but utterly exquisite garment in this life. This holy veil tells all of creation that I belong to the Supreme Divine Mother! That I am daughter of the earth and sea and cosmic sky!

When I was very small, it was you who presented me to Mother Earth and by example, you who instilled my deep respect for Her.. It was you who taught me how to care for, nurture, love and protect Her body as my own; how to honor Her spirit and keep Her wild ways, how to graciously embrace Her moods and fully embody all that She embodies. 

It was you who held me, and thereby, taught me how to listen. It was you who rocked me, to let me know how it feels to move with her sacred cycles. It was you who taught me to  seek wisdom from Her changing seasons, and all that dwell in unity with Her... how doing so allows me to clearly see and acknowledge my authentic place in this world. And, most importantly -in this space and time- to remember who I am!  

I am a Vessel of Love! My body, mind, heart and soul was created as a gift, to hold love for Her, for myself, and for all of creation!

Your voice and words still echo in my mind: 

Remain true to your own pure heart, my child. Deep treasure is housed in the lush green garden within your hearts center. You must live from this holy place. Just as you find nourishment, shelter and peace in nature, it is here that you will find me, and all that you need to blossom and thrive in this life. Everything (including your thoughts, words, and actions) can be a tool used to tend your own inner garden, or to destroy it and start anew. The choice is always yours! This is my gift to you; a part of me -your own little  parcel of the Green Goddess. Though I dwell with you here in your heart space, you may cultivate and create anything you desire. Do not fear. I will watch over you and keep you safe. You are so deeply and forever loved. So, play, sweetheart. Have fun! 

Since then, I have discovered that this energetic space within me is my heart chakra/the Garden of Eden/the bridge between heaven and earth/the Holy of Holies. What a beautiful playground!

Uto, I always marveled and enjoyed watching you demonstrate the mystical and amazing art of transformation and how marvelous, but also, how needful it is for creating space to open and receive the gift of renewal. 

You always gently reminded me that my most  tremendous magickal power comes from my innate ability to draw upon the energies all around me. You empowered me by encouraging me to channel the essence of creation Herself: Shakti! You said: Never fear your power - no matter what others may say.

Remember that hot summer day when you showed me how others see you? I was shocked and saddened to realize that they so wrongly misjudge you. How can they see you as a serpent, as something to be feared - evil? Ooh! And, my sudden harsh awakening, that by default, they view me and all womankind, the same way, even when they act like they love us. 

Yet, the most challenging lesson, but also the most precious was when you taught me just how powerful I truly am. Learning that I am one with Devi, that Her energy and wisdom and consciousness flows through me- was life changing. It's been my life mission to reclaim this truth of self and act accordingly as a sovereign being of light and love. It's difficult to do when the illusion of having no power is so prevalent Yet, I remember who I am, my sacred gifts, and you, and I wield it fearlessly with renewed determination and sacred purpose.

You have been my greatest teacher, beloved Uto.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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