
11 June 2022

Love Letter to Pele

Beloved Goddess, 

You were in my dreams last night! 

This morning when I awoke, I tried remembering the details, but all that remained was a burning ache to see you. So, on a whim, I decided to pay you a surprize visit. 

Unexpectedly, when I arrived, I found you sleeping.  You looked so beautiful and peaceful- I didn't want to wake you. So, while you gracefully lay there  dreaming, I quietly laid upon the soft earth beside you and felt your powerful, sensual energy flow through me. The flowers were so fragrant and the air was so sweet and pleasant that I could have fallen asleep, too. But, I just daydreamed. It was so lovely- and relaxing.

I thought of all the things I want to do in this life, of all the changes that have occurred throughout the years. I thought of you, of our precious and ever blossoming friendship, and of what the future may hold. I remembered our last visit- how you helped me to let go of the pain and suffering I had been enduring for far too long. Though I was a little afraid, I recalled how you slowly and gently burned away all that I no longer needed; freeing me to start my life anew. 

Pelehonuamea, the last seven years have been wonderful in so many ways. And, truly, despite many unknown factors, twists and turns, I have felt loved and protected this entire time. Even when I had no idea of what would happen next, I was fairly fearless knowing you've got my back. I am so deeply grateful for you, Tutu. Thank you.

You're still slumbering, so I'm leaving this love letter to let you know I was here with you... 

Though the main reason for my visit was to see you and enjoy the warmth of your presence, I also wanted to ask you to please help me cleanse, transform and rebuild myself and my life. Yes, again!

I didn't tell you when we last talked, but everything has changed! I am in a new land. Although, I am trying to reimagine my life here, I still feel like an outsider (and it's been over a year!). 

Like you, Pele, I'm a fiery, passionate woman, yet, since my arrival here, I've been dormant. I hardly see anyone! I don't get out much and therefore, I haven't formed any true connections. Every time I think maybe I've made a new friend, my mother gets jealous and sabotages it. I know it's mostly my fault for not standing up for myself, but since I'm here in her home, I don't feel at liberty to speak my truth. I fear I'll become a raging volcano if I tell her what I am honestly thinking and feeling. It's so frustrating. And, more than a little lonely. But what's worse, is that it's stifling my creative flow!

I must find a way to remain true to who I am while I'm here, and to create an authentic outlet so I can thrive. Please lead the way- show me how to forge ahead and pave my own sacred path of beauty. I want to create unity among the circle of women I hope to bring together. Will you help me? Will you ignite the hearts of local women, so that we can come together in mind, body and spirit for raw, purposeful, creative sharing and experience an intimate and overflowing expression of divine feminine power? 

If I need it, I know other women do, too! Please guide me in the wise way you always do. 

I wore red today to embody your unique and magnificent attributes, and to energize my efforts. It made me smile to see that you wore a red dress, as well!! 

I can't stay any longer, though I wish I could. When you awake, you'll find my gift of fresh strawberries, sugarcane, pink plumeria flowers and a bottle of brandy wrapped in silk. Please know that I adore you! Get in touch when you can. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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