
17 June 2022

Love Letter to Dainichi-Nyorai


Beloved Goddess, 

You are the great illuminator shining light on whatever needs to be cleansed from my spirit, mind and body... Help me to replace all fear and negativity with love, so that every cell in my body is fully supported and healthy. Keep my mind ever focused on kind, beneficial thoughts, and my spirit sovereign. Help me to embody pure goodness in all the ways that you do. With divine grace, protect me on my soul path as I courageously continue my sacred quest for enlightenment. Dearly, I appreciate the ways you encircle me in beauty and bestow radiance unto me that I may find my way in the darkness. 

Gathering lilies this morning in the early light of day, I smiled, remembering how you effortlessly embrace and choose to treasure artistry moment by moment. Perhaps this is the reason why I surround myself with beauty. No matter where I live or who I am with I see beauty everywhere. Whether I am camping, visiting a friend overnight, or living my gypsy lifestyle- beauty is my comfort and constant companion. Be it a small altar, the gorgeous fabrics I wear, the wild bits of nature that I gather, or the magickal items I keep close- when I look around my sacred space there is always something beautiful everywhere I look. Enchantment can always be found- gracing my vision, delighting my senses, inspiring me, imparting a feeling of home, of peace, love. 

This I attribute to you, Dainichi-Nyorai. Somehow, beauty is intricately interwoven throughout my spirituality. By honoring the Divine in all things - it's easy for me to acknowledge and honor the inherent beauty in everything and everyone. Such gifts of spirit are these- to see the exquisiteness of detail, colour, pattern light, shadow, life; and to be aware of the way they weave into the very essence and existence of my own being on a daily basis. You bless me richly.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly 

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