
20 June 2022

Love Letter to Mother of All Eagles

Beloved Goddess,

Carry me, Mother of Eagles, high above my current circumstances, expand my vision - give me a higher perspective from which to see. 

Help me comprehend life and better understand those that I come into contact with. Show me how to navigate the currents. No matter how unpredictable, help me make sense of the winds of change, to know my own mind, and to move gracefully though every situation. Allow me to see with precision and keen clarity so I may view the bigger picture - the whole truth!

Empower me with the wisdom and guidance of Great Spirit, that I may accept my own power and fearlessly create my own destiny. 

Eagle Mother, heal me with your sacred powers and teach me how to balance my daily existence with my deeper spiritual life, so I can fly higher! Let the magick within me be taken by the wind so I can finally begin to live the dream I've been given and have held for so long.

Share your brave courage and strength with me. When I am lost in a distracting sea of noise, let me hear the piecing sound of your call, so that I may look up and remember where I belong. When I am sad or discouraged, let me hear the playful chirping sound of your whistle... that I may smile and remember to whom I belong. 

Restore my inner beauty and set me free. Show me a new way to see myself, my true face, my boundless soul- that I may live in a sacred way, with more shamanic wisdom and inner truth. 

Remind me of who I am... When my eyes are downcast, leave a sign - a feather, that I may remember my tribe. …that I may lift my vision into the wild blue yonder and let the winds carry me to where you are!

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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