
28 June 2022

Love Letter to Rigantona

Beloved Goddess,
I dreamt I saw you beneath the full moon, joyously racing through the sea at night on your pure white horse. The moon was full and bright- spilling shimmering light upon your naked body; a luminosity that only poetic dreamers can truly appreciate. . .
Three she-wolves ran playfully beside you. Seven owls flew above and around you, their wings wide and silent against the sound of thundering waves. Lavender hued shadows lent their soft feathers an eerie but beautiful, otherworldly grace. You never spoke a word, but I can still hear the sound of your laughter- so evocatively endearing, I still smile remembering its feral lilt.

When I woke, a gentle smile teased the corners of my mouth- and an ever present wondering at the unspoken meaning lingered long afterward... 

She-wolves I am told, are considered sacred messengers who bring good luck to those who see them. They spoke to me of being productive, brave and fierce in my conquests. Goddess, I re-avow to focus more intently on your spiritual rites and my soulful goals! I will trust my intuition even more than I do, already. Perhaps, your message is to be more playful, free spirited, or to collaborate in some way with another? Please guide my knowing, and grant opportunities to open my mind and heart so I can explore the possibilities. I hear your voice, now: Be more active! Embrace the joy of being alive! And, darling, honor the flow more often than you currently do. . . The wisdom of the owls echo your guidance to be more aware of my intuitive knowing and my supernatural powers, I know it's time to be more independent in my thinking and more observant while listening. 

Rigantona, you are in almost constant motion, flowing freely with the cycles of the moon... Help me to align more with its energies so that I can live in harmony with the earth and my own body. So I may consciously acknowledge the passing of time in more meaningful ways. Time seems to fly past me without much to show for its exchange. Please help me to live more seasonally, productively, and in harmony with the passing of time. 
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

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