
08 June 2022

Love Letter to Nugua

Beloved Goddess, 

The world is in utter chaos! As the Hopi say, it's: Koyaanisqatsi; Life out of balance! 

I call upon you, She Who Restores Balance to the world. Please come and bring us back into harmony. We need you on every level, more than ever. Please. 

Bring balance between the Divine Masculine and Feminine within us all. Help us be wise and make choices that will usher in healing, peace and awareness so that we can once again treat the earth, her creatures great and small, and one another as sacred- precious. 

Mother, I don't know how we got so off kilter! It has been this way my whole life, yet, it's escalating. I am heartbroken, and utterly confused as to why there is such hatred and so much blatant disrespect for life; seemingly absolute contempt is on a crazed path of destruction! How can we stop this evil? Why do we blindly allow it, when it is causing seemingly irreparable harm to the water, the air, and the cells in our bodies?1 Even the divine blueprint of our DNA is being tainted!! Do these few who are claim absolute control and power not realize no one can survive this damage being done? Help! I want to scream from the rooftops! Help.

Please restore balance to everything holy- Only the holiness of water, air and our health on a cellular level can ensure our survival on this planet for the next seven generations... Without it, we cease to exist! 

I am brave, but also, I am frightened. Please restore balance that we may all walk in beauty with integrity and with the desire for the well being of all - both individually, and collectively. We need you, Goddess! Please hear our cries.  Please give us hope. Allow us to forgive the wrongs done to us that we may be stronger in love and wisdom, than we are in fear. Grant us the ability to work with you to restore our sacred sanctuary here on earth. 

For many, many moons, I have been made aware of things so atrocious that I am challenged to wrap my thoughts around these crimes against our beloved mother and humanity... How can such evil continue to exist? Fill me with love. Remove any hint of evil from my being. With a breath of kindness, allow it to die that I may be more holy aligned with life. Please empower me with the highest Holy Love and fill me with the truest essence of the Divine, that I may consciously, purposefully, and willingly embody balance in more profound and sovereign way. 

Grant me, and us all, the capacity to hold compassionate understanding and the deepest love for the earth, ourselves and one another so that needful change, healing, miraculous awakening, grace and restoration may occur. 

Life on this planet depends on the powers that be, to be brought into balance for the highest good of all. I pray you hear me and take action. I heartfully pray that all Divine entities join together on behalf of the natural beauty, sacred purpose and order of life. 

I am one woman, awake, but mostly unaware of all the imminent dangers that threaten our future. Please protect me and guide me that I may act as your appointed handmaiden. Show me what needs to be done in the world, in my community, in my daily life and guide me always to that end. Show me how to restore divine balance between my own inner masculine and feminine. Align my higher and lower chakras and allow me to reclaim wholeness on every level within myself: emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually, that I may embody your energy fully. … that I may be as you. Nugua, I know doing so will help bring balance to us all.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly.

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