
12 June 2022

Love Letter to Kwanseteun

Beloved Goddess, 

During a walk along the beach early this morning, I tearfully contemplated my life and prayed for answers regarding my current situation- Quietly sending love to the waters, the sky, the wind. . .
Seeing you emerge from the clear blue water felt like a magickal dream. Especially when I realized that you were riding on the back of a fish! 
How pretty you looked in your long magenta dress. How gracefully you dismounted and softly walked toward me as if you were summoned. So purposeful you were. Your expression was innocent and sweet, but also full of determination and courage. I fell to my knees, in awe. 
I'll never forget how gracious you were, gently touching my hair while I looked into your ocean eyes and whispered your name, 
Thank you for attending to me with such depth of compassion and queenly goodness. I am so honored that you took the time to truly listen to my needs. My sincere gratitude cannot be expressed fully. I will always remember the kindness in your voice when you told me that you had every intention of meeting each of my needs. I am most fortunate to have met you, today, Kwanseteun. . . 

After I returned home, I immediately washed my hair as you instructed me to do. I could actually feel ill-fortune wash away. Rinsing it with an infusion of steeped  allspice and nutmeg water to increase your energies, left a spicy fragrance that lasted the entire day. 

To commemorate and activate your attributes into my life, I made fish for dinner as you wisely suggested. 
It was so delicious with a creamy lemon, pepper and dillweed sauce; served with a fresh and colourful variety of sautéed vegetables and savory mashed potatoes. Before dining, I thought of you and recited a special blessing- an offering to you. Your presence was felt so strongly, that I was inspired to place a plate for you on the altar.

It's late. Yet, as I prepare for bed, I admire the delicate gold ring and necklace you gave to me before we parted. They are so lovely. I will always treasure them, and wear them to remind me to extend a helping hand to others in need and to always communicate with more kindness than necessary. My heart aches with love for you. 
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

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