
04 June 2022

Love Letter to Aphrodite

Beloved Goddess, 

How incredibly lovely you are!!

Your soft, supple skin shimmers luminous like pearls. Your womanly shape is exquisite, and your nakedness is erotic in the most desirable of ways. Always, gazing upon the sweetness of your face almost steals my breath away! Truly, you, above all others, are my ideal version of divine sensuality. Both within and without Aphrodite, your beauty is absolutely exquisite. Divine men desire and worship you! What woman doesn't desire to be as you?

Goddess of Love, I write asking for your guidance and blessings. Can you hear my fervent prayer for my one true love? Please, my darling one, will you spark true romance in my life? You alone know the depth and truth of my heart. Surely you know how very long I have been wishing, waiting, dreaming and yearning for the man of my dreams. I can see him in my minds eye, and I feel him within my souls. My spirit aches for him. 

Tell me, will I ever unite with the big, tall, sweetheart of a man who was born to love me? The one I have and will always adore. . . I don't know what he looks like, but I feel his energy- and without a shadow of a doubt, I know that he is mine, and I am his!

Ooh! Foam/water born goddess, dive deep into the very heart of me- find where my treasure hides and bring it forth to entice the one I am meant to spend the rest of my life with. Bring us together in love, in romance, in pleasure, in passion, in kindness, and in sacred sexuality. Join us as one - mind, body, heart and soul. We've both been through so much! We both have traveled so far, we have been long suffering, growing, maturing, forgiving, cleansing, changing, aligning, opening and preparing ourselves for one another for lifetimes, it seems. Please bring us together in a blessed (re)union before we're too old to enjoy one another.

Upon your altar I placed a silk scarf in the most brilliant shade of turquoise; roses in hues of pink and white that cascade from a delicate but strong copper vase; the pale blue smoke from burning sandalwood incense fill the air- making my room a sanctuary worthy of you. 

Here, I stand naked before you, just emerged from soaking in a pink Himalayan sea salt and rose water bath. I have anointed my body with rose essential oil, and adorned myself with cowrie sea shells and pearl. I am the embodiment of you! My heart is wide open. Here, my soul and life purpose dwells within this tender love centered space. I call to him. The light of my love shines bright as a beacon guiding him home. Here I stand in my place of power, in truth, in love, inviting you in... Please grace me with your presence. 

Goddess, my heart is full of gratitude for the blessings you have bestowed upon me throughout my life. How deeply I appreciate your acts of love, and the many gifts of luck you have sent to me. You have gifted me with fertile and youthful beauty, yet, my beauty is fading with every passing year. I am reaching out to you, asking you to bless me again with the oceans deeply abundant power of rejuvenation and healing. Restore me in whatever ways I most need to be worthy of him, to please him. Please beloved, find it in your heart to inspire passion, encouragement and grace within me that I may be in the right place at the right time to delight him. I know that he is seeking me as heartfeltly as I have been seeking him. Can not all of heaven and earth feel our yearning? How much longer must we wait?

Precious one who guides my heart to ecstasy, who showers me with sensations of desire, who teaches me the secrets of the divine feminine, let me be blessed with my hearts true love.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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