
12 August 2022

Love Letter to Selu

Beloved Goddess, 

Grandmother, when I was a girl, I was taught to honor and respect the three sisters: corn, beans and squash. They each show, by example, how to live in harmony with one another. 

That same summer, I was called a pure heart. And, when I first heard the story of the corn mother, I learned what being a pure heart truly meant! 

The Cherokee elders said you were young, and very beautiful. But not only beautiful on the outside; you were selfless- caring for others, and giving of yourself, which made you even more beautiful! 

It is you who dwells as the spirit of corn. 

And where corn is, the Corn-Mother is also. This thing they call corn, is I.

- Marilou Awiakta | SELU: Seeking the Corn Mother's Wisdom


I cried when I heard what happened! How your sons killed you because they feared your wise woman magick. Yet, you continued to give of yourself, even in death, so the people wouldn't starve! Selu, when your pure heart and spirit seeds are planted in the body of Mother Earth, and your love and sacred body fertilizes the soil, maize grows sweet and juicy; a sacred life giving sustenance and nourishment all year long! 

Your love keeps us healthy and resilient! 

The flower in my heart blossoms,

sweetness it brings in the night!

Our mother has loved.

The goddess of love

has scattered flowers of fragrance!

-  prayer for maize

Selu, please continue to bless us with your abundant harvest and ensure every level of our growth. Help us to not fear the mysterious gifts of Spirit, of womankind. Help us to forgive others and be pure of heart.

Allow us to harvest abundance in our life; wealth that our daily needs may be met, and that we may show and share our love with others.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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