
18 August 2022

Love Letter to Genetaska

Goddess art by unknown

Beloved Goddess,

Your wisdom and kindness are known to all.  Like a summer day, your beauty is radiant! And, as soft as the whispering summer winds, your gentle voice soothes all conflict. 

Legend tells us that you were the last Peace Queen. Some say that you broke your vows for love. 

How unfair it was to ask a young maiden to live all alone, deep in the forest, with the sole purpose of maintaining the peace. For years you welcomed all who came to you. Restoring unity and harmony to the people, you showed by example and wise counsel how to settle disputes fairly, how to live peacefully with one another, how to walk gently upon the earth. By law, they were bound by your decisions... Yet, they did not learn. Your task was an endless, exhausting one! 

We do not blame you Genetaska; the law cannot ask the heart to stop beating, nor to keep a vow to forgo love. 

To the Iroquois, you are the Mother of Nations! Yet, today, at the Crow Fair, all tribes (far and near -Aztec and Inuit, included) come together in your honor to celebrate the sacred traditions with respect and in peace. Your sacred medicine is not forgotten. Creatrix of human diversity, you show us that no matter our differences, we are forever one people.  

Thank you for blessing me with an open heart; one pure and strong enough to hold peace within no matter what chaos swirls around me. May I always follow in your footsteps. May I always be a peacekeeper. 

Teach us to not misjudge others, but to judge our own thoughts, words and actions with fairness, kindness and consideration toward all. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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