
04 August 2022

Love Letter to Triduana


Beloved Goddess, 

I love how playful you are! Every time we spend the day together, I come home feeling so happy, light-hearted and utterly refreshed.

It was you who inspired me to choose water over all other beverages as a little girl; and it's still my favorite drink! It's the source of my health! I truly believe that drinking 8 glasses a day has blessed me- keeping me healthy, hydrated and detoxified, my whole life long.

I am so grateful for you, Triduana, and wanted to take a moment to send a note to tell you just how thankful I am for the gift of fresh water! Please continue being a watery blessing to the earth and to all the children of the earth. Thank you for protecting the ancient wells and the holy woods. And, for being a source of bubbling laughter and cleansing energy. You are one of the most enchanting goddesses I know, and I love you!

I'd love to spend more private time with you, and learn the ancient magickal ways. 

Mother said when I was born, you visited and sprinkled me with holy water proving that I was worthy of life. It was then that my name was given: Leesa.

I haven't forgotten your promise to initiate me with the secret wisdom of the rune Laguz. When I was little you taught me that its element is water and its colour is green. 

The rune of life force energy and vital power- the gift you gave to me! Not long ago, you said it's the rune that best represents my life, and instructed me to meditate on these keywords:

  •  sea
  • love
  • sorcery
  • emotion
  • feminine
  • sensuality
  • power of renewal
  • dreams and fantasies 

For 13 months I have been allowing myself to merge with the Multiverse. When I release fear and trust myself, I've been able to seek answers within and trust my own wise intuition. I have learned the importance of staying heart centered for tranquility of mind. Inner peace is vital for my mental health. Otherwise, I feel stressed, depressed and suffer from panic attacks. 
Laguz has given me the gift of happiness, especially when I relax and take time to smell the roses (you know how I love roses)! One of the greatest gifts is to be still-witness and observe without criticizing or being judgmental. I think I'm ready to share all the hidden knowledge and information that's been revealed from the depths of my own soul... Please come soon!

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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