
09 August 2022

Love Letter to Zhinu


Beloved Goddess, 
So beautiful you are! And, gentle. 
You live so far away, but, please come to visit me again. Perhaps, someday I can return to Lyre with you and see your star constellation home for myself. I have always wanted to visit Vega! And, meet your sisters. I feel as if I know them already, with all you've shared of them throughout the years. . .

Thank you for sending the painting of you wearing the silk kimono I sent as a gift last year. It looks gorgeous on you! The blue even finer than I recalled. When I saw the flowers I knew you would love it! And, I can almost hear you playing the lyre, I mean the kōnghóu, from memory. It haunts me still...

Upon my altar this morning, I offered combs and mirrors and paper flowers to you, to draw a good man into my life. Please send someone big and tall, strong and kind. Someone devoted to me, to love, to our relationship, someone who will cherish all the strange and charming quirks about me, and truly honor my mystic ways. 
Zhinu, does such a man exist for me? I hope so! Please grant me my one true love, I've waited so long... my heart aches waiting. 
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

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