
05 August 2022

Love Letter to Doris


Beloved Goddess,

Visiting you last year was such a wonderful experience. I am still in awe of your lovely hair and great beauty!

Sometimes, late at night, whenever the sky is overcast, the easterly winds are howling, and the tide is rising, I sense your presence more profoundly than anything else! It's as if I'm with you, again- and the waves are lifting and falling, ebbing and flowing in that gentle rocking motion... that always comforts me like nothing else can. 

And, if I'm very quiet, I can even hear you whispering, revealing hidden wisdom. It must be a dream, because the moment I'm even slightly aware of you, I can feel myself drift deeper into my slumbering dreams.   Ooh! But when I awaken in the morning, I find myself missing you with such an aching longing in my heart. 

Daughter of Oceanus, Bounty of the Sea- thank you for providing nourishment for my body and mind, and spiritual sustenance for my soul. You're so generous with your abundant gifts, but if you will please bless me with providence and wealth, I would be more grateful that I could ever express.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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