
11 August 2022

Love Letter to Wohpe


Beloved Goddess,

Tonight while I was stargazing alone beneath the indigo medicine blanket, I saw a shooting star race brightly across the sky. I instantly felt your presence and recognized your spirit one with mine. 

May you feel my love and gratitude.

Thank you for holding me in your thoughts and prayers. I silently prayed for your safe journey. And, whispered, offering my wish for peace on earth; secretly trusting you would carry it to heaven on my behalf. 

May we all know peace in this lifetime.

Thank you for teaching me to meditate. It always brings peace to my mind, body and spirit. 

May we remember we are one!

Thank you for generating harmony and unity within my being, and for blessing me with the gift of inner peace. 

May we share our peace with one another.

Thank you for measuring time and creating steady, visible cycles so I can perform sacred rituals in your honor, and in honor of all our relations.

May we be ever mindful of our thoughts and actions; living in harmony with Mother Earth and with respect for Great Mystery.

Thank you for gifting me love and pleasure. Each day and night, without fail, there is something to admire and be grateful for. Every day a new beginning- Every night a gentle rest. Please continue guiding my sacred path of beauty and strengthening my will to live with integrity. 

May we be empowered to walk our talk for the highest good and well-being of all.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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