
21 August 2022

Love Letter to Ahes

Goddess art by Tammy Wampler 

Beloved Goddess,

Symbolizing the abundance of the vast sea, gorgeous and wild, your beauty and the depth of your eyes mirror its courageous passion. 

Ahes, how brave you are in your loveliness, fighting against the influential religious forces who try to turn you into some monstrous, frightening figure because you do not conform to their beliefs...

Perhaps, they are correct in fearing loss of their followers- those weary of shallow lies, those who would give up everything to drown in your fertile feminine depths and find their authentic voice, their true calling- truth and comfort in your wise, ancient ways. 

Yes, your power is that great! Like that of a siren, your seductive soul song is hauntingly provocative, but also healing. Only, when you sing, those who hear are not doomed. But, offered solace, providence and blessings. 

You call lost souls home. 

Home within your loving embrace.

Please continue standing as a beckon of light: Guiding those lost and adrift at sea. those afraid in the darkness. Offering hope to all who struggle to stay afloat, unable to endure the storms of life.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

18 August 2022

Love Letter to Genetaska

Goddess art by unknown

Beloved Goddess,

Your wisdom and kindness are known to all.  Like a summer day, your beauty is radiant! And, as soft as the whispering summer winds, your gentle voice soothes all conflict. 

Legend tells us that you were the last Peace Queen. Some say that you broke your vows for love. 

How unfair it was to ask a young maiden to live all alone, deep in the forest, with the sole purpose of maintaining the peace. For years you welcomed all who came to you. Restoring unity and harmony to the people, you showed by example and wise counsel how to settle disputes fairly, how to live peacefully with one another, how to walk gently upon the earth. By law, they were bound by your decisions... Yet, they did not learn. Your task was an endless, exhausting one! 

We do not blame you Genetaska; the law cannot ask the heart to stop beating, nor to keep a vow to forgo love. 

To the Iroquois, you are the Mother of Nations! Yet, today, at the Crow Fair, all tribes (far and near -Aztec and Inuit, included) come together in your honor to celebrate the sacred traditions with respect and in peace. Your sacred medicine is not forgotten. Creatrix of human diversity, you show us that no matter our differences, we are forever one people.  

Thank you for blessing me with an open heart; one pure and strong enough to hold peace within no matter what chaos swirls around me. May I always follow in your footsteps. May I always be a peacekeeper. 

Teach us to not misjudge others, but to judge our own thoughts, words and actions with fairness, kindness and consideration toward all. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

17 August 2022

Love Letter to Diana

Goddess art by Angelo Von Courten

Beloved Goddess,

Embodiment of the moon and sun, you grant to us the gifts of fertility, p nurturing and protection. Lady Huntress, you capture the spiritual food that we need for strength and sustenance. Blessed be Thy name, Diana.

Early this morning, as I left an offering of fresh fruit for you in the forest grove, I saw a baby deer! All alone, it was, looking about as if for its mother... I spoke kindly to it in a soft voice, and it just gazed upon, but did not run, I sat and watched it for some time, until it grew weary and lay down upon the earth. As I stood to leave, unexpectedly, a golden leaf caught my eye! One very early autumn leaf changed colours mid August and fell from the tree! A gift from you to me. I picked it up to keep your power with me as I communed with nature. I carried it with me throughout the day. And, at days end, offered it with a prayer of thanksgiving to a running stream with the wish to develop your gift of abundance. 

To seal the deal and internalize your attribute within my life, I lit a candle upon the altar when I returned home. I feel certain that you heard my prayer and shall grant my wish.
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

16 August 2022

Love Letter to Al-Lat

Goddess art by Jo Jayson


Beloved Goddess,

I stand before you. humble in devotion, quiet and adoring in dedication to the holiness of All.  The vastness of the Universe is found in a single breath, and I am honored to be alive.

Lighting a candle upon the altar, I offer my awareness and vow to focus my consciousness upon my faith throughout my life, trusting that your Love will always guide and flow within me. 

Spending a moon lit evening in meditation, seeking deeper meaning and insight into the sacred texts, the poetic soul songs, and the Mystery and Magick of the Divine written upon my skin and within the pages of my soul; I quiet my mind in the depths of belonging and hold you close- creating sacred space for you to forever abide.

Journaling, I write every observation that came through... every whisper of insight and hint of wisdom. Inspired by your pure and just presence, I contemplate the good deeds and positive actions I will take to embody your holy essence in the home where I abide - here on Earth and in the temple I am given.

Having gathered numerous white items, that, for me, represent your divine lunar energy (moonstone, coral, selenite and labradorite), I solemnly speak:

Within these stones of white,
Al-Lat place your protective light. 
Wherever these are placed around, 
your safety and presence shall ever abound.

 Then, place them in every corner of my home. I love you. Be ever with me.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

15 August 2022

Love Letter to Anahita

Goddess art by unknown

Beloved Goddess,

Lady of Heaven, the pure flowing force of the Universe, I bow before Thee. 

Please flow through me. 

Zoroastrian Moon Goddess, you shine upon the face of darkness and illuminate love in every corner. 

Please shine your light upon the darkness of my life, within me... replace this loneliness with true love. Grant me a pleasurable and lasting union.

Water Goddess, your essence purifies all that is unclean, toxic and tainted with fear. 

Please cleanse my holy temple, my body, mind, heart and soul, to make room for the divine blessings, the life-giving power, and all the beautiful things you have promised to me. 

I have scrubbed the floors of my home with pine branches and evergreen oil to prepare my sacred space for your holy presence. 

Please usher in your bountiful love. 

I lit a white candle upon my altar. 

I pray:

Lady of Purity, Lady of Light, be welcome in my home and heart and sight. Purify me so your honor, passion and love can flow unhindered in my body, in my mind and in my life. Lady of Purity, Lady of Light, be with me day and night.

Please wash and carry the darkness of this time away. Give me hope that my life will be full of love and joyful movement, again. Grant that I may equally give and receive love and pleasure again.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly 

14 August 2022

Love Letter to Inari

Beloved Goddess,

Blood red is your sacred hue. Goddess, the colour you imprinted upon me from birth, tainting my childhood with the lust for true love. Come to me, bringer of long life. Grant a love that will survive the grave, the lover who will be mine even beyond death. 

Rice, my offering. 

A fox spirit upon my altar, 9 tails - the tales of my life. Make the last one the best one!

Inari, sister of my soul. Your kindred spirit, bound with mine. Reveal your presence, I shall not fear the ghosts of loves enduring fate. I do not fear you. 

I seek you.

 and ask:

Inari, be ever with me.
By this stone of red, let love be fed.
When at my side, let love there abide.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

13 August 2022

Love Letter to Xmucane


Beloved Goddess, 

Of time, when the calculations and functions of calendars and sacred cycles merge with the unfolding of days, you, Prophetess, divine past and future as the ever present NOW.  

This is where we always find one another- in the present moment. Only, I am not as adept as you in seeing the creative energy that makes up time. Only slowly beginning, learning to play with it, and shift and alter it from its fluid confines. 

Grandmother, though you've taught me much about the concept of time- its illusionary aspects are still a mystery. How is it possible to bend and morph it into something others say it isn't and can't be? And, yet, it is! How can past and future merge simultaneously with the present? Most perplexing of all: No time. It's not even real! Simply a construct of the mind?

As the maker of the blue-green bowl, I am in awe of the wonder that is you! I look into your eyes and I am lost within myself. I gaze into the sky and find everything and nothing.

Light and darkness. Sun and moon. You!

Show me how to divine wisdom, that I may know the mysteries that dwell within me, of which I belong and am part of. Show me the way to be here, now- aware only of this present, ever unfolding moment. 

Xmucane, did time really end in 2012 as the Mayan calendar said it would? Are we now living in a dream? Everything is so odd... nothing is as it was before. Are we just going through the motions of what we perceive as our reality, based on what once was? Simply following where we thought our future would go? Is there some form of divination that can reveal the mysteries of time? If so, please reveal them. I must know!

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

12 August 2022

Love Letter to Selu

Beloved Goddess, 

Grandmother, when I was a girl, I was taught to honor and respect the three sisters: corn, beans and squash. They each show, by example, how to live in harmony with one another. 

That same summer, I was called a pure heart. And, when I first heard the story of the corn mother, I learned what being a pure heart truly meant! 

The Cherokee elders said you were young, and very beautiful. But not only beautiful on the outside; you were selfless- caring for others, and giving of yourself, which made you even more beautiful! 

It is you who dwells as the spirit of corn. 

And where corn is, the Corn-Mother is also. This thing they call corn, is I.

- Marilou Awiakta | SELU: Seeking the Corn Mother's Wisdom


I cried when I heard what happened! How your sons killed you because they feared your wise woman magick. Yet, you continued to give of yourself, even in death, so the people wouldn't starve! Selu, when your pure heart and spirit seeds are planted in the body of Mother Earth, and your love and sacred body fertilizes the soil, maize grows sweet and juicy; a sacred life giving sustenance and nourishment all year long! 

Your love keeps us healthy and resilient! 

The flower in my heart blossoms,

sweetness it brings in the night!

Our mother has loved.

The goddess of love

has scattered flowers of fragrance!

-  prayer for maize

Selu, please continue to bless us with your abundant harvest and ensure every level of our growth. Help us to not fear the mysterious gifts of Spirit, of womankind. Help us to forgive others and be pure of heart.

Allow us to harvest abundance in our life; wealth that our daily needs may be met, and that we may show and share our love with others.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

11 August 2022

Love Letter to Wohpe


Beloved Goddess,

Tonight while I was stargazing alone beneath the indigo medicine blanket, I saw a shooting star race brightly across the sky. I instantly felt your presence and recognized your spirit one with mine. 

May you feel my love and gratitude.

Thank you for holding me in your thoughts and prayers. I silently prayed for your safe journey. And, whispered, offering my wish for peace on earth; secretly trusting you would carry it to heaven on my behalf. 

May we all know peace in this lifetime.

Thank you for teaching me to meditate. It always brings peace to my mind, body and spirit. 

May we remember we are one!

Thank you for generating harmony and unity within my being, and for blessing me with the gift of inner peace. 

May we share our peace with one another.

Thank you for measuring time and creating steady, visible cycles so I can perform sacred rituals in your honor, and in honor of all our relations.

May we be ever mindful of our thoughts and actions; living in harmony with Mother Earth and with respect for Great Mystery.

Thank you for gifting me love and pleasure. Each day and night, without fail, there is something to admire and be grateful for. Every day a new beginning- Every night a gentle rest. Please continue guiding my sacred path of beauty and strengthening my will to live with integrity. 

May we be empowered to walk our talk for the highest good and well-being of all.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

10 August 2022

Love Letter to Auge


Beloved Goddess, 

You are a constant source of inspiration and illumination. Though, after a lifetime of observing and mastering the wisdom of the flame, I still sense that you are far more than I am aware.

Even as an apprentice, learning the ancient arts of cooking, homemaking, purification, alchemy, passion, sexuality under your divine guidance and tutelage, I always knew there were secrets yet unrevealed. Even after all these years, as skilled as I am, I wonder what remains hidden. Maybe this year, you will show me?

When I was a little girl, grandmother told me to be ever mindful of fire. 

Fire holds the power of the Goddess. She dwells within the flame; in fact, is fire, itself! Always remember that she sleeps within you! 
And, child, be ever mindful of the fire that dwells within you... Be wise, so you don't get burned!

Her words have stayed with me always... even when I didn't understand what she meant. Like the fiery warmth of the ancient hearth whose magick is forever a mystery, so too, is your magick. Women hold your flame within.

Within our sacred womb space we burn with your creative Shakti power. We carry the secret wisdom of the Universe; the hidden flames of sexual passion and divine fertility in our bodies: the life force of the Universe. 

The source of your power is unknowable. Your beauty symbolizes the divine, truth, light, wisdom, warmth, nourishment and protection for those who inhabit and seek comfort of home. 

Unseen is your face. No one knows your name. Though we call you Auge. Odd, as it means "eye". 

You are the unseen witness flickering in the flame; the ever present eye that watches over us all- both flesh and spirit. You are the divine fiery eye of the creative Universe; the eye of fire which was an ancient alchemical symbol of destruction. You are the sacred source of love, desire, power, strength and life force energy! The holy symbol of transformation- changing food into energy for our body, changing the spoken or written word into nourishment for our soul, ideas into actions, feelings into expression, dreams into reality, intentions into blessings.

Offering myself upon the altar of home... upon the hearth for purification, I give myself to you. Please refurbish my body, mind and spirit to better align with the holiness of my higher calling. Please transform me into the holy vessel of pure love.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

09 August 2022

Love Letter to Zhinu


Beloved Goddess, 
So beautiful you are! And, gentle. 
You live so far away, but, please come to visit me again. Perhaps, someday I can return to Lyre with you and see your star constellation home for myself. I have always wanted to visit Vega! And, meet your sisters. I feel as if I know them already, with all you've shared of them throughout the years. . .

Thank you for sending the painting of you wearing the silk kimono I sent as a gift last year. It looks gorgeous on you! The blue even finer than I recalled. When I saw the flowers I knew you would love it! And, I can almost hear you playing the lyre, I mean the kōnghóu, from memory. It haunts me still...

Upon my altar this morning, I offered combs and mirrors and paper flowers to you, to draw a good man into my life. Please send someone big and tall, strong and kind. Someone devoted to me, to love, to our relationship, someone who will cherish all the strange and charming quirks about me, and truly honor my mystic ways. 
Zhinu, does such a man exist for me? I hope so! Please grant me my one true love, I've waited so long... my heart aches waiting. 
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

08 August 2022

Love Letter to Parvarti

Beloved Goddess,

You who are beloved of women, I need you! I need your wise counsel and gentle wisdom. I need your guidance. Please lead me into ritual that I may be cleansed of the past, that I may be purified to step into the new beginning I envision for myself.  I received the henna soap you sent and I have been washing my hands and feet before morning sadhana just as you instructed me to do. The lingering scent of cardamom and vetiver leave my skin with a light spicy fragrance that reminds me of you! And, makes me feel beautiful, and somehow closer to you. Thank you!  

After I post this letter, I'm going to draw a ritual bath and soak to cleanse away all the negativity and problems of the last two years!

I honor my femininity and fertility, but ask that you help me move my body - to experience what it is to be graceful and sensual again. Please teach me to dance, Parvarti- the way you do! With divine awareness and purposeful intent. I want to feel light and free, unencumbered by the worries of money and belonging. So, when I've finished my bath, I am going to wear something beautiful, something with flowers to bring your essence here, that I may embody you fully. Then, I'm going to turn on some Deva Premal music and dance as if I am dancing with you!

Please be with me, guide my motions.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

07 August 2022

Love Letter to Sopdet

Beloved Goddess,

Ancient Queen of Sirius, the Dog Star, the brightest star in the heavens, I bow before Thee. And, call upon you to guide me to fulfill my sacred destiny. Please lead me in more favorable ways. I feel so small and weak, as if a candle flickering in the darkness. . . 

Star Goddess, please remember me. Ignite the soul stuff that will help illuminate me as you intend.

Something strange has befallen time - or my perception of it, anyway. It seems to be passing in a flash one moment and lingering in excruciating ways at others, as if unable to move beyond an unpleasant event or cycle. Please reset the divine order so my days and nights so they make sense, so that the weeks aren't leaving as quickly as sand through my fingers. I have much to accomplish and I fear I am running out of time.
And, yet, I know that I am not, because you have taught me that time is only an illusion. I will trust in your wisdom and realign all my 'not enough time' fear thoughts with the expansive nature of the Universe. 

I came across this relic of you last week, and can't help but notice that your star headdress looks a lot like a starfish. A creature of the unfathomable ocean, a creature who knows the power of regeneration. Thank you for this sign that you're still with me, guiding me. 

Star Goddess, just like The Star card in the tarot (which reveals itself over and over again in my readings), please inspire me... Bring renewed hope and please restore my faith in my self and my ability to make wise choices that creates a life that is supportive, comforting and enlightening, one in which I can truly fulfill my soul purpose. I can sense that I am blessed and deeply loved by the Universe at this uncertain time. Please help me to love myself enough to receive all the blessings that are given to me.

Skilled Woman, how I miss you! In times past, we spent so much time together, and now, I seem to have strayed so far from my path... I don't know why I no longer sit beneath the stars and commune with you as I once did... now why I no longer watch for signs that you are near. Please help me to shake off this unseen burden, this annoying nagging feeling of dismay so I may be at peace once more, and able to focus on something worthwhile.
Sopdet, embrace me and show me my own inner light that I may shine truth upon the shadows that keep me bound by fear and trepidation. Empower me to rise above the limitations that hold me back, that keep me from living life as I have planned. Help me to be the daughter you have taught me to be... 
Beloved Mother, I know you have received my message before I have even finished writing this letter, as I just saw a star shooting across the sky! 
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

06 August 2022

Love Letter to Nakisawamie-No-Mikoto

Beloved Goddess, 

I don't remember how old I was that day when I ran away from home and wandered aimlessly through the forest; and found you at the base of an old tree. My mind had been troubled by some now forgotten childhood hurt. Hot tears blurred my vision when I first saw you there. I had to blink and brush at my eyes before I could truly believe what I was seeing. You were so old, I thought, and wrinkled... 

I thought you were an illusion, or just a delicate branch growing from that magickal tree. Startled, I let out a little cry when I realized you were a woman. You smiled and hushed me with a invitation: 

Come here, child. Sit with me a moment.

You sat there draped in thick brocade silk, white with an aura of peacefulness rooting you to the earth with a strength I could feel in my own body. Offering me much needed refuge, I obeyed and quietly knelt before you. 

The wind blew through the trees with the sound of the distant past; like a hundred unrecognized voices all a 'whisper. Gently, it soothed my tangled thoughts, teased strands of my hair and took hold of the hems of my dress as we talked of tree rings, forgotten memories, lost records and history. 

You said: 

Honor alone cannot provide proper perspective for the innocent. There is much that the wheel of time has set in motion, much you will never understand. Nonetheless, be aware, it is always attempting to steal, control and manipulate life, and both the past and the future. Hold on to your innocence, child. It is precious and always the price demanded. 
We were both so tender hearted, then. I remember how we cried together: me mourning the loss of my innocent dream of how life "should be" (it all felt so unfair!), and you mourning those who have died in senseless wars. 

What a pair we were that day, the maiden and the crone. You dressed in white, grounded, but reminding me of a fleeting cloud- your voice and touch light as air. Me, wearing a pale blue sundress, my long hair wild... untamable, feeling shy, scattered and so insecure. I would have grasped tightly to anything lasting and true, but despite feeling the weight of the world upon my shoulders, I knew it wouldn't stay for long... Tomorrow always released me from the worries of the day before. Though, I didn't know what would become of you.

All these years later, and I still remember the kindness you showed me. The way you patted my hand and brushed tears from my cheek. The way you shoo'ed me off: 

Run along home, now. You're a young girl, not an old woman. Run with the wind. There will be time enough to grow roots when you're older. 

Some years later, I remembered you and the wisdom you'd shared... and I wrote this in my diary:

Is it really death that I most fear? Or, the mystery of not knowing what, if anything, will follow?
Maybe I am more afraid of dying- not of death itself. Afraid of letting go... being forced to constantly let go and accept change. Having to release what is known to leap blindly into the vast unknown of it all.
Maybe, just for today, I will stop being afraid, and let go of expecting that anything will ever remain the same! 

You were so wise and experienced, and seemed to fear nothing at all. You taught me that day to honor the sacred cycles- to embrace death as part of the holy process, just as beautiful and important as life... 

Then, you handed me a dried up leaf, brittle and brown, and said:

You are a supple green leaf, just as this one was once... Now it is old and has fallen from the branch to which it clung- the only life it ever knew was attached to this tree. 
Crush it between your fingers, and it will crumble to the earth and begin to nourish the roots of this old tree.. 
I am this brown leaf. I do not fear death. I, too, was once young, like you. Soon, I will disappear from sight to become one with a greater purpose, my true home. 
When you see the tree leaf sweet green leaves next spring, remember me... Listen for my voice in the rustling of the breeze. I will die, child, but I will be here, waiting for you to return and remember me. Waiting for you to come and sit with me again beneath this tree.   

I have never forgotten you, Nakisawamie-No-Mikoto. I can still hear your voice and see into the depths of your eyes. I can still feel your touch on my skin and your kindness in my heart. Only please, don't forget me.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

05 August 2022

Love Letter to Doris


Beloved Goddess,

Visiting you last year was such a wonderful experience. I am still in awe of your lovely hair and great beauty!

Sometimes, late at night, whenever the sky is overcast, the easterly winds are howling, and the tide is rising, I sense your presence more profoundly than anything else! It's as if I'm with you, again- and the waves are lifting and falling, ebbing and flowing in that gentle rocking motion... that always comforts me like nothing else can. 

And, if I'm very quiet, I can even hear you whispering, revealing hidden wisdom. It must be a dream, because the moment I'm even slightly aware of you, I can feel myself drift deeper into my slumbering dreams.   Ooh! But when I awaken in the morning, I find myself missing you with such an aching longing in my heart. 

Daughter of Oceanus, Bounty of the Sea- thank you for providing nourishment for my body and mind, and spiritual sustenance for my soul. You're so generous with your abundant gifts, but if you will please bless me with providence and wealth, I would be more grateful that I could ever express.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

04 August 2022

Love Letter to Triduana


Beloved Goddess, 

I love how playful you are! Every time we spend the day together, I come home feeling so happy, light-hearted and utterly refreshed.

It was you who inspired me to choose water over all other beverages as a little girl; and it's still my favorite drink! It's the source of my health! I truly believe that drinking 8 glasses a day has blessed me- keeping me healthy, hydrated and detoxified, my whole life long.

I am so grateful for you, Triduana, and wanted to take a moment to send a note to tell you just how thankful I am for the gift of fresh water! Please continue being a watery blessing to the earth and to all the children of the earth. Thank you for protecting the ancient wells and the holy woods. And, for being a source of bubbling laughter and cleansing energy. You are one of the most enchanting goddesses I know, and I love you!

I'd love to spend more private time with you, and learn the ancient magickal ways. 

Mother said when I was born, you visited and sprinkled me with holy water proving that I was worthy of life. It was then that my name was given: Leesa.

I haven't forgotten your promise to initiate me with the secret wisdom of the rune Laguz. When I was little you taught me that its element is water and its colour is green. 

The rune of life force energy and vital power- the gift you gave to me! Not long ago, you said it's the rune that best represents my life, and instructed me to meditate on these keywords:

  •  sea
  • love
  • sorcery
  • emotion
  • feminine
  • sensuality
  • power of renewal
  • dreams and fantasies 

For 13 months I have been allowing myself to merge with the Multiverse. When I release fear and trust myself, I've been able to seek answers within and trust my own wise intuition. I have learned the importance of staying heart centered for tranquility of mind. Inner peace is vital for my mental health. Otherwise, I feel stressed, depressed and suffer from panic attacks. 
Laguz has given me the gift of happiness, especially when I relax and take time to smell the roses (you know how I love roses)! One of the greatest gifts is to be still-witness and observe without criticizing or being judgmental. I think I'm ready to share all the hidden knowledge and information that's been revealed from the depths of my own soul... Please come soon!

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

03 August 2022

Love Letter to Huchi

Beloved Goddess,

the flames, red as blood 

trail after you- every step

flows without escape.

you cry cleansing tears 

to wash away the pain - fear,

making room for growth.

within your heart fire 

burns eternal wisdom - light, 

pure energy: love.

Keep my internal fires burning bright, please, that I may have the energy I need to complete projects, and live passionately. 

Be the healing fire that cleanses my body from ill and disease. Be the flame that lights my path. Be the fire that calls me home.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

02 August 2022

Love Letter to the Veelas


Beloved Goddesses,

You lovely, magickal creatures, your beauty inspires poetic thoughts. Your kindness heals me every time I am in nature. I can feel your loving presence surrounding me, whispering encouragement for me to continue to love and honor the earth. I do! And, always will. 

I deeply respect and appreciate the ancient ways. Thank you for sharing the knowledge of how to work and live harmoniously with the land, the water and the trees. Thank you for the gifts of abundance and prosperity. 

In your honor, on this day of the dryads, I did not clean with water, nor did I disturb any vining plant. Instead, sat in the woods, listening for your guidance after I prayerfully asked for your wisdom and guidance in finding and harvesting the healing herbs I most need at this time. 

I left a gift of sweet bread and honey for you and the fairies beneath the big oak tree at twilight. 

As I stood there beneath its beautiful canopy, I thought I caught sight of you! A flash of shimmering white light from the corner of my eye, but when I turned, there was nothing there except a magickal spider on the edge of the mosaic bird bath! It had long black legs but upon it's thick body, as if painted by the fae, a splash of bright silver and gold! I've never seen anything like it, before!

I wish I would have thought to take a photograph, but I was so mesmerized, all I could do was gaze upon it in awe. 

Was it a sign from you? 

If so, thank you.

-Yours devotedly

01 August 2022

Love Letter to Tailtiu


Beloved Goddess,

Earth Goddess, I honor earths holy cycles and seasons. Queen! How beautiful you are! Great Mother! How precious, loving and kind you are. Wise, all knowing Goddess, only you feel the longing of humanity. Our ache and want for true love, peace and safety... Great Mother, I hold the deepest respect for you; and an ever blossoming love for your gifts and presence in my life. Mother, I was told that you pushed yourself beyond your endurance, strength and vigor for our benefit, knowing that from sheer exhaustion you would die from your labor of love.  You gave yourself that we might live and thrive. 

Goddess of Endurance and Sovereignty, bless me, reveal the mysteries of my own deep heart that I may love as selflessly as you, teach me to transform fear and self-doubt into the purest gold. Search my heart and fill my life with your divine feminine essence that I may comfort and nurture others. Empower me to willingly sacrifice bad habits, misdeeds, wrong thinking and all that is not serving me or the good of all. Help me to clear away all that hinders me from being the fullness of my potential, that keeps me from loving with all of my heart and soul... Guide me in growing only that which will truly nourish my mind, body and spirit. I trust that whatever dies will rise again as something more harmonious, pleasing and useful. Beloved Mother, take from me all that holds me back, all that keeps me fearful, and hesitant to give myself wholly to others - to earth, life! Show me the way to internalize your grace that I may learn from your example. Guide me in being a daughter you can be proud of. 

Today, at first harvest, on Lammas, I am full of gratitude for the abundance you gift us. For the bountiful fruit of the earth, I am so thankful! With joy and gratitude, I sing your praises! Help us to restore balance within our own self, but also in the ways we live on earth.

Earlier this morning, I sat on the sweet earth, in bed of clover, and felt so loved, so lucky, so blessed. 
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

31 July 2022

Love Letter to The Narucnici


Beloved Goddesses,

At my birth, you three determined my fate and gave me the divine gifts of spirituality and divination. You looked upon me with such loving intentions and then, blessed me with compassion, acute awareness, kindness. and an unending desire to love and be loved. 

Often, you have altered my destiny when you saw me rushing blindly into disaster; though you honored my choices, albeit ill-informed, and allowed me to feel intense passion, hurt and sorrow. 

I don't know what my fate holds in the future or how long my life shall be, but I am most grateful for the kindnesses you've shown to me along my journey, and the ways you have protected me from danger and guided me on my mystic path.

You are the ones that helped open my third eye and have instructed me to intuitively attune to the divine through oracles, tarot, signs and the seemingly random synchronicities that have tied and woven together wisdom and magick.

Please continue watching over me with your sightless eyes.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

30 July 2022

Love Letter to Tiamat

Beloved Goddess,

I love you! 

My heart aches knowing that your own sons are the ones who destroyed you... Why must this be so? Why have they, for all these uncountable eons, been allowed to reign supreme against you, been allowed to call evil righteousness? They have ever since rages against your daughters! They want to hide our power from us, deny that we are daughters of the primordial Queen - the Mother of us all!  Why, Great Mother? 

Please restore your holy self- Your ocean depth is still powerful; bring into your sacred being all that you are! Restore perfect order, the order of chaos, and disallow anything to come against you and your precious, life-giving truth and essence. 

We, your daughters are standing strong. We stand with you, for you, in unity with the divine feminine aspects of our being. Restore balance. 

Ooh Great Mother, I am but a babe crying for her mother. I do not understand why she has been wounded, severed and taken from me - Only bring her back to me! Return my beloved Mother, that I may suckle at her breasts and find comfort and strength in her arms, and learn to grow as a wise and strong as she. Please, Mother, hear my cries. Return to me in ways that empower all of womankind.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

29 July 2022

Love Letter to Voluspa

Beloved Goddess,

In your honor, I have vowed to keep away from all electronics, today. I have turned off the phone, tv and computer. 

For this day, I have chosen to reflect on the past. And, to honor my journey and the events that have brought me here. Earlier, I gathered all my old journals from the last couple of years and spent two hours reading what I had written. There was much I had forgotten and I delighted in the re-discovery of cherished wisdom/insight, beauty and magick!

I have just finished preparing our bountiful and colourful picnic: A roasted herb-crusted chicken, purple potato salad, deviled eggs, pickled beets, mushroom and feta filled spinach wraps, a bottle of red wine, a loaf of crusty bread, and peach tarts for dessert! It looks and smells delicious! Everything is tucked into the wicker basket, along with a huge thick blanket and a white tablecloth and napkins. I even packed the rose blossom silver set you gave to me years ago... I've also gathered a stack of Battenberg lace shamed Euro pillows for our comfort. It's going to be so lovely!!!

I'm so excited to be spending the late afternoon with you. I secretly hope our visit spills late into the evening (and I've prepared for the possibility by tucking in some candles and two shawls). 

Voluspa, please bring that thick tome that grandmother kept from her grandmothers childhood - the one filled with history and mystical tales from long ago... the one with all those exquisite illustrations that we've looked at so many times we've memorized every intricate detail. I love it so! Perhaps, you will feel inspired to read to me the way you used to do... I promise not to fall asleep, this time.

I'm ready to learn and engrave upon my mind the ancient stories; the old wise ways are being erased as if they never happened- I want to remember them... and share them with my grandchildren. Show me the truth of the past, that I may be fully aware and not fall victim to blind ignorance, the way many others do. Release me from the illusions and lies that seek to cause harm and rob us of our power, our culture, our sovereignty. Free my heart and mind so I may liberate Truth that resides eternal within my blood and bones. Help me to forget the false narrative and remember what is true.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

28 July 2022

Love Letter to Old Woman of the Sea

Beloved Goddess,

Your body contains the waters of the earth... Having collected every tear we've ever cried, your fathomless heart is full to overflowing- faithfully holding all of our emotions in your oceans depth. Taking our sorrow, you refresh our spirit. Taking our pain, you restore ease. Taking our weariness, you revive us with your regenerative power. Taking our  burdens, you give us a reprieve; a serene place to rest and heal our body, mind and spirit.

Ancient primordial mother, your holy power and essence fills the vast oceans of the world. You rock us in your gentle arms, keep secrets, hold mysteries, and provide for us all. You are the great womb of the earth; your sacred salty waters birth our spirits. 

Ferocious yet playful your energy invites us to enjoy rest and recreation - to play in the sand and surf... to surrender and relax into your buoyant embrace, trusting in your strength and abundant ability to nourish and nurture, heal and restore us on every level. 

Old Woman of the Sea, I first met you when I was a girl... while building sandcastles by the waters edge. Methodically dripping wet sand to create little fortresses for my soul to live, away from the overwhelming cares of daily life- I poured my heart into the making of each castle. And, each one held all my secret thoughts, hopes and fears. I still marvel at the way you patiently waited and watched... giving me time to vent and create and dream, allowing me to witness my creation for a little while, before gathering it up and erasing it from the prying eyes of others... Somehow, it was an unspoken game we played - give and take... I gave of myself and you took me into your special care. Erasing all traces from the shore that I'd ever been there... Yet, clearing the slate for me to begin again, and again: Always a fresh, new start. 

I can still remember the way your gentle love reached for me over and over and over again... softly touching, cleansing, healing, and cooling my skin, my soul. Endlessly, your voice whispered words of encouragement, peace and truth. Your rhythmic caress soothed and comforted me - it still does. It still does...

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly