
31 May 2022

Love Letter to Sisina


Beloved Goddess,

In your honor, as I set the table for dinner tonight, I lovingly placed a single flower on each plate. Also, I left an offering of sweet bread and a small glass of fruity wine for you on the garden altar in thanksgiving for all that you offer abundantly.

How gracious you are for overseeing the realms of orderliness, beauty and love. Sisina, I happily welcome you into my daily life. 

Please bless me with the gifts of a beautiful home of my own and many loving and pleasurable relationships in which to share on many levels in joy, passion and excitement with those that I invite into my life and sacred spaces.

As I light this white candle, I ask that you please remove any inner discord, and bring peace into all my secret realms as you graciously restore a deeper well of self love within my mind, body and soul. 

Help me to prepare myself for the love of a good man, that I may live the life I soulfully envision. 

Help me to create the next and best version of myself, the one that is ready and fully capable of creating and maintaining a joyful, supportive, intimate, empowering and romantic relationship with a man who will love and honor me on every level. Unite me with the man who matches or exceeds my love and willingly allows me to love him deeply and truly in return. 

Help me to always be as fresh and exotic as a flower, that I may feel beautiful, sexy and worthy in my womanly body, so that we may engage in Tantric practices with both carnal desire for one another and with full nakedness of spirit. For the purpose of pleasure and soul growth, help us unite profoundly in love on spiritual, mental, emotional and physical levels.

Help me open myself in every way for this new kind of love - this healthy expression of authentic self with the man I have always dreamed of. 

Help us come together in true love. Love that invites and supports our truly open, honest, kind, compassionate and genuine style of communication. A holy union that recognizes and honors the divine in one another. One that invites and fosters authentic, passionate and playful interactions as we share daily experiences with one another.  A love that continues to grow and deepen over time and becomes stronger, and more precious and meaningful with each passing day. A love that will last a lifetime and beyond.

Allow me to fulfill my goals, and prepare me that I may enter into union with this man of my dreams in confident, trusting, empowered and divinely purposed ways. 

Goddess, bring us together and guide us in forming a holy union of love. Let us immediately recognize each other, and willingly choose one another in every way, again and again, every hour of every day. 

With deep gratitude and pure intention, please honor my request.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly 

30 May 2022

Love Letter to Seshat

Beloved Goddess, 

I honor you and give thanks for all that you have taught us, and for the gifts of writing and the written word.

Divine Keeper of Records, remember us with a smile. She Who Writes the river of time, blessings unto you. She Who inscribes karma, and life itself, please make note of the depth of our love... and forgive our ignorance. Guide us in this life of trial and error: direct our hands and feet for good, our eyes, thoughts and words for beauty, peace and joy. Lift our vibration up high to meet yours. Let us mirror your kindness and grace. Let us embody your wisdom and learn to walk in truth and sacred purpose, as you do. Help me, and help us all to learn from the past that we can change our future, individually and as a whole. Let us create and manifest a collective new reality that inspires, delights and blesses us all -man, woman, child, as well as every living thing upon this earth. May we rise in collective conscious awareness and align with the Laws of Love. May we merge in unity with peace and harmony. 

May we remember who we are and begin living soulfully from a place of sacred honor, intuition, compassion, integrity, sovereignty, authenticity and unconditional love for ourselves and for one another. 

Seshet, you are so wise; having seen all - you understand everything. Teach us to use our free will wisely; to make choices that are healthy, uplifting, and meaningful. Guide us to make choices that are for the highest good of all. Help us to re-unite in the knowledge that we are One. Remind us that we are holy and loved beyond all measure. Show us the error of our false beliefs that we may let go of everything that needlessly divides and causes harm. Divert us from the path of destruction and free us from our karmic debt that we may emerge renewed, fully restored in the power of love and the glory of our original design. Embrace us as children in need of kind consideration. Teach us how to release the wounds and trauma that we carry as a whole and heal us on every level. Restore us to perfect well being that we may see one another as precious and worthy of all goodness, joy and blessings. Grant us a new beginning.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

29 May 2022

Love Letter to Ashtart

Beloved Goddess, 

We've been best friends for longer than I can even remember! Like a sister, you are so dear to me. What fun we've had! And, I still keep all the secrets we've shared throughout countless eons, together!

Star Goddess, this time has been so lonely without you. I know we agreed it would be great fun to test our psychic connection while the veil separates us - but how I miss having you with me!

Do you even remember what it's like here? How scary and challenging it is! Thankfully, Ashtart, I feel connected to you and can hear your voice in the quiet of the night. I love when you visit me during my dreams, but it's difficult to hold them close upon awakening. 

Last night I dreamt that you were standing naked in all your glory, holding up the sky. And, our griffins were with you! (I miss my sweet pet, Direndra, more than words can say. I talked with him as we rode through the stars... but, even still, I hope he is doing well and awaiting my return as much as I do. Give him a hug for me.). Earlier in the dream you were standing before a mirror. Your hair was hung in silky ringlets which fell sweetly on your shoulders. It was so endearing watching you arranging them with such admiring attention. You haven't changed, a bit. I makes me smile recalling the way you kept looking over in my direction. And, though no words passed between our lips, we were communicating like we always do - sharing on deeper levels than anyone else I know! It was such a lovely dream... I wish I could remember all of it, as I feel that you were sharing some bit of much needed wisdom with me. If so, please find another way to remind me.  

In an attempt to further test our intuitive and psychic connection, I took out a sheet of onion skin paper and wrote a list describing my emotional needs in dragons-blood ink. I used the glass quill you sent to me 7 years ago. And you will be happy to know that my penmanship is just as magickal as it ever was! 

Afterward, I caught it on fire, as burning it symbolically released all my heartfelt wishes unto you, and so began manifesting the magick that is us! I love you and hope you get it soon! 


Before going to bed, this evening, I sat outside and gazed up at the stars, thinking of you. As I did, I felt you gazing down at me, showering me in love. Suddenly, I saw a falling star! Like a little girl, I made a wish, three times, for my true love before it faded from sight. As it disappeared from sight, I knew that you were watching me, and are now doing your best to align the stars for my perfect match.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

28 May 2022

Love Letter to Bear Woman

Beloved Goddess,

I've been tracking you for days. Following your trail as I hike though these unknown woods... fighting back tears while running from fears; I'm desperate to find you!

I know. . . 

I know!! This is not the wise woman way! 

Truly, I honor the wisdom you taught me years ago, and with deep respect, I try to keep my focus on my sacred path. Yet I'm wasting away. I am feeling so stagnant and helpless... useless. You know that I am deeply grateful for all the ways you protect me and guide me to be a vessel of love for my tribe and community. Yet, I need more. I am aware that you want me to be brave and independent, but, but, I am struggling. As your adopted daughter, this doesn't come naturally for me. I need you. I need your magick, your hidden knowing, your wisdom, and your fearless strength.

 Are you aware that I have too many unmet needs? Mama, I do not know how to gather enough to nourish and sustain myself! A few berries here, a few flowers there, and an acorn or two simply isn't enough! I'm so hungry my belly growls louder than thunder! I am weary of foraging month after month- finding only meager resources. I need help! 

Please help me, Bear Woman. 

As the giver of psychic abilities, please sharpen mine! Teach me to listen and allow me to hear my own inner voice of wisdom. Awaken the sleeping goddess hibernating deep within my mind, body, heart and soul. Show me how to stand in a place of power- and claim what I need to live and thrive while also safeguarding what is most precious to me. I am calling upon you for love, support and guidance. Please, show me the way. 

I have been honoring the advice you gave me last year: Let life come to you... Slow down, retreat, rest and meditate for a while. 

I have let go of so much. I have seriously tried reorganizing my priorities... All to no avail! I can't resolve this ongoing issue, alone. 

Can you see me? I'm tired! I am going to sit here on this old tree stump under these shade trees and not take another step until I hear from you... You know my heart. Secretly, I hope that you will come find me. I'm so lost...

. . . Weary, frustrated, sad and a bit defeated, I sat there for so long that my body began to feel as heavy and hard as the dead wood. Quietly, I watched birds flit from branch, to branch... Deep sighs escaped my lips; slowly, my heart beat eased its rapid pace- Stress began to leave my body, little by little. 

Clouds formed shapes, and then slowly floated away, leaves blew on the wind, bumblebees came and kissed each little white flower that lay blooming at my feet. I watched with patient delight. Since my thoughts had no place to root, they left as quickly as I became aware of them- as effortlessly as breathing. One with nature- I was lost in the peaceful flow of being. . . Until I felt, then noticed something unfamiliar. 

shadow creature crisscrossed before my eyes, distracting my reverie and capturing my rapt attention! I stared in perplexed amazement trying to follow its flight pattern as it darted back and forth. I had the distinct impression that it was a messenger; purposely sent to me! 

At first, it appeared an intriguing, but blurry shape, fast moving and silent. I had no idea what it was. A bird? No! Though it was as swift as a hummingbird, it was three times too large! Was it a faery? Its body reminded me of one, maybe, but it flew too quickly this way and then, that. Faeries look like slow moving orbs of light. Whatever it was moved in large, wide sweeping circles as if trying to get my attention...  

As I began speaking to it in sweet, soft tones, it seemed to slow, and finally came into view. 

In an instant I realized it was a huge blue dragonfly! As large as my hand! I watched for long moments as it silently encircled me. Then, I heard a loud buzzing in my ear as it came from behind, and faintly brushed my hair with its iridescent wings.  

I asked it to come and rest on my outstretched hand, so I could see it better; but it did not. It just continued circling me, as if it were on a sacred mission! Then, unexpectedly, I heard your voice telling me:

It's time to wake up. Stop focusing on fear and illusions. Stand up straight. Step into the light of day! Stop hiding yourself away behind the walls of your inner cave. 

Look, my darling, and you will see that there is plenty. You are so dearly loved and cared for. It's time to use your faculties to brave the wild, enchanted forest!  Trust me. You are fully equipped. And, you are more than capable of dealing with the unknown, or whatever situation presents itself as a holy opportunity of possibility. 

Face your fear and stand tall! Do not allow any obstacle to get in the way between you and your joy.  Get out of the fray before you starve to death!! Embrace adventure and do not fear making mistakes; doing so makes you strong! 

Because she loves you, I sent dragonfly to help you navigate this dream- your life!  Her ancient wisdom is a deep mystery. She will help dispel your confusion. She has amazing vision- we do not. Trust her to show you a vibrant new reality. 

Like dragonfly, you too have spent most of your life in the developing stage. She will be your midwife, and will remain with you as you emerge from the husk of your former self, and begin to live the life you have only imagined and have long desired. 

It's been so uncomfortable, lately, because you have been changing on a cellular level. Yield to the truth of your true essence! Go with the transformative flow of constant change. It's inevitable. Downsize your dreams. Focus only on a few at a time... Let all the old ideas of how things should look, feel or unfold, fall away. 

Look in the mirror; envision yourself anew, create space for a higher vibrational version, as you transmute into a new expression of self.  

It's time to stop looking to books and teachers; the answers are not outside of you! It is your own conviction that teaches you - no one gives you the answers - you see them when you are ready and able. Not before! Crack open the old identity of yourself and your life, and become the next experience!

Remember: Her medicine is deeply feminine; irrational. She will guide you in releasing logic so you can trust your inner knowing. Do not fret. You will not be able to have long, cozy discussions, or journal insights with her the way you do with me. Befriend her in other ways. She will give sudden flashes of knowing that empower you to summon new energy into being. Continue to be a witness. She is my gift to you- sent to teach you the sacred process of death and rebirth! It is time for your metamorphosis. Be willing to let the old die. Something new and unimaginably  beautiful, colourful and much wanted is ready to be born through you! Do not resist, my daughter. Embrace the journey and the experience. You're going to be overjoyed and utterly delighted with the results! 

Soon. You will see her again. Be watchful.

Thank you Mama Bear! I feel a new sense of unity, health and energy emerging from deep within. Your love empowers me, has sustained me, even when unaware. I'm now willing to let go of the old versions of my reality so I can birth the new me.  

Thank you!

-Yours devotedly

27 May 2022

Love Letter to Sulis

Beloved Goddess, 

As I prayed at the sacred hot springs today, and gathered holy water-I felt you there in spirit... blessing me and healing all the areas within my physical and psychic being that are in misalignment with my truest and highest well-being. 

Each day, I speak loving words that bless the water before I drink it, cook with it, bathe, and clean. How profoundly grateful I am for its willingness to be exactly as I wish it to be - Love - Abundance - Peace - Health.

As I showered, steam filled the room and I imagined myself being in your ancient temple; fires burning in purification and the sacred waters cleansing powers absorbing into my pores, refreshing every cell in my body... bringing more love and health and vitality. I heard the water singing songs of blessings over and within my body, mind, heart and soul... clearing away all that defiles, taints or does harm. I felt you pouring blessings of renewal and revival upon me in a gushing flow. Afterward, I felt utterly rejuvenated and clear.

Beautiful Goddess, grant my wishes, please, that I may be free from worry and stress... that I may have the financial abundance I need to meet my obligations. 

Oh, precious, ancient one, I pray that you hear my prayers and bless me in ways I have only ever dreamed of. You know how long I have been trusting and believing. You know how deeply grateful I am for every drop I am given. Open me up to receive more freely! You know how long I have been patiently waiting for something good and wonderful to happen that would allow me to receive a steady flow - something that I can count on so I may truly rejoice and live my dreams without fear or reservation. 

My dreams are humble, Sulis. A home of my own with gardens and sacred trees, and everything else I've shared with you countless times. A center for gatherings and women's retreats. More than enough funds so I may create and share my love, wisdom and beauty with others. I now fully open my mind and heart to your abundance. I trust in myself and my ability to receive. I know that I am deserving, that I am worthy. Please grant my wish.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly


Four swallows visited me just as I was preparing to seal this letter! They delivered all four of your messages! And how sweetly they spoke to me. I heard and receive each and every one:

1. Make a smart wish, my darling.

2. Don't unintimate yourself.

3. Lean into your Yin energy.

4. Start something beautiful.

Thank you, beautiful and generous Sulis! You heard my prayers!! How beautifully you reassure me that wealth is on its way to me... that it is already mine - guaranteed! I am overjoyed and feel overflowing gratitude. 

Thank you!!

26 May 2022

Love Letter to Cordelia

Beloved Goddess, 

You've been slumbering for a long and restful season, Cordelia; and as promised, I'm sending a love letter as your wake up call. 

How glorious is your beauty, and radiant is your demeanor! I can almost see you nestled in the loving arms of the sweet earth, so richly fragrant- guarded by buried crystals and tree roots; tended by the faery spirits.  I wonder: Do the bears or foxes ever sleep with you? 

What magickal dreams did you entertain? What  new realities will you bring into being? Do the fly agaric mushrooms have their say in the order of things, there? 

The butterflies have arrived! I wish I could know what they so delicately whisper to the flowers. But, the flowers never tell their secrets. . . so, I may never know. 

In your honor, I wove together a garland of flowers and tossed it into the flowing river... Hopefully it will arrive at the same time as my letter - so you can wrap it about yourself in sacred adornment. I know how much you love flower blossoms! I do, too. Especially for you, I chose clusters of wild violets, magenta azaleas, green hydrangeas, daisies and orange milkweed blossoms... it turned out so pretty!

Please tell the faeries that their invited to come and spend the rest of spring with me... They'd love it here and I would love to see them again!

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

25 May 2022

Love Letter to Holy Spirit

Beloved Goddess, 

How brilliant, beautiful and pure is your feminine force! Yours is the voice of Love, Truth and Blessings. pray, to open my mind, body, heart and soul to your voice, to your glorious white light, to the holy essence and energy of love that communicates to my very depths. 

O! Gentle teacher, you instill Divine Laws that allow me to live and create and be in harmony with the celestial realms. You have taught me that change is sacred, that its wise ways are what keep me healthy; stagnation only occurs when I resist the sacred flow.   Holy Spirit, keep me ever in the flow of love. 

 Divine Mother, please pour your grace upon me. Help me to listen more closely, that I may always hear your divine spiritual missives, as your precious messages fill me with renewed compassion for myself and others. Your benevolent order and wisdom are the source of my well-being and a force for all positive change in my life. How I love to sit in meditation with you. 

Be with me always. 

Guide me on my sacred path of beauty. 

Gracious Goddess, early this morning, I warmed cream and stirred in a drizzle of honey to add to my cup of tea.  As I sipped its sweet warmth, I consciously imagined your holiest promises for my life internalizing within me to strengthen my soul purposes here on earth.  

Soon after, my heart felt as if doves flew free from a cage! My voice escaping from some unknown place of its own accord, with the most beautiful tone- the sound of angels speaking a language I do not recognize (Glossolalia? but, no...); it was like the voice of water filling my inner ears with joy! It was as if ancient secrets encoded in pure light rose from within me, up into the heavens- filling me with such hope, gladness and bliss, before spreading across the sky for all to hear.

May it be a blessing for us all.

Thank you!

-Yours devotedly

24 May 2022

Love Letter to Po Ino Nogar

Beloved Goddess, 

Great One, brings sweet rain to the earth and to my soul. Shower me with your love and attention. I am feeling parched, and in need of your gentle company. I hope you'll come visit me and stay for weeks! 

Davata, sister of my heart, I need an extra dose of your growth-oriented energy. Seriously, Po Ino Nogar, I have so many projects that I want to take root, care for and grow to fruition, so I may abundantly share with others. Symbolically, I am plowing my inner fields by reviewing the tasks I wish to complete online. Gathering all the ideas and dream seeds that I have neglected, I hope that you, Goddess of the Harvest, will help me nurture them and create a more intimate sisterhood community.


Remember that dance you performed last year? The one about creating, destroying and rebuilding - the one in which you danced upon a rice carpet made of black, red and yellow rice and blond lentils? The music was so tribal and exotic  - erotic. I can still hear the tapping of your shoes (like thunder) and see the swirl of your long dark skirt in my minds eye! 

Sometimes, I even imagine creating my own ricecarpet and embodying you, the Sustainer of Life- as I dance my dreams into reality.

Often, I close my eyes and imagine you here. When I open them, I can almost see your face in the clouds! You're always smiling! I especially love it when soft rain falls like drops of pure light upon my face and body; and  your beautiful goddess energy fills me to overflowing! 

I adore you. 

Please come, soon!

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

23 May 2022

Love Letter to Bellona

Beloved Goddess, 

She Who kindles the fire of the sun, kindle the fire in my belly when I need to stand up for myself, when I must fight for what is right! Grant me sincere diplomacy and tactfulness when communicating with ignorant, mean spirited, immature, or wounded people. Allow my spirit of calm compassion and gentle strength help them meet me in a heart centered space of harmony that we may commune with love. Train me to speak my Truth with fearless and self-assured confidence. Guide me to handle any explosive situation with keen effectiveness to a peaceful conclusion. Teach me how to be strategic while dealing with uncomfortable situations and with those who are overly confrontational, argumentative or  combative  and hellbent to cause harm. 

Sister, you know how I have struggled with standing up for myself, using my voice, and  claiming my right to exist. I admire your fierce warrioress stance, your gallant passion and sacred intention when honoring Truth and protecting our right to live in Love and Light. 

Today, I call upon you to bless my symbolic pen (my laptop) and my symbolic sword (my tongue) in magickal ways. I  hold them up to your high standard, and ask of you:

Bellona, see these implements of magick, which as any, have two sides- for boon or bane. May only goodness flow through these tools, and may I ever remain aware of the responsibility for their use. 

So mote it be. 

Thank you for your dedicated devotion and patient attention in boosting my self-esteem, revealing my innate power every chance you can, and inspirationally empowering me to be authentic without regard for the opinion of others who do not approve or who criticize me. You have blessed me with your divine strength and courage. You are my shining example. I deeply respect and honor you, and everything you represent. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

22 May 2022

Love Letter to Macha

Beloved Goddess,

O Mighty One with flaming red tresses, your potency clears away the barren land within my mind so that something fertile may grow and flourish. Ever vigilant, you protect me and guard my thoughts from evil, from harmful and invasive fears... from all threat with malevolent intent. With the sword of Truth, banish all that keeps me from success and victory. 

Like wild fire which is so outwardly destructive but necessary for clearing away underbrush and nourishing the soil, you show me that everything is simply a matter of perspective/contrast. Everything, ultimately and truly, is for the highest good of all (though I may or may not understand how or why, at the time).

Last night, I cried out to you in the darkness after waking from a disturbing dream. Black wings beat against my window pane with rapid insistence... the sound of breaking glass... the sense of being sightless, helpless and alone. But somehow, suddenly you were there with me, brushing the hair from my tear streaked face, speaking soothing words of calm, cool comfort, caressing my fevered and troubled thoughts until they all vanished, and I was able to drift back into a restful sleep.

Early this morning, just shortly after breakfast,  a murder of crows visited me. 

Were they sent by you? 

An omen! I decide, as I began counting them: 1, 2, 3, 4. They stared at me - with eyes bright and dark, as I quietly began repeating the nursery rhyme I learned as a little girl: 

One for sadness, two for mirth; three for health (marriage), four for wealth (birth); five for laughing, six for crying: Seven for sickness, eight for dying; nine for silver, ten for gold; eleven a secret that will never be told.

Their eyes revealed the wisdom of shadow and light, as well as the neutral space in-between. In a vision, I saw that this is where I am to live- in this space of trusting. In the truth of knowing that no matter what, all is well! 

In the shudder of a deep sigh and in the stillness of my own inner awareness, I knew: All is well when I stay focused on the direction I want to go. 

Shattering that timeless daydream- only a seemingly momentary lapse in time- the fluttering of black wings took flight and lifted my vision to a tall tree branch overhead. Then, back to the earth with the cawing of a crow walking clumsily in the grasses; who stopped at my feet suddenly very interested in something hidden from my view. Then, another loud caw! This time, as if in warning: 

Do not get tangled up in the paradox. We are here to help you clear the path of built up frustration, so you can re-center; so you can choose to re-enter your own heart space of Love. 

Then, I heard the whispering of your voice, speaking as if on the wind, so softly, I wondered if it was my imagination: You always have a choice! Choose love! Remember: it's the act of choosing that allows you to experience, for yourself, the process of uniting in harmony with the Divine Law of Love. Love is all that truly matters. It is woven into everything! Love is the quantum energy that comprises all: the Great Mystery- the Divine Feminine- the wholeness of being. There is never anything to fear my darling, as ultimately, no matter what happens, there is nothing larger or more powerful than the space of love which contains it. Love is the sacred chalice that holds everything. This is the Law of Crow: All discord eventually returns to harmony.  And, the ultimate truth of life is the Law of Love. 

Macha, there are so many scary things happening in the world- nightmarish rumors, heartbreaking tragedies, heavy and terrifying news. Though I am deeply rooted in Love, I struggle to keep my balance, sanity, inner peace, hope and gratitude. Before now, I never fully understood the purpose for contrast. No one ever explained that it is a gift! The precious and priceless gift of creative free will, of choice! I didn't realize that duality and contrast are the sacred perspectives which actually allow us all to reside in this 3rd dimension! Who knew it is the magick power of transformation? Of shifting this reality with our divine gift of soulful  creativity?! 

Thank you for granting me clarity today. Thank you for teaching me how to view contrast in a new way. Thank you for reminding me that I always have a choice! Love holds me, and I hold the power to manifest whatsoever I desire by simply being aware of my conscious and unconscious choices.  

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly


Whenever I am feeling afraid, confused frustrated, or unsure of what to do, I will follow your wise advice and make a list of my current experiences on one side of a piece of paper, and write out the opposite experiences for each one on the other side. This way, I can clearly see what my choices are! 

It seems so simple, now. I am so grateful for you and for the wisdom of crow medicine! I have never known a more effortless, practical and helpful application for making choices that align with what I truly desire. I will choose love in all situations. I can't wait to see how this choice changes everything! I'm especially excited to learn if this is the key to entering the 4th and 5th dimensions! ...I now see that this is where my visions and creations can live fully supported in love! How exciting this sacred journey is! Thank you for walking the path of beauty with me. 

21 May 2022

Love Letter to Iambe

Beloved Goddess, 

You are so funny! I laugh every time I think of you and the conversations we've shared throughout the years! I love your honesty and ability to tell it like it is! Your blatant sexuality and fearlessness in breaking social norms and outmoded rules is something I have always admired!

It amuses me that your name means speech, especially since those immature boys began drawing on the bathroom walls depicting you as a yoni! How ironic is that! 

But, that's also how ugly rumors get started! Just like the man who was so unfamiliar with the anatomy of a woman, that he labeled our sacred flower, our temple: Vagina dentata -as if it had teeth, and might bite off or injure his little penis!

Every time I see that drawing of you, I laugh. Not at you, but at the power they've inadvertently given to you, to our lady bits! Your wit inspired Eve Ensler, no doubt, to write the Vagina Monologues! She's taken this picture of you to the nth degree and actually gives our vagina a voice!! It's hilarious and yet, so authentic! She said it became a kind of passion. Discovering the key, unlocking the vagina's mouth, unlocking its voice, its wild song!   . . .to speak of them out loud, to speak of their hunger and pain and loneliness and humor, to make them visible so that they can not be ravaged in the dark without great consequences.  She went on to say: Fighting violence against women means opening to the great power of women, the mystery of women, the heart of women, the wild unending sexuality and creativity of women-and not being afraid!

On behalf of all women, thank you, Iambe!

From the depths of my heart, I wish others knew you as I do, especially your poetic side... How deep and giving you are. How playful - joyful! You're always smiling. 

You'll be delighted to know, that change is happening! We are speaking! Women are talking about sex and our bodies! We are no longer blindly believing harmful myths. We're  exposing the secrets, the lies! We refuse to be shamed. We are brave and no longer ruled by fear! t

This is what is what's being written of you now on the walls of the girls locker room-

Iambe, your metered muse confounds,

yet, wherever it's spoken, magick abounds, 

full and fierce, potent and free;

and when I hear it I know 

that the magick is me!

I am so happy that some do know you! You've always made me feel this way!

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

20 May 2022

Love Letter to Bai Mundan

Beloved Goddess, 

How I remember the elegant beauty and sensual nature of your Mother. She revealed only the most honorable intentions. How pure and white was her skin, and how gentle her speech and manner. She exuded romance of a time long ago, and exquisitely expressed the essence of the divine feminine. Delicate but emotionally strong, graceful and cultured, her teachings of the womanly art of love remain with me still. After all these years, I have never forgotten her. So esteemed is she in my memory.

I came across this postcard you sent of yourself two years ago. I couldn't find it for the longest time, and there it was, hiding in-between the pages of a book I never finished! The White Book by Han Kang. Did you ever read it? 

Ooh how I miss you! It's raining, and I'm curled up in this big overstuffed chintz chair reminiscing about my visit with you last spring... Can you believe it's been a year ago? Remember how we dressed in those long, elegant, flowing vermillion red dresses? How feminine and sensual we felt?!! Our strolls in the gardens... early mornings spent gathering peonies! Ooh! How they filled your home with the most beautiful, intoxicating scent! Their gorgeous fragrance lingered for days on our clothing, hair and skin. Remember the late hours we kept? I loved sharing romantic musings, sipping tea, smoking sweet, floral mugwort (We called it Artemisia princeps; we are so sophisticated! And, we had such lucid dreams that week! Remember?). Reciting poetry with you was so evocative and erotic... What a beautiful time we shared. 

I'm so excited about your visit here, next month. The peonies will be in full bloom. I know you love the white ones that bloom wildly in Korea, but I can't wait to show you the pink and magenta ones that grow in my garden! 

Yes, I am still waiting for my true love. Early this morning, I picked the first white flower I came upon and slowly plucked each of its precious petals, and quietly asked in the depths of my heart, from across the oceans of time and space for you to please help me in this sacred task. I kept the last petal as a love charm and will release it to the air and earth, too, when my soulful wish comes true.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

19 May 2022

Love Letter to Fuwch Gyfeilioru


Beloved Goddess, 

Thank you for the abundant gifts you've given to me throughout my life. Creativity, the love of art, communication skills, knowledge and the desire to learn are truly priceless blessings! Your kindness and generosity is abundant. I am inspired by the unspoken magick of life that whispers in the soulful language of poetry and other-worldly wisdom...

O! How nourished I am and overflowing with happiness... O pure, white elfin cow, you bring deep inner peace to my spirit... and fill me with joy. 

Remember that summer day, years ago, as we sat together in the meadow? Wildflowers were blooming everywhere about us, and the stream sang a constant love song as we laughed and shared secret dreams? I do! I loved that time with you.... 

Earlier today, I placed my hand over my art magick journal and asked you for guidance; I feel as if I have not lived up to the expectations I have for myself. I opened it at random, and there, upon the colourful pages, you showed me just how far I've come! Just how wise I am in the ways of metaphysics and mystic insight. Though I feel stagnant at times, slow to evolve and blossom, you reminded me just how much I've actually grown, how much deeper my knowing, how much more light I emit, how much more conscious I am of the divine in everything, including myself!

Fuwch Gyfeilioru, in your name and by my will, I claim all that is for me and rejoice at the ability to live and share and experience this life! I reclaim all that I have unknowingly and ignorantly given away. I reclaim my power and my ability to nourish and nurture myself. I reclaim my ability to create the life I want to live. I claim that I am free to learn all that I need to fulfill my soul purpose. I remember you, and I am strengthened. I remember who I am!

I am a woman of honour. I am a woman of grace and wisdom. I am a creative woman who is inspired daily - moment by moment to be a pure reflection of love, of the goddess.  I acknowledge and cherish my inner voice, my intuitive knowing and my inherent connection to the sacred within all. I love and cherish my body. I love and cherish the holy cycles and seasons of being woman. I love and celebrate my innate ability to be receptive and open. Empower me, beloved, in the ways I need- that I may be as pure, wise and powerful as you.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

18 May 2022

Love Letter to Boru Deak Parudjar


Beloved Goddess,
I love that you understand how I feel.... this uneasy discontent with life as I know it, with the lack of something solid to count on, and the want for something more. 
I received your message today, and I promise, I will take a leap of faith - I'll do something out of my comfort zone and be adventurous!
This morning, just as the sun began to rise, I awoke and while in poetic prayer, I thought of you and decided to make rice pudding. Yes, I followed the recipe you gave to me exactly! And, afterward, I went for a walk through the forest, and placed a few grains of rice in the indention my feet made in the almost dried mud, that your courage might guide my feet all this day. May I walk my path of beauty in the direction I most need to go. You are my shining example of what it means to be brave! What it means to take a chance and dare to follow the urgings of your spirit. 
Thank you. 
-Yours devotedly

17 May 2022

Love Letter to Nejma


Beloved Goddess,
Upon waking from dreams, I recalled visiting you in d'El Maqta! I bathed in the sacredness of the motherly womb, and my spirit was made whole. I felt the strengthening of my body, my health revitalized, and a reassuring sense of divine protection. 
I also remember being told not to fight my nature tendency to stay up late, as this is what gives me courage...  Strangely, I awoke with an insistent craving for beets and carrots!

In your honor, Nejma, I am going to start walking first thing in the morning upon waking... and I will spend this day loving and caring for my body, mind and spirit. 
By opening the windows to let in fresh air, I felt my own spirit lift - my thoughts felt cleansed of negativity! By smudging with Palo Santo I felt the energies shift and the white smoke wrapped about me like a white light of protection. I know that you were here with me in spirit. 
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

16 May 2022

Love Letter to Hosia


Beloved Goddess,
I see you. I see your lightness of being woven throughout the moments in a day, through the whispering of leaves, in the faces of flowers, on the wings of birds, in the ripples of water and in the silence of my thoughts.  
Your grace allows me to forgive myself and others with ease. Your beauty allows me to see the holiness in myself and everyone and every thing around me. Your bounty allows me to bless the bread and fruits I am given, and with gratitude, eat what makes me holy ...

Thank you for creating sacred ritual. I love beautiful rites and the art of magick and creating a sacred flow in my life. 
Always, in your honor, I cleanse my ritual tools and crystals. Offering them to you for the blessing of us all. My power and magick is ever for the highest good of all.

Today, beloved Hosia, be with me in sacred ceremony and guide my energy toward the successful manifestation of my soulful desires. Bless the tools of my hands, heart and spirit that I may be cleansed of any impurity and allowed the grace of magickal purpose and focused consciousness in all that I choose and do. Help me to release the things (habits, thoughts, and energies) that do not align with Divine Truth and Love. 
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

15 May 2022

Love Letter to Fire Woman


Beloved Goddess,
Fire woman, wild woman of Borneo, I long to sit with you, again. Paint my face and body to make me beautiful, to tell the story of my life. Burn away the lies and ways that keep me from being true to my self, authentic in my power, connected to the love of earth and soul. 
I dream of hearing your voice... the smooth flow like ocean waves, rising and falling of holy breath, the steady heartbeat of rhythm. I dream of a simpler time, when days spread out slow and long - filled with a hundred timeless things - like cutting wood into small tinder, like burning fires for cooking... like the messy but earthy nature of gathering ash, mixing paint and using twigs and fingers to mark skin on face, hands, legs and body... like being together, gathering with family and tribe - to eat, to laugh, to sit and talk, to adorn one another - the old and new born babes - falling asleep while tedious rites are performed upon their flesh and hair. These old ways are dying and have almost been forgotten in the culture of the West. We rush and stay busy ever moment, almost constant activity... no space or time for the gentle flow of time. 

We have lost our precious memories of the  almost imperceivably slowness of unfolding time when nothing must be done, and yet, when everything is done. I long for this again. I try to recapture it, re-create it, but there is always something in the background 'ticking', scolding, keeping track of how much time has passed, how much time I am wasting - judgment; like the policing of time and space. Making the act of simply being, breathing, being aware and engaging with the little things in life, a crime. Something to be shamed for! No more!!! I release these vile rules and unagreed upon constraints. I release them for myself and for my future generations. 
Fire woman, come and burn away the need for constant business. Burn away the need to conform and fit in. Burn away all that keeps us caged and robs us of our freedom to be alive.
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly.

14 May 2022

Love Letter to Dag


Beloved Goddess,
O bright beauty, shine your light on me. When I last wrote to you to tell you that my inner resources were lagging and to call upon you for assistance, I was delighted with how quickly you responded. Since then, I have been wearing more gold and have been sitting outdoors in the early morning light, lifting my skirt as you suggested, so that the sun could shine no my thighs. Amazingly, it worked! I'm not nearly as tired as I was feeling before. My energy levels seem to be rising daily. Even my fingernails have grown strong and long - is this somehow connected?

Darling Dag, I wish you were here. I'd love to go on a road trip with you. I love horses, and would ride if I could, but, for now, I bless and enjoy the horse power of a car! I've been going for rides in the country, enjoying the lush beauty of spring - the waterfalls and wildflowers... the sweet leaved trees that are quickly turning dark green and creating rich shade in preparation for the summers heat. 
As the days unfold, please guide me to delve in deeper to the energies of movement and change and help me to find meaningful ways to honor the sacred cycles of my life. 
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

13 May 2022

Love Letter to Mary


Beloved Goddess, 

I stand before you, and place my hands in yours. I give my heart to you. I focus my acts and energy and thoughts on love. 

I feel your gentle essence embrace me. I feel your cool touch upon my fevered skin offering sweet refreshment and hope.

I hear your whispered guidance tell me that I am as you... that everything I need is already mine. 

Like you, I claim my virginity - I belong to myself; I am a free woman. I am independent and autonomous; unified with the Divine. One with the holiness of being. One in Love.

Mother, remind me of who I truly am when I begin to feel overcome by all that others say I should be. Remind me of my authentic power and purpose here on Earth. Remind me of why I chose to come here, as I often forget. The energies are too heavy most days, and I end up feeling so weary from all the sorrow, fear-mongering, and strife. Mother Mary, open my heart ever wider that I may hold all that I am meant to love and comfort. 

Mary, Mother of Miracles, hear me, see me, free me. Grant me the ability to manifest and receive all that I need. Especially in the form of money, as no matter how minimal I keep my basic needs, I seem to struggle with money. Despite the acts of giving freely of myself, my heart and soul wisdom - I am not receiving an equal energy exchange. I'm left feeling uncertain (sometimes afraid) each month when my bills are due. Please make a miracle occur and bless me with enough money each year to budget. I need an allowance. Something I may count on. Please mother. 

Thank you.

-Your devotedly

12 May 2022

Love Letter to Damara


Beloved Goddess,
I received your note to let me know of your arrival. Thank you for promising me well-being and improved fortune for the month! I truly need it and am most grateful. I am so happy to hear of your return. How I've missed you! 
The flowers are overflowing their beds and pots in joyful welcome!
Please come this weekend for a long visit. I will prepare your favorite tea, as well as cakes and other small bites to delight your eyes and sweet mouth. 
Let's make small floral garlands and bouquets tied with blue and lavender and pale green ribbon, like we did last year. Let's secretly leave them on the doorsteps of everyone who has been so kind and even to those who aren't! Can you just imagine their happy surprise finding them?
I have taken your advice to place flowers every where I need or want to find abundance. I've tucked petals into my purse, as the background of my cell phone, on my body in the form of oils and perfumes, in my hair, on the table, and even on my bedspread! I'm gifting flowers to everyone I know in the form of cards, art, poetry and packets of flower seeds. I want to spread the beauty of flowers everywhere I go!

Today, I even made a cup of rose and violet tea to infuse their energy into every cell of my body! I am so grateful for you, and for your presence in my life.
Thank you!
-Yours devotedly

11 May 2022

Love Letter to Bast


Beloved Goddess,

You have taught me so much throughout the years... how to always land on my feet, how to keep my independent spirit alive, how to care for myself in luxurious yet simple ways, how to befriend and honor a positive, playful attitude, no matter what the situation. These life lessons have served me well.

I am so grateful that you sent Shiva DaVee Nambe to me as a kitten. He truly is my dearest love and most helpful familiar. I love him with all my heart and cannot imagine a single day without him. 

I have been keeping every whisker that I find, and am grateful that you honor my wishes when I burn one in your honor. I found one the other day that I'm saving for an especially desired wish to come true. Please listen for my prayer in the coming days. I have need of little and much simultaneously. My heart is full of gratitude for all the blessings you send my way and I enjoy sharing them with others, too. 

Last week I was given a cat's-eye crystal and I am wearing it daily with reverence to you! Remind me of my natural instincts when I am feeling overwhelmed and in need of peaceful solitude. Beloved Bast, grant me a little more time to lounge about please. I am in need of more cat naps, too!

Thank you,

_Yours devotedly

10 May 2022

Love Letter to Saoquing Niang


Beloved Goddess,
How thirsty my soul is for the refreshing purity of love, truth and blessings throughout our world. 
Saoquing Niang, please come and bring the rains to nourish the depths of my soul. Sweep away where there has been too much harshness, where there has been too much sorrow or fear. Wash away all that is not for my highest good that I may be fully refreshed and revitalized, that my energy be fully restored. And thereby, that I may be a blessing to others.

Earlier this morning I wrote your name with a cornflower blue crayon on rice paper and hung it in the tree near the entrance of my home, that you see my faith and may bring the blessings of rain. I know that you will honor your promise in the coming days or weeks... I await with joyful anticipation. Until then, I will be watching for you in the clouds, and in the stars at night. Please reveal yourself to me that I may know you in new ways.

I'll write again after the storms arrive.
Thank you. 
-Yours devotedly

09 May 2022

Love Letter to Securita


Beloved Goddess, 
You have been an omen of grounding and protection throughout time. As an amulet or a sigil you keep watch over us and ensure that we are safe. I have never seen your face, yet, I have seen a few drawings and coins with your image. 
Beloved benefactor of the world, thank you for providing stability and firm foundations in our life, even as everything around us seems to crumble and fall about us. Keep us safe, and protect us from those who seek to destroy us. Keep us brave and strong that we may overcome fear and continue to choose faith, love, peace and compassion. Keep us true. Keep us in alignment with love in all that we do and say and are. Keep us in harmony with Mother Earth and you. Release us from the pranks of mischievous spirits, and give peace and rest to their lost souls. 

In your honor, I have made a pot of homemade leek soup today. I have invited those closest to me over to eat and partake in the protection you so generously offer us. May we all be safe and loved and blessed abundantly.
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly