
31 July 2022

Love Letter to The Narucnici


Beloved Goddesses,

At my birth, you three determined my fate and gave me the divine gifts of spirituality and divination. You looked upon me with such loving intentions and then, blessed me with compassion, acute awareness, kindness. and an unending desire to love and be loved. 

Often, you have altered my destiny when you saw me rushing blindly into disaster; though you honored my choices, albeit ill-informed, and allowed me to feel intense passion, hurt and sorrow. 

I don't know what my fate holds in the future or how long my life shall be, but I am most grateful for the kindnesses you've shown to me along my journey, and the ways you have protected me from danger and guided me on my mystic path.

You are the ones that helped open my third eye and have instructed me to intuitively attune to the divine through oracles, tarot, signs and the seemingly random synchronicities that have tied and woven together wisdom and magick.

Please continue watching over me with your sightless eyes.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

30 July 2022

Love Letter to Tiamat

Beloved Goddess,

I love you! 

My heart aches knowing that your own sons are the ones who destroyed you... Why must this be so? Why have they, for all these uncountable eons, been allowed to reign supreme against you, been allowed to call evil righteousness? They have ever since rages against your daughters! They want to hide our power from us, deny that we are daughters of the primordial Queen - the Mother of us all!  Why, Great Mother? 

Please restore your holy self- Your ocean depth is still powerful; bring into your sacred being all that you are! Restore perfect order, the order of chaos, and disallow anything to come against you and your precious, life-giving truth and essence. 

We, your daughters are standing strong. We stand with you, for you, in unity with the divine feminine aspects of our being. Restore balance. 

Ooh Great Mother, I am but a babe crying for her mother. I do not understand why she has been wounded, severed and taken from me - Only bring her back to me! Return my beloved Mother, that I may suckle at her breasts and find comfort and strength in her arms, and learn to grow as a wise and strong as she. Please, Mother, hear my cries. Return to me in ways that empower all of womankind.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

29 July 2022

Love Letter to Voluspa

Beloved Goddess,

In your honor, I have vowed to keep away from all electronics, today. I have turned off the phone, tv and computer. 

For this day, I have chosen to reflect on the past. And, to honor my journey and the events that have brought me here. Earlier, I gathered all my old journals from the last couple of years and spent two hours reading what I had written. There was much I had forgotten and I delighted in the re-discovery of cherished wisdom/insight, beauty and magick!

I have just finished preparing our bountiful and colourful picnic: A roasted herb-crusted chicken, purple potato salad, deviled eggs, pickled beets, mushroom and feta filled spinach wraps, a bottle of red wine, a loaf of crusty bread, and peach tarts for dessert! It looks and smells delicious! Everything is tucked into the wicker basket, along with a huge thick blanket and a white tablecloth and napkins. I even packed the rose blossom silver set you gave to me years ago... I've also gathered a stack of Battenberg lace shamed Euro pillows for our comfort. It's going to be so lovely!!!

I'm so excited to be spending the late afternoon with you. I secretly hope our visit spills late into the evening (and I've prepared for the possibility by tucking in some candles and two shawls). 

Voluspa, please bring that thick tome that grandmother kept from her grandmothers childhood - the one filled with history and mystical tales from long ago... the one with all those exquisite illustrations that we've looked at so many times we've memorized every intricate detail. I love it so! Perhaps, you will feel inspired to read to me the way you used to do... I promise not to fall asleep, this time.

I'm ready to learn and engrave upon my mind the ancient stories; the old wise ways are being erased as if they never happened- I want to remember them... and share them with my grandchildren. Show me the truth of the past, that I may be fully aware and not fall victim to blind ignorance, the way many others do. Release me from the illusions and lies that seek to cause harm and rob us of our power, our culture, our sovereignty. Free my heart and mind so I may liberate Truth that resides eternal within my blood and bones. Help me to forget the false narrative and remember what is true.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

28 July 2022

Love Letter to Old Woman of the Sea

Beloved Goddess,

Your body contains the waters of the earth... Having collected every tear we've ever cried, your fathomless heart is full to overflowing- faithfully holding all of our emotions in your oceans depth. Taking our sorrow, you refresh our spirit. Taking our pain, you restore ease. Taking our weariness, you revive us with your regenerative power. Taking our  burdens, you give us a reprieve; a serene place to rest and heal our body, mind and spirit.

Ancient primordial mother, your holy power and essence fills the vast oceans of the world. You rock us in your gentle arms, keep secrets, hold mysteries, and provide for us all. You are the great womb of the earth; your sacred salty waters birth our spirits. 

Ferocious yet playful your energy invites us to enjoy rest and recreation - to play in the sand and surf... to surrender and relax into your buoyant embrace, trusting in your strength and abundant ability to nourish and nurture, heal and restore us on every level. 

Old Woman of the Sea, I first met you when I was a girl... while building sandcastles by the waters edge. Methodically dripping wet sand to create little fortresses for my soul to live, away from the overwhelming cares of daily life- I poured my heart into the making of each castle. And, each one held all my secret thoughts, hopes and fears. I still marvel at the way you patiently waited and watched... giving me time to vent and create and dream, allowing me to witness my creation for a little while, before gathering it up and erasing it from the prying eyes of others... Somehow, it was an unspoken game we played - give and take... I gave of myself and you took me into your special care. Erasing all traces from the shore that I'd ever been there... Yet, clearing the slate for me to begin again, and again: Always a fresh, new start. 

I can still remember the way your gentle love reached for me over and over and over again... softly touching, cleansing, healing, and cooling my skin, my soul. Endlessly, your voice whispered words of encouragement, peace and truth. Your rhythmic caress soothed and comforted me - it still does. It still does...

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

27 July 2022

Love Letter to Nuvak'Chin'Mana


Beloved Goddess,

Many years ago, in late February of 1994, as Paula and I drove through Garden of the Gods on our way home from a month long journey in New Medico, you offered blessings for my returning an ancient Kiva blanket to its sacred home! 

At the time it was just a strange set of events, that I could not understand. Only now do I realize it was you! 

A drive that should have taken no more than 20 minutes to pass through, somehow took more than 3 hours! Three signs were given. The first was a dancing kachina on the roof of the old trading post- Though it was dark, there you were as clear as day. We pulled off the road and watched in awe; not knowing it was you, I was puzzled as to why anyone would be up on a roof of a building dancing all alone on a cold Colorado night. The second event, I will not mention- but you know as well as I. The third, was the event that I remembered today, and that which made me know it was you - the snow maiden, the ghost kachina that I encountered all those years ago! 

We were almost to the other side of the Garden, heading to Manitou, when it began to snow. As passenger, I was watching out the window when I suddenly noticed small little foot prints in the snow. Walking alongside the road! So tiny they were that I could only imagine a small child - of two or three - fearing that somehow she got lost from her parents and was walking trying to find her way. My heart ached, imagining her tear stained face. We crept along, slowly so to follow and keep her warm until the authorities could be notified. The small footsteps continued for almost a mile before simply vanishing! They did not continue, veer off across the road, or into the juniper brush - they just simply stopped and no one in sight! Yet, you were there... communicating with me in spirit. I wish I had known, and had been able to hear your sacred message. A grateful heart is one ready to give and receive more of the Goddess!

Please know that I honor the experience, Nuvak'Chin' Mana and am thankful for your presence in my life. If ever I am blessed enough to come into your blessed realm again, please make yourself known to me. 

Ghost spirit kachina whose name means: Snow Maiden, please send blessings of good health to us all, this winter. 
Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

26 July 2022

Love Letter to Anne

Beloved Goddess,

After focusing on writing for several days, I awoke this morning and noticed every surface seemed cluttered! So, I lit a candle on the altar and called to you, and began cleaning. I visualized white light illuminating every surface that I cleared or straightened, and every surface I washed with holy water. By the end of the hour, my home fairly shone with your blessings and I felt healthier, and more clear than I have in a month of Sundays. You are such a beautiful inspiration whenever the energies feel stuck in my home, or body. Please continue blessing me with good health. 

Thank you!

-Yours devotedly

25 July 2022

Love Letter to Tamayorihimi

Beloved Goddess, 

I will never forget the first time I met you... 

You were sitting cross-legged like a child in the flow of fast moving water. Your long, dark hair was tied up in a knot. Cords wrapped about your slender arms, bound like bracelets from which long tassels hung. Your fair skin was draped in the sheerest fabric that clung to your body like the finest silk, revealing the delicate outline of your naked form. 

Unaware that I had come upon you, you continued singing a song so sweet that upon hearing it, I froze, no longer able to walk past, nor utter a word of greeting or apology. Mesmerized by the angelic siren sound of your voice... I could only listen.

With only a mere flash of awareness of not wanting to rudely stand over you, I sank into the water at my feet, and sat the way you were positioned. Vaguely aware that my summer dress swished to and fro around my body like seaweed as the tide came in and rolled out. The salty water swirling around my thighs and belly as I closed my eyes and merged with you as your soul song wove loose strands of me into the a language I didn't know- 

Words as lilting and light as air, distant and far away, yet somehow I understood their meaning. Somehow, they were as familiar as my own thoughts:

Back down to the water front
Sunlit hue to keep my body warm
I guess you loved the man, I couldn't tell
It's the cold wet hand
against my mother's spell
Water bring my body in
I know she loves me
through thick and thin
And I call on the water to clean
The remains of the dirt that it leaves
To be brave and alert and pristine
There's a stain in the heart of me
Water bring my body in
I know she loves me
through thick and thin
Current come pull me down
I won't take a breath, I wanna drown

After a time, you must have stopped singing, but I was unaware, so lost in the romance of the moment and the rhythmic lapping of the waves kissing my skin. When it finally dawned on me, I opened my eyes to find you watching me with such tenderness, and something akin to a deeply knowing compassion. 

Slowly, a soft smile lifted the corners of your lips just as a tear fell from your eye. I placed my hands in prayer mudra to my lips, and bowed to you with eyes closed. My heart an unveiled apology for my uninvited voyeuristic crime.
As if carried by the wind, you were kneeling beside me, bathing ribbons of water over my arms and face with such gentleness it made me cry. Eye to eye, we gazed into one another until the sun began to set, and shivers rocked our bodies. Then, arm in arm, you pulled me to my feet, and together we walked into the ocean depths and found warmth and rest. 

Ancient ruler of the sea, and She Who governs all matters of health, cleanse me from all impurity that I may be healed of all disease, that I may be free of past sins and needless fear. The next time we meet, lets dance with the flow of tides and sing another song - this time, a song of awakening joy.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly.

Letter by the Water 
lyrics by The Japanese House

24 July 2022

Love Letter to Vatiaz

Beloved Goddess,

I can still see the intensity of your eyes upon me the first time we met. You stared into my soul as if you were claiming it as your own. As if by looking into the depths of me, I would be filled with a remembrance of who I am, from where I came, to whom my soul belonged. 

Strangely, somehow, I did!

We spoke very little that day, and yet, I felt as if I had known you always. Quietly, you took my hand like a mother, or a sister. And, led me along a high mountain path with steep edges and sharp turns. 

Fearlessly, I followed. Somehow knowing if you were leading me, I was safe to walk the trail you blazed. Despite my fear of falling from great heights, I walked with confidence and steadfast faith.

At the top of the ledge, we stood side by side overlooking a vast valley and a snake like river that shimmered in the sunlight. 

We stood there for a long time, without making a sound until my breath became calm and steady... deep and slow.

When suddenly, an unexpectedly shrill whistle pierced the silence. I almost lost my balance in surprised disbelief at witnessing the sound coming from your beautifully sensual mouth. 

Swiftly, in a single motion, you took hold of my arm and lifted it high with your own as we reached into the clear blue sky. What I thought was a sign of triumph, was actually an invitation, a summons. As, from seemingly nowhere, a huge hawk flew into view! You dropped my hand just as it came in and landed on your leather banded arm. His sharp beady gaze landed on me and reverently, I held back an urge to laugh as its head turned this way and that, as if sizing me up. My muffled amusement swiftly turned into awe as he spread his wings wide before me, as if revealing his power and reminding me of his strength.

Like the hawk, you embody the gifts of endurance and well-being. Teaching by example, how to freely, but metaphorically fly above and beyond all limitations. how to use the power of vision, wisdom, intuition to see from a higher perspective. 

Mindfully observing and focusing on the task at hand, instead of allowing fear or distraction to keep me from accomplishing my goals.

Woman of Great Strength, I call upon you for the gift of physical prowess and endurance. Please motivate me to move my body- empower me to dance and walk with passion and purpose Help me to stand in my personal power, embodying the essence of excellence which you so effortlessly exude. 

Grant me the ongoing vitality to participate more fully and fervently in my daily life that I may align with my higher purpose and highest good.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

23 July 2022

Love Letter to Freyja


    Beloved Goddess, 

Lady, your glory radiates like the holiest of light;  with tenderness, you watch over all known and secret matters of my heart. 
Goddess, it is you who keeps my heart open, no matter how often I long to seal it closed and hide the key in the depths of the ocean that holds every tear I've ever cried. Yet, somehow, you continue to encourage me to never give up hope. 

Early this morning while walking along the edge of the forest, I came upon a wild patch of strawberries! Thick and wide, with leaves as dark as the pine trees... I let out a gasp of delighted pleasure at the unexpectedness marvel! The sun poured down a bright beam of light illuminating tiny bursts of red. As if by magick, they called to me, each small berry so shiny and bright! As I sat upon the soft earth, I took slow, deep breaths, marveling at their fresh fragrance; awakening a memory from so long ago. Closing my eyes in delight as their sweetness spread the warm flavor of summer over my tongue. Juicy and real in a way store bought strawberries never are! It was as if I were in a  fairy land, the wonder of mysteries dancing around and within me...

Leaving more than I ate for others, I prayed as each berry filled me with joy, Freyja, teach me the magick needed to be strong, to be passionate and devoted endlessly to my souls dream- the soulful dream that still awaits reality. 

I'm trusting in you to illuminate my heart path, that I may follow the trail of love always with undying faith. Show me the way that my life may be as sweet and bright as this gift you've given me, today.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

22 July 2022

Love Letter to Isolt


Beloved Goddess,

I dreamt of you last night... 
Surrounded by a white mist- an intense feeling of being embraced by an undying love, of timelessness... held me aloft in time. Hours passed before my eyes as a moment unfolding -like a flower in time lapse photography. I saw, without seeing - a secret knowing revealing the faces that make up the wholeness of who I am. Each aspect a memory, an urge, a longing - each encouraging me to feel my sexuality, to express the truth of who I am- with unashamed revealing, with every opening petal of my existence, truly seen. And, not only seen, but She Who is gazed upon
Throughout the night, I glided through clouds of awareness, clouds of wanting - waiting. I traveled long, uncounted miles seeking your holy temple; heartfeltly looking for the creative womb within my own goddess belly where my magick dwells - where your power grows.  The cave entrance of my own soul agape, welcoming. The cosmic void - open and pulling me in - while simultaneously birthing me. 
Hold me in your loving arms, goddess. Satisfy my long unsated appetite for true love. Pour your pure white light into my heart until it all but burst with devotion and fervor. You know the one I dream of... please open the path to love and happiness. 
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

21 July 2022

Love Letter to Alaghom


Beloved Goddess,
You have designed every intangible part of nature which wondrously guides me beyond concrete reality into the unseen realm of magick. . . where my heart and soul long to be. Where they belong.
You have given the gift of thought and reason to mark time, yet, time constantly shifts. A fractal, natures cycles are the ever unfolding patterns of time; a repeating simple process of unfolding chaos- the whole of creation: past, present and future. 
Alaghom, you govern my destiny during this time frame. Help me to make every hour of my life count. Fill my life with your divine magick and wisdom; and may the beautiful energy of the divine feminine. 
Alaghom, today is but one day out of many, yet let me recognize the possibilities that lie within it. Give me the good judgment and sensibility to use my time wisely. Help me make every day on earth something truly magickal and filled with your power. As I walk through this world, let me see beyond my eyes into the soul of creation. Let me appreciate the abundant spiritual power in every blade of grass and stone, and most important, within myself. So be it.
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

20 July 2022

Love Letter to Hina

Beloved Goddess,

You are a beautiful and constant source of inspiration. Dependable and rhythmic, your powerful and eternal energy influences us all in practical, magickal and mysterious ways!

Ever changing, you remind me that the phases of my life are sacred. Each cycle has a divine purpose. Honoring you, I learn to ebb and flow, give and receive, hold and let go, and live in harmony with nature and my authentic self. No matter how things appear, or how fragmented I may feel, you remind me that I am always whole!  
I have learned so much from you! I not only find great comfort and peace in your presence, I have learned that I can truly trust your guidance. With the ever changing faces of the moon you teach me, and all women, how to embrace our power, utilize and align with the natural flow of our energy, and how to honor all  aspects of ourselves in meaningful and loving ways. 

With the full moon I embrace, nurture, care for, nourish and support myself and others. I encourage growth, conceive or develop ideas and dreams, and, if needed, become fierce, feral or protective. 
With the waning moon I turn inward. I become introspective as I feel, listen, trust my inner knowing, and honor my own deep wisdom and insight. And, make plans, gather and prepare.
With the dark or new moon, I slow down, allowing my body to rest, cleanse and purify itself. I do not allow intrusion as I release, let go, and replenish myself.
With the waxing moon, I bravely open myself up for adventure by exploring new ideas and possibilities and stepping out of my comfort zone. Welcoming new beginnings helps me to break through limitations and expand my awareness, starting new projects and working on them to completion allows me to express my potential. This is my ideal time to seek balance while being playful, resourceful, imaginative and creative.

Hina, throughout each month, I can feel your loving and supportive energy guiding me to honor who I am while living my life to the fullest. I am so grateful for you ever watchful eye and gentle encouragement.
Thank you!

-Yours devotedly

19 July 2022

Love Letter to Laima


Beloved Goddess,
In the earlier hours of morning, after meditating in the forest temple, I went for a walk to gather wild summer flowers: Larkspur, Queen Anne's Lave, Smooth Aster, 
Pink Evening Primrose, Purple Coneflower, Chicory, Blazing Star, Wild Bergamot, Downy Phlox, Spider Lily and Butterfly Weed. They were so beautiful woven into a wreath. I wore it all afternoon, in your honor, like a crown. The fragrance of the each flower married into a scent both fresh and spicy. I felt like a fairy queen!

While writing in my journal after sketching a butterfly I saw by the lakes edge, I was utterly delighted and enchanted when you gracefully swooped into my life, in the form of a swan; reminding me of the transformative power of love! 
As I sat there, you glided on the water, almost close enough to reach out and touch. Quietly, we gazed upon one another for long, unhurried moments.  I marveled and smiled in pure wonderment at your pristine beauty, you were seemingly entranced by my wreath. 
Then as if a dream, I watched as you emerged from the water, no longer a swan, but a woman; breath-taking in your exquisite form and grace!

Standing over me, drops of water slid off your body and fell softly upon my feet and legs, where my long skirt did not cover. Reaching down with both hands cupped as if in offering you bent near to me. Our eyes transfixed upon one another. Giving me three and seven swan feathers, you said that they hold the power to help me change from one form into another. 

Keep these three together, bundled with a green linden or birch sauna besom, you instructed, to use whenever I am in need- to request luck, love and blessings. Use each of the seven, one at a time as needed, to manifest at will and receive gifts of beauty, magick, unity, faery wisdom, marriage, a more beneficial destiny, and my protection during pregnancy or any creative process. These magickal charms were given, you said, that I may remember how loved I truly am; that I may shift my awareness at any time, that I may change my mind and my body at whim and live the life I desire with all my heart and soul. 
You then kissed me and turn slowly away, looking over your shoulder as you returned to the water. As you stepped into the calm water, you shapeshifted back into the form of a swan, and began to sing a loud song. Somehow I understood your unfamiliar language; the lyrics were a message of the power and magick of self love. You were singing to me a love story of me, finally loving myself! With every word, I felt an ever deepening and abiding sense of happiness!
I listened and watched until I could no longer see your whiteness on the water... so far away you had drifted. Looking down at the feathers in my lap, I noticed for the first time, a golden key! Did you mean to leave it for me? Will you return for it? So many questions filled my mind. Was it a symbol that loving myself is the key that will open the door to my true fate? 

So in awe I was of your magnificent beauty and grace, of your words, of these gifts, that I never spoke a word. 
I'm sorry. I forgot to say:
Thank you!

-Yours devotedly

18 July 2022

Love Letter to Akerbeltz

Beloved Goddess,

Your radiance and grace is personified as the rainbow! How glorious is your essence! Your holy spirit speaks directly to my heart and soul, filling me with love and awe! Like the promise of the rainbow: troubles will always pass when we hold strong to faith. You bring hope, fresh, new beginnings, and prosperity to my life.  By honoring the wisdom of my body, mind, heart and soul, I am able to harvest all of your precious gifts. 

Goddess of the earth and nature, your translucent but powerful energy is the bridge that takes us from being ill or troubled, and gently guides us to overcome all obstacles and any unfavorable circumstance.

Goddess of the Mystery people, the Basque, you graciously attend to the human body by encouraging health, protecting it from disease and offering healing, when needed. It is you who grants us the benefits of beauty, health and peace. Your gracious charity toward humankind is received by me, with deep gratitude and thankfulness. 

Please continue caring for us, and guiding us to help ourselves by being more mindful and consciously aware of our actions and choices. Steer us from unhealthy habits, foods that are laced with poison and artificial ingredients, and ingesting fear, doubt or lies. Help us to be wise, so we can truly care for our body and mind, while embodying the essence of light that you represent. 

Energetically, I sense that we embody you via our chakra system, which keeps us in balance on every level if we allow it to do its job. Guide us to realize early on when we are out of balance or misaligned with nature and the divine. Help us to honor you, our own well-being and the well-being of all. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

17 July 2022

Love Letter to Amari De


Beloved Goddess,

How wonderful it is to be in your company. I miss the nights when we would dance, arm in arm, around a bonfire... our tribe gathered in joyful communion! 

How beautiful you are! I can still see your face in my memory, inviting me to explore something hidden within myself, or go on some wild adventure. Remember how we would laugh and sometimes cry with the intimate sharing of our secrets, life and love!

When I close my eyes, I can still see the holy light emanating from your enchanting face; your divine spirit a bright beckon in the darkness, enticing me to come closer, to come home. 

How kind and generous you are, bestowing love, health, humor, wealth, beauty, fertility and insight to anyone who seeks you. 

Great Mother of all things, help me to find my way back to you...

Gypsy Goddess, call my spirit home, I long to be one again with nature. 

Under starlit nights our long skirts would swirl as we danced, our bracelets would shine like stars and the music would echo in our minds long after we went to bed... somehow continuing in our dreams. Beside a stream sparkling with sunshine, the following afternoon we would picnic and share the most enlightening, joyful, profound and heart-felt conversations. 

How I miss you! I need your wisdom and presence in my daily life. Truly, I adore you! Please guide my path. Let me find my way back to the days of mystic wonder and colourful, bohemian living... Lead me back to my souls tribe... where I belong!

I keep my Amari De amulet with me always, awaiting with joyful anticipation the night you bring my true love to me so I may more fully live my life in love. Before going to any social event or group outing, I collect my magickal love charm to take with me. And, before leaving the house, I remember to do as you instructed: Carefully and with sacred intention remove the ribbon that ties the square of silken fabric which hides a little box of matches decorated with your image, edged with glitter. I take a match out and strike it into a bright flame so your light can lead my way; So he can find me, and I can find him! I know that when the time is right, it will happen. Until then, I patiently await.

Beloved, I am most grateful to know you... happy that you are mine, and that you love me. 

Please come to me, soon!

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

16 July 2022

Love Letter to Meditrina


Beloved Goddess,

How I admire and respect your inner power, self confidence, wisdom and magickal skills. I have learned so much from you over the years, of herbs, herbal preparations and remedies, and healing charms. 

One of my favorite recipes is Aqua Vitae, a most healthful wine! It has proven to help me internalize your power of well-being over and over again. I use a apple cider with the 'Mother" as a base, these days, instead of a red wine... During the waxing of the moon, I add cinnamon sticks, cloves, ginger, allspice, and nutmeg to the pot of cider and steep it for 20 minutes over low heat. Afterward, adding a bit of honey comb from a local hive makes it utterly delicious! It's especially wonderful on cold winter nights... and is a suitable healing potion for all ages.

When I think back over my life, there have only been a handful of times that I was truly ill. Your wise woman ways have kept me well and healthy, have cured me from what ailed me by restoring balance and giving my body what it needed to heal itself. I am most grateful for you, and for those who follow the ancient oaths of causing no harm. 

As a crone, it saddens me to see so many people relying on medications and chemical drugs, when something natural and holistic would provide what they need to heal, not just abate the symptoms temporarily while causing further imbalance and damage.

Meditrina, please hear our prayers. Please restore balance to our world, our thinking and our bodies. Help us to be wise, discerning what is best for ourselves, instead of blindly trusting in others with hidden agendas for keeping us ill. And, help those in places of medical authority to wake up and realize what they are doing goes against the oaths that they have taken - help them to stop choosing greed over love, misinformation over natural wisdom, self importance over equality and compassion. 

Help us all to reclaim our own inner sovereignty and remember that our bodies are wise; given the opportunity they wish only to relay a message and are perfectly able to restore their own fortitude thereafter. 

Help us to trust our bodies, the earth, and the holistic healing modalities.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

15 July 2022

Love Letter to Fuchi


Beloved Goddess,

Your genuine warmth and natural flow of energy inspires me to embrace my own inner fires in new ways. 
I look to you for guidance in creating more passionate and loving relationships with others. Please help me to get out of my mind and more into my heart - opening to allow a way for others to come in...
Through the years you have inspired me to be more courageous than I feel, while trusting that I am always protected and safe. With your constant encouragement, I am more able to endure whatever I am experiencing in the moment. 
Please grant me keener vision that I may see with renewed clarity and intentional focus. Please strengthen my resolve to overcome the obstacles in my life, to stretch beyond my comfort zone and preset limits, and to find ways to uplift my thoughts and mood so that I do not feel defeated or give up hope. 
Help me to visualize the ways I can change and do my best in all things. Help me to be more authentic and come into full alignment with my highest purpose, calling and soulful mission.
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

14 July 2022

Love Letter to Minne


Beloved Goddess,

Throughout history, known as the Goddess of Love, including romantic love, you represent unity, devotion, fidelity- both the benefit and the blessing of ever deepening love.
Though your name means 'remembrance, many seem to have forgotten who you are! 

Unexplainably, around the 15th century, you became associated with unrequited love and thereafter were referred to as 'the Goddess who steals men's hearts'. 
One ancient work of art depicts a lover standing before you, heart in hand, with three of your arrows piercing it! 

These words written as explanation:  
Gracious Lady, I have surrendered.
Lady, send me solace, my heart has been wounded.

However did the Goddess of Love become the Goddess who purposely inflicts pain and suffering? Truly, are we to believe that you have nothing better to do than to spend your time and energy devising devious ways to break the heart of every man who comes within range of your bow or sword as the image below details?!

The Power of Frau Minne
(Allegorical depiction of women’s power over men’s hearts). 

Seriously? Are we to believe that you are to blame for the broken hearts of mankind? 

Goddess Minne sits on a throne made of two men.
Holding the heart just ripped from one mans chest,
with sword in hand, she proceeds to cut out the other's!

For reasons still unknown, yet, which seem only to serve the patriarchal agenda, women and Goddesses are too often demonized. Why has our natural beauty, sexuality and sensual charms been twisted into something ugly, or a cruel weapon to use against our self or another? And, why is our wisdom, power and unspoken intention made evil, sadistic or dangerous? 
Every woman, on some level, still holds aspects or fragments of this blame, shame or secret guilt deep within... We are conditioned to politely avert unwanted attention, bend over backwards to please or keep the peace, and to quietly avoid or ignore unwanted attention. 
And, if we don't... 

If we remember who we are, reclaim our power and choose to free ourselves from false expectations, degrading accusations or the unwarranted responsibility for a love sick or lustful mans woundedness, and just go about our life as we desire... wearing what we want, speaking up for ourselves, declining undesired advances by saying 'No'- we may, more often than not, find ourselves being hurt, silenced, ignored, stalked, tortured, called derogatory names, defenseless, raped, manhandled, disrespected or even murdered!

What are we to do? Please return and help us set this imbalance right, help us reclaim proper boundaries and respect. It's gotten completely out of hand! It's time for the true meaning of love to rule again. It's time for all hearts to heal. 

Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

13 July 2022

Love Letter to Scathach


Beloved Goddess,

Gazing upon your proud warrioress' face, I see a family resemblance! Fierce and bold, your name means: "She Who Strikes Fear". Ancient Mother of my bloodline, I call to you from across the realms of time: Come, stand with me, now. Embolden me!
Grandmother said it is you who has endowed me with strength and endurance, allowing me to be braver than I sometimes feel and to persevere with victory no matter the situation.
Be my guide and protection. Teach me the old battle cries so I may use my voice fearlessly. Teach me the ancient ways of using magick as a weapon so that I may be empowered and able to fight for women and children who cannot stand up for their selves. Teach me our families traditions and the forgotten arts of healing and magick. Teach me also, how to harvest and use the wild purple milk thistle that grows everywhere around me.  It has been used by our family for thousands of years. Grandmother taught that it detoxifies the body, especially the liver and the skin, yet. I do not know how to handle it without getting poked by its spiny pricks. And, if you know, show me how to make perfume from wild mountain heather.
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

12 July 2022

Love Letter to oShion

Beloved Goddess, 

Healing power flows freely from your holy crown like silky strands covering the world in a calm rhythmic cycle of cosmic wellbeing. Sacred are your waters! Precious, your life-giving Source energy soothes, unites, heals, hydrates, nurtures and sustains us all.
A halo of love graces your divine face as if kissed by early morning light, just as we are kissed by you. How glorious and wondrous is the power of love, and the magick of water! 

Whatever is perceived as lack or loss, is truly not. I need only look to you to realize that abundance is always overflowing! 

Whatever I fear, or feel is not enough, is only ever an illusion. There is never lack where there is love!

Soft, gentle and constant is your willingness to be a gift, a prosperous blessing. And, we who see with eyes of love, the most fortuitous receivers of your abundant kindness, praise our beloved benefactress.

Good luck and serendipity are the garments I wear this day! Bathing in rose and violet, the fragrance of summer love, a token of good luck wraps your blessings all around me as I travel through each hour in a day; one after another. 

Among my tribe, we band of gypsies, oShion, it is you who rules fortune and fate, guiding our hands to craft sacred amulets and charms. Apache tears and Navajo turquoise wrapped in silver, suspend a rose quartz pendulum which I wear as a divinatory necklace. Ready in a moment to foretell 'Yes' or 'No' to any question I might ask of you.  

Wealth and health are the gifts you give daily. 

In gratitude, to ingest your blessings daily, I blend a Sunrise Smoothie of fresh fruit (orange juice, pineapple and strawberries) with yoghurt, chia seeds, ice cubes, cinnamon nutmeg, and a drizzle of local honey. Sipping slowly as I watch the sunrise, I can feel your energy and essence flow through my body- nourishing my mind and spirit; preparing me for all the unexpected blessings awaiting me as I open my heart to the day ahead. 

Please keep me in your sacred flow, and help me to let go and open, to both give and receive- willingly and effortlessly, trusting I am loved and have everything I want and need.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

11 July 2022

Love Letter to Nemetona


Beloved Goddess,

How I love to visit you in your sacred grove! Within your protective presence my soul feels calm - hushed. Lulled by the sound of the wind singing to the leaved branched of the trees. Here, with you, I am one with nature - One with the Goddess. Home!

Within the grove, where trees become shrine, and the earth, herself, is my church, my temple -I pray to both witches and fairies, asking for magick and luck as I live my life outside of the grove. Yet, continually, I dream of remaining here, living amid the tangled roots and thick moss. Making a house in the hallow of an ancient tree... living in harmony with nature - in sublime peace. 

So, while I am here, I sit beneath the strong sheltering branches of this old tree, listening for wisdom, grounding my energy, pressing my body against its thick trunk - hugging and never wanting to leave. I make wishes for joy and protection always, not only for myself, but for us all. 

We all secretly want to reclaim our mystic bond with the earth, with nature, with the trees and with you, Nemetona. Please make a place where I may live forever with you.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

10 July 2022

Love Letter to Athena

Beloved Goddess, 

Though I know of you, I don't really know you.  Are the legends true? Were you really born from the head of your father as we've been told? If so, I must confess that I find it rather creepy, and most strange! Truthfully, this in part, has been the reason I resist getting close to you. I feel ashamed to admit that this has come between us, as I truly do love all faces of the Goddess (even those that frighten me). I'm sure you're quite lovely, and I know that you are very wise, so I am coming to you in all honesty, fully transparent, with the hope of knowing you.

As, a daughter of Gaia, and born from the body of womankind, the thought of anyone being born from the body of a man (and fully grown!) defies my limited concept of what is natural. Birth is a sacred mystery, a natural and holy act of flesh and spirit. Anyone not born of nature is alien-and alien ways of  birth (be it from the head of a god, the body of a man, a test tube, or any other un-natural way) frighten me. It goes against the laws of nature; and seems cold, cruel, and clinical, in a scientific sort of way. 

Maybe I'm a little jealous, too, that you were born fully aware, fully woman- no weird or awkward growing pains, never feeling unsure of yourself, inferior, small, or ignorant. Yet, at the same time, it makes me sad for you... that you were never a baby, nor a girl. You were never held, nurtured, or nourished at your mothers breast.

Being ruled by intuition, feelings, instinct and soul, and deeply connected to the natural order of things- namely the Divine Mother aspect of birth- I find it challenging to trust a Goddess born of man. Are you in alignment with the patriarchal way of thinking and behaving? 
I mean you no disrespect. Truly. I just do not understand. 

Thus the reason for my love letter; I am reaching out to you for deeper wisdom and understanding. Your attributes are in alignment with divine masculine energies; they do not feel connected to divine feminine energies. Please show me the ways that they are and share your thoughts and feelings on this matter. 

Offering me protection, victory, courage and leadership - even new clothes, I sense that you mean well... that you want to guard and care for me. Yet, I find myself resisting, and even avoiding you because you're so boyish- tough and 'street smart... Dare I say it? Butch. Maybe, it's because you bring to my awareness images of war, fighting, hunting, killing- and a sexuality that is not soft and feminine. Perhaps, it's these aspects of man in woman (which I don't understand or particularly like, albeit, necessary at times) that repulse me... as they're not natural or inviting, and not actually you, that I am most afraid of...

Maybe, you represent aspects within my own self that I don't know, understand or like. Perhaps, by avoiding seeing them within me, I feel justified in shunning you? I don't know. But, I want to be conscious of the choices I am making. I want deeper understanding of myself, and of you. I want to know the truth of who you are. 

I want to embody the gifts you offer, especially personal discipline, self-control and courage. 

Quite unexpectedly, I saw a beautiful little oak tree growing by the front door, this morning. It's leaves were perfect, supple, and the most inviting shade of shiny spring green! I feel that it's a sign from you. That you have come to me to help me manifest my desires. 

Help me to face whatever awaits me with a pure and strong heart.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly