
28 February 2022

Love Letter to Luonnotar


Beloved Goddess,

Daughter of the Earth, your abundant creativity is prolific... Holy Mother, mine, thank you for sharing it with me. With Spring comes my birthday and your gift of the refreshing east winds; bringing with them all the inspiration and magick needed to fuel my imagination. 

This new year I dedicate to the Divine Feminine, and vow to create something (ie: a poem, painting, collage, cake, dance, song, etc.) each and every day in Her honor. As a gift not only to the rebirth of my inner authority and sovereignty - but for the rebirth of woman world-wise! (oops!) I meant world-wide. Yet, may it be the beginning of a new era of wisdom, too! May all women awaken to the wisdom and power that dwells within her - in her own body - mind - heart and soul.

Creatrix of the Cosmic Egg, will you please guide my path - daily? Help me to birth my authentic essence. Allow me to emerge from this age old paradigm of conditioning, of control, of never being 'enough', of always being 'less than' perfect just the way I am... that began before I was ever born, yet which unknowingly, my Mother, still tries to keep me prisoner of (and herself most likely, too). And, still to this day, it causes me to often forget who I am! And, makes me neglect, curse and hate myself.  Help me break free of the shell that keeps me small. Grant me strength, courage and perseverance that I may continue until I have reclaimed my liberty. Help me to grow into the fullness of my wholeness and into the fullness of my potential.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

27 February 2022

Love Letter to Laka

Beloved Goddess,
You are so beautiful, generous and kind. What a unexpected delight it was the day you lovingly placed three leis over my head, draping them upon my shoulders- How pretty the flowers were! White, yellow and fuchsia... The fragrance of each lei was exquisite, but jasmine, plumeria and orchid together couldn't be described any other way, than heavenly! 

Watching you dance the hula and telling the story of your people was hypnotic and enchanting. Your grace and sensuality was both natural and intoxicating. Please teach me to dance as you do, to move my body with such seemingly, effortless ease - to love my body enough to be that comfortable and in harmony with its rhythmic sway. How I long to have known your sacred way of life since birth. The old ways are wise and mysterious. Such depth of love! I found my heart and home with you...
I remember what you said to me, so today, I will take up the sacred task of gathering the treasures of my personal legacy so that my grandchildren and those of the next seven generations will know who we are and what we stand for. So that they will remember from whence they come and where they are going - all the while remaining here - at home - in the peaceful center of their own pure heart.
Thank you,
-Yours devotedly

26 February 2022

Love Letter to Oba


Beloved Goddess,

River Queen, please help me learn to go with the flow when dealing with the odd behavior of others, and help me get into the flow moving my body on a daily basis. Let me open fully to the energy flow of my chi - my divine essence and energy. Allow me to be in the state of grace that I may follow and fulfill my soul purpose and mission. 

Oba, you are so graceful and lovely. May I please be more like you, in a healthy place with life and time, itself. May I learn to trust myself in ways I have not yet been able to so that I can manifest all that I need and want to live in this lifetime. May I be a blessing to myself, my children and to the collective. Like all rivers, lead me to the Source of my being, my knowing, my highest good. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

25 February 2022

A Love Letter to Asherah


Beloved Goddess,

Show me a glimpse into my future. Is there something I must do to ensure a good outcome, my desired journey? Or, is this my lot in life? Am I the one to take care of others at the cost of my dreams, my own life? I will not spell it out, as you know of what I speak - you know me, the way my life has been since I was a little girl. And, you know my Mother - even more than I... 

Help me to be like a tree. Allow me to be firmly rooted in love; strong, and yet, flexible, that no matter how harsh the winds may rage or blow, I am steady; unharmed. 

Help me to stand tall and confident, and as straight as you in my body, in my heart, in my Truth. 

Please grant me your kind support and wise insight, especially when dealing with those who like to tell me what to do and think, the ones who want to control my every deed and word. 

Help me to be diplomatic, calm, patient, kind, wise and compassionate, but also unwavering, fierce, and brave enough to make things awkward, if it means others become more aware, enlightened, more open, understanding, honest and alive. 

Keep my efforts just, and my intentions good, that I may always walk my path of beauty with purpose and passion, unafraid of what others may think or say! Make me fearless in my expression and authenticity, Make me bold yet also gentle and understanding. Make me a force to be reckoned with as I stand in my inner power and live my sacred mission with divine direction, discipline, self-confidence, and with an unwavering soulful voice. 

Thank you,

-Yours devotedly

24 February 2022

Love Letter to Kali


Beloved Goddess,
I knew you first as loving Mother; a gentle protectress, a sure comfort and loving presence. Someone I ran to when I felt afraid; both seeking and finding certain peace in your soft embrace.  Mother, you were She Who calmed my racing heart and soothed my furrowed brow whenever I woke from a nightmare. So devoted to my need, you always came to me with endless compassion each and every time you heard me crying in my sleep. Ever ready to slay the demons hiding under my bed. Always willing to fight battles for my honor, for my privilege to keep the peace. Ever my faithful nurturer!  
No longer that shy little girl, I am a woman, grown. Now, whenever I confide in you some heartbreaking betrayal, a short-lived torment, or just a hint of trembling from a wrong done me, you become ravenous! Ravenous!!
Honestly, Kali, though I am still sometimes afraid of the dark unknown, I am secretly more afraid of you than my own silly fears! There is so much about you that terrifies me! I cower when the disembodied primal fears are revealed within myself. I shiver when I hear the skulls at your waist rattle. I silently scream whenever you look in my direction! I even quietly whimper, and want to close my eyes to avoid looking at you; naked, bloody and wild eyed! What has become of my dear sweet Mother? Why must you be so fearsome? And why must I be so weak, and still afraid of shadows? Were you always this scary? Have you changed? Or, have I? Was I sleeping? I didn't notice... When did you become the bloodthirsty embodiment of destruction? You have always been the fearless force against all evil, but why must you sever heads and parade them about with pride? I understand why you feel the need to trample Shiva - but why must you appear just as evil as the forces you annihilate? And, what is it that makes my face feel like a contorted mask of harsh judgment and serious repulsion even while writing this letter to you? Why is this so? Where did my precious Mother go?

Yet, I can't help wondering, is it only myself that I truly fear? Mother, i
t's not really you that frightens me- just the things you do... 

Sometimes, when you're not dancing like a wild banshee, and the blood isn't smeared across your face, I see you. I still recognize your deep love for me.  And, I see just how brave you truly are! I know without a doubt that you are protecting me; and on more levels than I am even aware. So, perhaps, it's a kindness that I am blind to all the evils of this world. Perhaps, it's out of sheer benevolence, that you do the things you do. Because you know the purity of my heart, Mother - you know just how tender and incapable I am of bearing the fullness of the evils rampant all about me - Is this why you purposefully frighten me with your façade of superficial horror and scare tactics?  To keep me safe! 
Kali, you are awesome! 

You shatter all illusion of time and death! Yet, my belly still tightens, making me feel sick to my stomach at just the mention of some of the unspoken atrocities others suffer. Atrocities far more vile than anyone can fully see, comprehend or grasp. Thank you Brave Mother for being a shield for the innocent, like me.
Let them fear me, I hear you say- Let them fear me, rather than die of shock, utter disbelief, unconscionable  revelation, and sad disillusionment. Let them fear me rather than know the true evil that wages war on the spirit of love, on the innocent children, on the romantic dreamers, on the not yet emotionally mature, and the weary hearted. Let them fear me, instead, the Mother who loves them forever and ever.

Mother, will I ever really grow up and be as brave as you? Will I ever see from a higher perspective and know that I have nothing to fear? That the gruesomeness of life is actually for our highest good? 
My own daughter understands you better than I. She calls you a Wicked Blessing. She says she sees you, as she does the time lapse films of death and decay - showing the dead returning to source for peace, healing, renewal and transfiguration. How wise she is.

Truly, I honor and deeply respect your necessary sacred mission- your dark wisdom, your Goddess-hood. I see through the horror you endure to protect me. Dark Mother, I know you are a cleansing force for love; it's only your actions - the killing, beheading, the blood in your mouth - the hunger for such heartless violence and wrath, that terrifies me! Although, I know and understand that you are correcting an imbalance, that you are defending the delicate, the innocent; and all your actions are acts of righteousness, I just stupidly question your methods... and who am I to do so? I who know nothing of the fullness of creation.
I know that you are not rampant chaos without a purpose. No, you are destruction for the good of all your children - tearing down what isn't serving us, so that life and goodness can flourish -  You are doing the nasty job that no one else is capable of - no one else has the fullness of love to do! 
A wicked blessing, indeed!
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

23 February 2022

Love Letter to Minerva

Beloved Goddess, 

Please help me prepare my home, heart and land for sowing your positive energy. I am in need of an abundant harvest - a 'forever' home of my own, a more expansive openness to receive true love, and gardens! How I crave gardens in honor of each season - gardens of flowers, fruit and nut trees, vegetables and berries. I long to dig my hands in the rich soil and be deeply grounded and connected with all that I am - my authenticity - my own precious vessel of love. 
I will plant geraniums of all colours in huge pots lining both sides of my front door in your honor, with this intent and prayer: 

Minerva, protect this sacred space

and all who dwell within -

and all who cross this threshold.

By your power and my will

and by the blessings of these flower -

now, only love, acceptance, balance and magick may enter and reside within. 

I saw an owl last night, its eyes bright and huge, staring down at me from a big old oak tree... I immediately thought of you - and felt that you had sent him to protect and watch over me. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

22 February 2022

Love Letter to Binah

Beloved Goddess,

Ooh Divine Spirit, I am just beginning to comprehend your holy place in the Qabalah, and though I do not yet fully understand, I know that I have always known you. You are as much a part of me as I am!
The 3rd Sephirah of Love, you are my light and guide. Come open the channels of energy within me so that I may generate love in its purest form; in emotional ways I have yet to feel or experience. 

Sister of my soul, I long to know you on more intimate levels. Reveal yourself to me. Divine Mother, lead me to attainment. You are my Source of understanding. My spirit expression of love and life.

The bees and the lilies are sacred to you - and to me. Messengers with wisdom sweet as honey; may the grace of the bees bring my first born, my beloved daughter, Lily, home to me. It's been far too long and I ache to hold her near to my heart as I once did before she was torn from my life. Shower her with blessings and let my love be a healing balm on her secret wounds and trauma from my anguish, and all my heartbroken tears. 

Binah, help me to comprehend the fullness of my purpose here, what I must do, what I am and who I am to become. Help me to find a way to generate more love in every action, word and thought. Grant me inner peace and the ability to discern with clear awareness all matters with ease that I may be secure in my unity with the Divine Feminine, Truth, peace and love. 
Thank you,
_Yours devotedly

21 February 2022

Love Letter to Libitina


Beloved Goddess,

Some fear you. Maybe I do, too, on occasion, but it's the vast unknown that frightens me - the way ocean depths do, the way great heights do. But mostly, there is no fear in my love for you. Just a vague memory that haunts me - a longing for something beautiful I can't quite describe or define... the ache for true love - unlike any I've ever known here. 

More often than not, I feel your dark energy as a sacred space, a holy place - a void of unseen and infinite possibility - Cosmic power!

Dark Mother, you are pure divine feminine essence; the Great Mystery; She Who Allows deep rest, peaceful slumbers. Ancient Mother you hold us all - the true us - the soulful  consciousness of us - the naked, unclothed- without flesh and bones us. You hold us as an unformed baby in our mothers protective womb: loving, nourishing, keeping us safe, allowing our body to take from your body, allowing our body to be formed from within your body - allowing us to grow into the purpose we will  ourselves to be - until our soul is ready once more, to be birthed. If this is death, if this is demise, what truly have we to fear? Our own becoming? Our own soul and her endless journey or She Who Holds and fashions and births our soul? 
I shall never fear you. I shall only ache with longing to see you again. To be in the presence of Samadhi -Pure Bliss: No ego to wear, no fear to suckle on, no pain, sorrow or tears, no hidden trauma, no questioning, or unnamed longing for belonging- for home. 
Why should we fear bliss? Why should we fear pure creative energy? Why should we fear our true mother?

Libitina, I humbly and sincerely ask that you let die within me any and everything that keeps me from being pure love, that entangles me with fear - keeping me far from Source; anything that lies to me and tries to destroy my inner voice, my inner knowing, my inner truth of being - take from me. 
Mother, free me from habits that do me harm, free me from habits that waste my precious time and energy here in this garden of good and evil. For my precious soul, Beloved, please make holy space for my continual growth and re-birth, give me sacred rituals that will truly bless and enrich my body, mind, heart and soul. I pray for this - for us all. May we, your children, remember and find peace within our own precious souls. and with your company.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

20 February 2022

Love Letter to Oniata

Beloved Goddess, 

How my heart swells with love for you, for your humble grace and inner beauty. Your heart is the kindness heart I've ever heard of any one possessing. 

Your a legend!

The people say you were the most beautiful, radiant maiden anyone had ever seen. Dark eyes like all Iroquois women, but pale skin and hair like sun kissed silk. Men would come from distant tribes to gaze upon your incomprehensible beauty; and they would all fall instantly in love with you. Love blind, they would leave their wives and tribes to follow your every step, seeking to win your affection.

I know for some that seems romantic - What woman wouldn't want to be so admired? But, it caused you great sorrow. You did not welcome the attention. When you heard the broken-hearted women who lost their men because of you- innocent though you were, it broke your heart. The madness was upsetting everyone and any chance for a healthy future or way of life...

 Oniata, tears welled up in my eyes when I heard of your depth of love, fearless strength and selfless courage. To restore peace to the hearts and minds of your sisters, and order to life  as it had always been - you sacrificed your happy life with your father Chief, and any hope of living a life within your tribe by  announcing that you would leave. No one said 'stay' - no one stopped you when you simply walked away from the circle into the forest. Never to be seen again! I ache to know that you were all alone... no where to go.

Sometimes, beyond the veils of time and in the land of imagination, I can see you walking away from all that you loved - without an opportunity to prepare, or to kiss your father goodbye; You never looked back. 

I see your footprints in the snow, leaving a long trail of flowers who reached up from their dark hiding places to capture every tear that fell from your eyes, and burst into bloom by the radiance of your inner light. 

I see you weary, lost. Finally, stopping to take comfort in the tangled roots of an ancient mossy grandmother tree. Her body warmth for yours. Her strength holding you as you took rest. And, then, unexpectedly, as if a dream, I see a brave on a hunting journey, from some distant land. Having never heard of you or your famed beauty, he finds you curled up in the snow, asleep. His heart breaks for love of you. Your tearstained eyes open, searching his -revealing all. He doesn't question you - he doesn't lust. He simply gathers you up in his strong embrace and places you upon his horse. Safe in his arms, you lay your ear against his heart and hear the song of true love. You begin to breathe, no longer hopeless as he takes you home. 

Home, a place where it's warmer than you have ever known before. Home where your beauty and kindness are seen as a treasure, not a threat. Home where you are accepted and loved by all. I can see you growing a garden, laughing, holding a baby, happy living living your life.

I see you thus, even though legend says you left this cruel world for some far away place in the sky- Which is the truth, Oniata ?

... Why is it that people can be so cruel to one so innocent, beautiful and kind? Why must a life be sacrificed for the good of the all? And, why must we be denied the wonder of one so rare because of pettiness, fear and jealousy? When will you return and shine your light again upon the earth, again?

Today, while walking on the forest path, I came across a small patch of bright yellow daffodils peeking up from the snow! As I knelt to admire their beauty, I found you! You live in their fragrance and loveliness1!

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

19 February 2022

Love Letter to Saga


Beloved Goddess,

Beauteous one, kind and helpful, I am begging you to come. Come to me and spend the last of the Winter with me, in this Enchanted Forest of my home. Soon, there will be many waterfalls, pouring forth information and inspiration! Bring your golden cup, and let's share a drink of wisdom. The fishes are many.

Seeress, I have long been your companion, with keen observation, ever watchful, we are students of the Universe. I look for signs everywhere -Jörd, mother nature has given me an oracle of divination. I am blessed with insight and foresight - being sensitive, and possessing the sacred psychic gift. Like you, my beloved muse, I am in service of others. My heart overflows with compassion: the deep well of consciousness.  Say you will come within the next few weeks - before my birthday! Please.

Saga, you live in every musing, memory and word I write. My journals are spilling with love for life, learning - You! May everything I write become the truth of my reality, as I have poured my dreams and soul essence upon paper since I was a small girl, and still... they long to come true. 
Thank you,

-Yours devotedly

18 February 2022

Love Letter to Lara


Beloved Goddess, 

Several times in the last year, I have stood at the crossroads, the liminal place between the temporal and spirit realms. I have felt the presence of some unseen force, benevolent and yet, unknown to me. Was it you who called my name, when no one was there to be seen? I cannot say if it was a dream or not... Other times, as I am about to fall asleep, I hear a strange tearing sound as if the fabric of this life and the next has been torn asunder. This frightens me a little, as it's startling. loud in the silence of my mind, and very unexpected. What does it mean? Please tell me, or show me sign. What am I to do during these strange moments that feel unreal, as if they do not belong to this life at all. It leaves me feeling so uncertain, and haunted, in a way. Lara, take  fear far from me. Grant me a deep sense of peace and trust. I know that you will keep me safe... that there is nothing to fear, and no harm shall befall me. 

Just before twilight, I scattered rose petals and sweet violets in your honor. My ancestors are in your care, beloved Mother of the Dead, and some day, so shall I be. Do not keep them from communicating with me, especially James Phoenix. I long to hear his voice, his heart, his truth. My heart still aches over my loss of him. In each of my windows I have placed a white candle; their flames light the way so my dearly departed, those known and unknown may remember I love them. Keep us all in a place of love and happiness. Remove any unhealthy aspect from our bloodline and keep our children safe for seven generations to come. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

17 February 2022

Love Letter to Fornax


Beloved Goddess, 

Throughout my life, you have nourished me on deep and soulful levels. Your goodness fills me with health and well-being. As a child, I remember praying before we broke bread: Goddess Good, Goddess Great... and thanked you for everything you provided me.

From the moment I awoke this morning, I have been thinking of the simple pleasure of warm bread and butter: the sweet brown bread I have had only a few times, the homemade biscuits my granny made almost every morning for my breakfast, when I was little; the sourdough I was introduced to as a teen; the braided egg bread that I baked for my babies; the homemade orange rolls I made for my 94 year old friend, Hazel on a weekly basis (she adored them!); and the rustic little loaf that I make often because of its simplicity, versatility, and charming texture and taste.  

This day seems most appropriate to write and tell you how much you've blessed my life. I love this statue of you that stands over my kitchen flames blessing everything I bake. 

There is so much to be thankful for, hearth and home... the sacredness of an over!

Thank you

-Yours devotedly

16 February 2022

Love Letter to Victoria


Beloved Goddess,

As you know, I have worked hard for the last decade trying to attain my dreams. I have been dedicated to the Divine Feminine and have been devoted to my soul mission, and yet, I feel that I am still where I began. At times, it feels as if I am only spinning my wheels and not really getting anywhere. I am trusting that I just am not seeing the big picture, that the higher perspective reveals how far I'm truly come. Victoria, please give me wings, grant me a chance to see the truth of my self and my sacred journey. Guide me in the direction I should go if I have taken a wrong tern. Lead me to the heart of my path as I am growing weary. Though the journey has been exciting and enlightening and full of wonder, magick and beauty - there is still far too much mystery that I am feeling left in the dark. 

Earlier, I brewed a pot of ginger and lemon balm tea, and added a pinch of cinnamon and cream. I felt your blessings pour into the cup offering me a renewed positive attitude. So, I drank it with deep gratitude. I could almost hear your voice assuring me that all is well, that I will attain all that I desire, and that victory is mine. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

15 February 2022

Love Letter to Shakti

Beloved Goddess,

Devoted to you, I allow your soulful essence to guide my life. My journey has led me in a direction I could have never guessed. Yet, where I belong, I know not....

For as long as I can remember, I have longed for true love, like your magickal and loving relationship with Shiva. Ooh! Goddess. Where is my Shiva? Please banish every barrier or hindrance within me that keeps him from waking up and dancing this life in love with me.

And, Goddess, I sincerely request a private counsel with you. Please share your wisdom. I call upon your loving, playful, and active force for the benefit of healing my self-image, transforming my body and allowing needful, positive change to occur on a physical level in my body and in my life.

Shakti, I am devoted to your divine feminine wisdom. I seek it within my own heart daily. Please help me to listen more closely, to be more aligned with the life force within myself and help me be a more authentic and powerful voice that I may be successful in my work as Priestess. I ask as I know that when I am able to be sovereign and take focused action in all areas of my life - namely financial, home and independence - that I will be able to live my soul purpose in more delightful, sensual and engaging ways. 

For these many requests, I have placed upon the altar a photograph of the most exquisite lotus blossom and anoint my body with lotus perfume oil every morning and night. May your magick be my own. May I embody you in every way possible so I may be as charming as you when communicating with both men and women. Help me to banish all fear, all self-doubt and self-sabotage. Help me to stand in my power, knowing without a doubt that I am protected, worthy and able to walk my sacred path of beauty with true purpose, passion and productivity. 
Thank you,

-Yours devotedly

14 February 2022

Love Letter to Venus


Beloved Goddess,

I am writing to you as I seek your advice. And, I really want to know the truth of many things left unspoken; like the lost art of love, beauty, romance, enchantment - and sex...
You hinted the last time we spoke, but some little ears were listening, and you whispered: 'later'... but later never presented itself. 

Ooh, and Venus, I overheard someone calling you the Morning and Evening Star. How can this be, when my Mistress holds this title? I'm very curious about this, as it leads one to believe that you are an aspect of She! Is it true? Inanna just rolled her eyes when I asked her. 

As for the advice: Your skin is so creamy and soft, Venus. What is your secret? And, you are so quietly self-assured. Will you please teach me how to be more confident? And if possible, to actually love my body and feel comfortable, maybe even beautiful, in my own skin- as you seem to do so effortlessly. 

 Also, is it really true that you are both loved and hated? I do not understand why such vile lies are spoken of a Goddess. Venus, please know that I do not believe anything said against you and never repeat what I hear to anyone! Truly! I simply cannot even imagine anyone disliking you...  You are so lovely, gracious, strong, playful and full of life. Perhaps, it's your passion they disapprove of? I ask, because I am shamed for my inherent sensual nature - and even called precocious as a little girl, also naïve. 

Why do women act so jealous, and men say they love us but behave as though they hate us? Why do they go to such lengths to win our love and affection, only to treat us with such ill regard? Why are we demonized and why are lies spoken of us? It seems all of womankind has suffered mistreatment, despite everything we are and do for mankind; it never seems to change. Will it ever get better? Ooh! I know some women say 'We've come a long way" - but  if one of our sisters is silenced, abused, kept down, or disrespected, we all are. 

I apologize that my letter has become a list of requests, but please do write back. My mind is racing with curiosity and anticipation. I anxiously await your reply. Your last letter was beautiful, and overflowing with the most exquisite insight. 

I can almost hear your sweet voice every time I re-read it.  How blessed am that you care for me. 

Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

13 February 2022

Love Letter to Nu Kwa

Beloved Goddess,

Do you remember me? I was told when I was very small that I am your daughter, and I have countless sisters, too... I have only a vague, distant memory of you. If I close my eyes and look deep within, I can almost see your face smiling at me. And a very faint sense of your touch, of being held and caressed by your gentle hands, lingers still. Memories are so faded, I wonder if you are but a dream...

When I asked my ancient grandmother to please tell me something of you, she got a far off look in her eyes just before a smile began to spread across her wrinkled face. Then, she softly laughed and whispered your name: Nu Kwa, sweet little Nu Kwa...

 She told me that she remembers you as a girl... always at the waters edge, playing with dolls that you made out of soft yellow clay. Each lovingly fashioned, and every one given a name and a soulful purpose that you alone decreed. For hours you would sit there, humming to yourself, while at play, she said. Your eyes bright with happiness as you gathered wee petals from peony flowers, small twigs, single willow leaves that were carefully removed from the stem, and feathers from baby birds. She told me you would use these to make clothes and houses for your beloved 'children'. 

Ooh, how gently she would push aside a tear that unknowingly escaped her lashes and spilled over her cheek when she recalled how lovely you were - a pretty little bird, she affectionately called you. Yet, grandfather said you were a serpent girl. (And, he spit on the ground! I cried not knowing why he would be so gruff - I only asked him if he could remember the colour of your eyes...)
Grandmother let me sit beside her for hours listening as she sorted rice; asking questions only when she seemed to be lost in thought. 
She did not tell me where you are, or why you left us... She did not want to tell me any real details that I long to know. I hope you will remember me, as I long to see your face again and know your stories. Perhaps you'll come home, and visit me when you are not so busy. Please, Mother. Please.
Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

12 February 2022

Love Letter to Iyatiku

Beloved Goddess,

I feel your nurturing support, your sweet embrace... just as the seeds lay beneath the soil safe and protected, awaiting growth and the promise of what's to come - so do I!

In your honor, I put on my moccasins and went out back and danced on the soft land by the creek. I sang songs without words, I sang songs with my heart, I sang my soul song for you. Music swelled up within my body and filled my heart.  Did you feel my love for you? Did you hear my heart beating in rhythm with yours? For a while, as if in a trance, I could almost see your beautiful face in the willows... I could feel your body, strong and supple beneath my feet. I could smell your earthy fragrance mixed with the scent of sweet corn and beans growing green on the vine. 

The moss was thick and soft beneath my feet. After I danced, I sat down and grounded in it. I felt the coolness of each little phyllid, as if they were reaching to touch my fingers. How magickal it would have been to take a nap in that bed of moss... to listen to your heart beating next to mine, to breathe you in. 

As I sit in deep meditation, I feel at peace. I know that all is well; you are watching over me. With so much love you hold me, and every dream seed I have ever planted. Preparing yourself with great care you oversee our growth and nurture us to abundant fruition. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

11 February 2022

Love Letter to Nantosuelta

Beloved Goddess,

Your name means winding stream... You are the giver of life and I adore you! 

My memories carry me to the past; so long ago. They remind me of the times I spent with you when I was just a little girl. Removing my socks and shoes I would let my feet feel the way you danced over the smooth rocks. I sat there alone at the end of my street, under the shade trees with you for hours on hot, summer days. You kept the most charming company - dragonflies, frogs and tadpoles, butterflies, birds, and flowers. I loved the way you sang to us and told your ancient stories...

One summer, you even witnessed my first kiss. Remember? I was standing within sight of you when that tall, dark-haired boy from 5th grade confidently walked over to me  and asked me to go steady with him. I didn't really know what that meant, but as he took off his silver ID bracelet, (his name engraved on it) and fastened it around my wrist. It was too big, but I liked it and him, and said I would. But, unexpectedly, he grabbed hold of my braids and sweetly pulled my face to his. Before I knew what was happening, he was kissing me.

In a flash I felt so much at once: 
  • happy
  • almost disbelieving - he liked me !
  • grown up- my first kiss! 
  • afraid- my 3rd grade innocence knew nothing of kissing or boy/girl intimacy. 
  • What happens next?!  

As soon as I registered the warmth of his mouth on mine, I pulled away from him and ran to you- But just as quickly, cut my bare foot on a sharp rock! I cried, and it bled. He tried to comfort me, but I felt shy. The boys that lived across the street from me were also witness, and came to my rescue. They carried me home so dirt wouldn't get in the wound. (7 stitches later, Mama noticed the bracelet. She did not approve. The next day, I had to give it back...)

In this day-dreamy state of mind, I wonder whatever happened to that boy and the man he became... I imagine a sturdy little boat, one in which I could fill with down comforters, soft pillows and a throw: A bed to hold us as we float down the slow flowing river of time past. I wish we could lay in it together, and watch the stars in the deep purple heavens smile down upon us.

After so many years and a missed opportunity - I long to bathe in your cool, clear waters; to refresh and heal my mind, body and soul. Yet, it's not yet the season for skinny dipping in nature, so turn on the water to fill the bath, envisioning your energy and essence in the streaming warm water. The fragrance of herbs from the handful of sweet mint leaves, thyme and bay leaves tossed lift in the steam and fill the air. A thick white towel and a big bar of handmade soap (vanilla and patchouli) await my use.

As I slip out of my clothing, I gaze in the mirror and send loving thoughts to my sixty year old body. Though there are parts that I still look at with a frown, I sincerely say: Thank you and I love you! I envision my body as the body of a Goddess! It is after all, 70% water - 70% you, Goddess! As I slip into the water to commune with you, I pray: May these words of love and my ritual of self care transform me, my self-image of my body. May I awaken some day and actually see you! Nantosuelta, please remove all the negativity I hold within my body and restore its vitality and suppleness. Bless me, and help me to erase the years of neglect, hate and shame I needlessly carry. Show me how to let go and become one with you - that I may flow gracefully into old age without regret. 
Thank you.

-Yours devotedly 

10 February 2022

Love Letter to Yemaja

Beloved Goddess,

Mother of Fishes, hidden in the depths, below the surface of my consciousness where dreams and asperations dwell; I find you, and ask for your good luck, blessings and wisdom. 
The divine within me is seemingly mythical, like you -a mermaid- I am living in two realms at once. Spirit and flesh. 
Water energies are my sacred messengers - my secret powers, but also my magick! Whenever I feel unsure, I hear you sing the wisdom of light and dark. Calling forth the shimmering of my psyche, which is both on the surface and deeply immersed,  Your song, dances my psychic abilities awake. 
I can swim into whichever consciousness I desire to be in... You tell me to believe in my dreams - to believe in my magick - Your soul song channels my soul song and gives it voice. 

In dreams I am with you, sitting upon an island rock in the middle of the dark blue sea. Combing our long hair with pearl encrusted seashell combs, we look into mirrors that reveal our true beauty. There, together, we sing - not to lead men astray - but to empower ourselves! They crash against the rock upon which we rest and drown - only when they are too hardened by life and have forgotten the softness of a woman's strength.
When I feel lost, you guide my spirit home. You lead me to the truth of who I am. You urge me to go with the flow - to trust my intuition - to be my authentic self.
The sacred cup which is my body, mind and spirit, holds the infinite power of water - I can see through the murkiness. I can see all that lies before me and behind. Present in this liminal moment, I can change the energy with just a thought!

In my questions are my answers. Something wonderful awaits - like a forgotten buried treasure found within my depths. You've been with me always. 

"Look up" you say - "to the moon and stars - and make a wish!" You remind me to reach. My dreams are my inspiration and will become my new reality if I will only believe. I do! I am aware of my treasure; it's not a thing to seek. It's within me: Present. 

I hear the echo of your voice, like a siren song carried by ocean waves, reminding me that I am powerful beyond my knowing. 

"Be careful." I hear you say, "Do not limit your abilities or dreams. Trust and know that you are safe and passionate exactly where you are. Simply be an open channel to the energy that flows through you. Allow creativity and spirit to flow - and at the same time plunge the depths of possibilities."

I will trust, Yemaja. I will see what is in front of me. I will trust, yet I will not become ensnared. Mother I will embody the energy of the water and become a positive nurturing energy. I will be a aware of my surroundings, I will follow my inner knowing, I will embody the divine feminine and live wisely in both realms of reality.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

09 February 2022

Love Letter to Iemanja

Beloved Goddess

Mama, I wake at daybreak with the other women. We are all dressed in white... I am wearing a long sheer linen sarong wrapped about my body several times. I stayed up late the night before last to sew seed pearls and cowrie shells along the hem. My feet are bare, but my ankles are layered with bracelets that shimmer in the early light of day. Wild is my long hair, my 'mermaid hair' as Rhia says. Braided with blue ribbons that have crystals and tiny bells tied to the ends...

We sing and dance to summon you with our strong yet gentle voices, and our bodies of every goddess shape imaginable. Beautiful are your daughters. Together, we leave prayers with our feet which the waves erase and carry away to your watery unseen realm. Can you hear us?

Mama Ocean soul; Sea of tears that belong to all women and girls. How I long to meet you on this side of dreams.  How I long to nuzzle my face against your soft black breast, wrap my arms around you and hug you for as long as you'll allow me. I sense that you will not pull away as others do, when it gets too intimate, when we begin to feel too fragile or vulnerable or something no one names... Were you to hold me, and look into my deep blue eyes, I know the tears would flow like rivers to reach you... to find their way back home. There are so many, I fear I might drown in them. And yet, I sense that I would be forever healed, were I that brave. 

Big Mama: Womb of the Earth, from where we all are birthed, how is it that I am comforted by your song, by your rocking, by your mystery and your magickal lore in some primal, intrinsic, ancient way, and still, so afraid? I tried swimming once in your depths, but was thrown against a big black rock that broke my toe. I cried in pain and surprise, and thought I might die before I could make it back to solid land. I haven't tried again.

Though, I listen, and linger by your side for long endless hours... lulled by your constant song. Your heartbeat matches mine. I listen, and hear the wisdom deep within my ocean ears.  I hear the voice of the oracle and share her message as she bids me. I hear her call my name sometimes when no one is in sight, and I am startled but unafraid. I listen and hear her secret language - the one I knew before I came here, but somehow, have forgotten how to speak and translate verbatim. Please help me remember.

Mama, Mama Iemanja, Mama mine... Come and be with us. Come show yourself and let us love you. Let us find our natural rhythm in yours. Let us give a token for a simple childlike wish. Let us remember what it's like to live in your sacred flow. 
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

08 February 2022

Love Letter to Wakahiru


Beloved Goddess,

I woke at dawn to watch you awaken; you smiled at me with such sweet kindness. As I poured jasmine tea into our little ceramic cups, you sang a song I've never heard before... Something so lilting and soft... like a whisper of wind carrying away the gentle moan of a woman in the throes of ecstasy. It brought tears to my eyes. 

Staring out the window as the sun came up over the mountain, we sat in silence, together. We, both, seemingly lost in our own thought. How lovely it was to just be in your presence...

Remember, later that day, as the afternoon was turning into early evening, we looked through the old chest where you kept your most treasured handcrafted items? Each folded neatly and tied with yellow silk ribbons... begging to be undone. My fingers traced every silken peony, my eyes caressed each sunburst - their hushed tones of pink and lavender and  jade green against golden hues of pale tangerine and creamy white. You spoke to me of the art of weaving; how it feels to rock with the rhythmic motion of the loom like ocean waves. How, your heart embraces thoughts until they become memories, tucked away for days when fingers no longer move with agile grace. How lovers came and left you spent, and the way countless flower petals fell and scattered over the earth like little kisses across your ivory skin.

Those were sweet days we shared, when you took rest from weaving and allowed my company to distract you from your sacred task. I have not forgotten. I never will.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

07 February 2022

Love Letter to Hsi Ho

Beloved Goddess,

Mother of Spring, shine you light on me. Bathe me in your maternal love and wash me clean of all that inhibits my growth.

Along the waters edge I walked in the soft morning light, the sun warm upon my face, your bright eyes dancing like diamonds upon the cool blue surface of the clear lake.

Later, reposed beneath the grandmother tree, I wrote haiku, thought of flower blossoms and days to come, then, lay upon the earth and took a nap as the gentle breeze caressed my skin and played with the ends of my hair.

When I awoke, I unpacked and lovingly blessed each of the items brought to build an altar in your honor. There on the dense green moss, cool to the touch - I placed a white silk cloth.  Upon its purity, I placed a small golden candle, lit and burning bright - a spicy scented yellow carnation - a treasured piece of smooth polished citrine: the crystal gemstone of abundance - a ripe, juicy peach, with a single hearty slice cut (thank you for the sweet nourishment) - a tiny white box in the shape of a bear - and a secret prayer written on rice paper, rolled into a scroll, then tied with a thin, satin yellow ribbon.

I sat there in silence as the candle burned away and flickered out... 

I sat there and shyly sang your praises in the stillness of the forest...
I sat there until the sun kissed the edge of the horizon - before walking away...

Leaving the altar as a gift, I smiled feeling your presence with me as I walked home.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly 


bright is the sunlight / blinding to my pale blue eyes / closed, I dream of you

upon rice paper / a prayer to the sun goddess / holds my soul whisper

naked feet stand firm / damp upon the soft, green moss / as sunlight dances


06 February 2022

Love Letter to Ayizan

Beloved Goddess,

She who taught me the pleasure of playfulness and divination as Priestess. How innocent and naïve was I, yet your Voo-doo magick has protected me from harm in ways I'll never know.

 Your wise woman ways have led me into the pleasing path of joy and the lightness of being. As Priestess, it can feel so lonely; yet you have taught me how to dance with my sisterhood... to commune with the Earth Mother, and to put myself in the center where others gather because you know I dislike crowds, you know I do not like to be the center of attention... You know me so well - that you are able to push me from my comfort zone, and I willingly go thinking it a game of fun. And, if ever I am fearful, you know how to lift my heaviness. You lovingly encourage me  when I am resistant. Ooh! Ayizan, you know the sole purpose behind playfulness - an act to balance the seriousness of what I give. You ask me to open and receive, so even more unseen is revealed.

Many truths and ancient practices have you shared with me! Taking my hands in your own, you read me. In the lines I was born with and the ones I have created, you look upon each and give a fortune -telling me that I am yours. That I belong to a bloodline older than the one my pale skin and blue eyes know. 

You paint your dark face pale like moon light on a starry night, that I may remember my origins, my roots. That I may remember who I am. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

05 February 2022

Love Letter to Agatha

Beloved Goddess,

Saint Agatha, grace of health and healing; She Who Understands the atrocities of shame and violence against womankind. Free us.

Hold me and my sisters in your holy arms.
Keep us safe from harm. 
Keep us free from hate. 
Keep us free from dis-ease.
Keep us whole.

Blessed one, give us the vision and the wisdom to love our bodies in all their unique shapes and sizes.

Help us to treat them as precious. 
Help us to honor them as sacred. 
Help us to see the beauty in ourselves.
Help us see our unfolding, like a flower from bud to withered petals, as lovely and a gift.
Help us to see the beauty in our process of being maiden, mother, crone. 

Heal our fear of aging. Let us see its honor.
Heal our fear of not being enough... We are!
Heal our wounds and our self inflicted pain.
Heal our hearts and keep our breasts supple and safe that we may nourish our babies and nurture our lovers. 
Thank you,

-Yours devotedly

04 February 2022

Love Letter to Shirata


Beloved Goddess,

Through your example - snowflakes melting into spring rain. I have learned the value of being present in gratitude as I travel with the wheel of time. 

Through the long winter months, I have been still and quiet within myself, and now that spring is soon to burst forth in flowers, I too, want to move my body and embrace the beauty of being alive!

Perhaps, this snowstorm will be the end of winter... I truly hope so, as I long for lusciousness and the return of the flowing waterfalls that surround my home, here in the Enchanted Forest.

Like in a faery tale, I saw snowflakes that were perfectly formed and did not quickly melt - but remained where they fell looking like white candied sprinkles made of sugar! Had I not seen them with my own eyes, I would have thought them fake; a strange trick! Ooh! But it was just a gentle and loving reminder that life is indeed a wonder and full of unexpected magick. 

Please keep beauty in my thoughts and replace all negativity with trust in the abundant grace of life, itself. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

03 February 2022

Love Letter to Artio

Blessed Goddess,

Long, years ago, you came to me in a series of dreams... you showed yourself as a bear. Why did you pretend to be a man? To lure me to my mountain home? I thought I was going to meet the big, tall, bear man that my heart desires, but instead, I met my fate. You called me to be a gypsy. You initiated me as a Priestess to empower women. Mine has been a life of abundance and providence. Ooh! Such sweet forbidden fruits I have tasted... and awakening from both erotic and the most frightening of slumbers... I find you, here. 

Artio, you are the keeper of my heart. Your sly disguise has not hidden the truth of your wisdom nor the mystery of your magick. Keep me ever ready to bear fruit. Keep me ever in your warm and strong embrace. Show me where to look for honey; show me where to rest when I am weary; show me where to go to find the one I seek. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly