
30 April 2022

Love Letter to Gefn


Beloved Goddess, 

Gracious Giver! You have blessed me with so much! The lushness of this place that I now call home is a daily gift... A feast for my eyes. The fertile, moist greening of everything about me refreshes my parched body and weary mind after decades of arid wind and dry earth of the purple mountains majesty. I feel the healing love of all your kind and generous blessings seep into every pore. A deeper sense of well-being fills me with gladness!

Gefn, I feel your goddess-centered magick as if it were a healing balm applied to the broken places in my psyche, the unhealed wounds of my broken heart, and all the hidden places only you know of that most need the attention of your spiritual salve. 
I truly appreciate the verdant pleasure that your presence offers to me, and my heart overflows with the fullness given.
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

29 April 2022

Love Letter to Shina Tsu Hime

Beloved Goddess,

Thank you for dispersing mental fog, and for keeping away evil winds that would blow me off my spiritual course. 

Your graciousness and playfulness keeps me moving in the right direction, steadily granting me the freedom to choose with awareness and purpose where I wish to go.  

This morning, while I was outside tending to the garden, nine leaves blew around me and landed in my lap! I'm taking this as a gift from you and making nine wishes on them!

Come May, bring movement in my goals, 

come June - playful love makes me whole. 

Come July, my wishes I will see, 

come August - hope grows in me.

Come September, all distractions you abate,

come October, my spirit, you liberate.

Come November, my wealth is assured, 

come December - in my heart, you endure. 

I'll keep these precious leaves until all my wishes come true, and then as they do, I'll gift them to the wind and send them back to you!

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

28 April 2022

Love Letter to Flora

Beloved Goddess,

We, the daughters of the Goddess, claim you as our own, Flora. Thank you for protecting all acts of beauty and especially, heart-felt love making. 

Fill me with your beauty and love. Grant to me the ability to act on your behalf, to embody your mystery and grace, to speak with your soft and fragrant speech, and to be as wise as you in the ways of life and love.

Flora, Goddess of sexuality, prepare me- mind, body and soul for all acts of pleasure. Let me grow and blossom anew with each passing day. Let me blossom in exquisite ways. Let me become ever fresh and beautiful, no matter my age. Transform me into a petal soft goddess who is pleasing to the touch, and to all senses. 

Help me to honor and love my body, in every way. Let me see myself with eyes of love and deep appreciation. Allow others see me in the fullness of my power. May those that I desire feel desire and joy in my presence. May the man I desire, admire the imperfect form of my womanly body, yet, not solely as a sexual object. Selah.

Today, in your honor, I have gathered bouquets of flowers for my bedroom, kitchen window sill, lounge, bath, and dining room table. I have made my bed with a floral tapestry and used my finest floral embroidered pillow cases. After spraying them with rose and ylang ylang fabric spritz, I wanted to throw myself across the bed and writhe with pure abandon!

I adorned myself with flowers, as well! I bathed with rose and lilac blossoms... My body and hair smell intoxicating, like spring -having rinsed my hair in rose water and massaged sweet orange blossom and rose hip oil upon my skin. 

I love the way these colourful applicated flowers look on this long, flowing black skirt. And, this white blouse reminds me of a young gypsy woman; it makes me feel so sexy!

I lit jasmine incense at the altar and placed a single rose there for you, while whispering a prayer that only you could hear. 

Then, barefoot, I danced to the erotic music playing, in slow and sensual movements. Gracious! How I wish I had a man to share this energy with! Someone to tantalize! Someone to share your wild passions, to overflowing... and later in the evening, let nature take its course! 

Flora, your know my deepest desire! Please bring him to me.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

27 April 2022

Love Letter to Mati-Syra-Zemlya

Beloved Goddess,

Moist Mother, how fertile you are! Thank you for gifting this aspect to all women - whether we conceive children, art, ideas or dreams - our creative powers are great!

Witness me, Mati-Syra-Zemlya as I place one hand on the earth and make a promise in your name to connect in more meaningful ways with my local magickal community. Hear my oath, and bless my decision. Assist me by granting me the time and energy needed to fulfill my commitment. Trusting fully; I know that you will help me. 

Mother of divination, guide me; show me what to do and how to manifest my vision.

Mother of healing, be with me throughout the remainder of this year. Guide me in knowing how best to heal my precious body, mind and spirit. Bless this hemp oil as I anoint my body and hair. Bless me, ooh Divine Goddess.

Bless me, that I may be a blessing to others.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly  

26 April 2022

Love Letter to Mawu


Beloved Goddess, 

How lovely are your gifts of passion, creativity and inspiration! I receive them with abundant gratitude!

How mysterious and wondrous are your Universal Laws and Abundant Births! I honor them and rejoice!

Mother, I saw you ride in on the back of an elephant today! How beautiful and regal you are! Thank you for arriving when I need you most!

I love you, Mawu, and delight in the life-giving energies of love making. Please send a true love to me. A man who will match me on many levels, one who will enhance my life, enrich my joy, and share my passion. Bring to me a man who will respect and celebrate the Divine Feminine within me- one who will honor the dark, unknowable, magickal and sultry aspects hidden within me, too. Send me the man I've dreamed of, the one meant especially for me!

Queen, teach me how to be as fertile and sovereign as you. Allow me to embody your soulfulness. Adorn me with your wild woman essence that I may be Queen of my own life. Authentic and divine in every way. A woman who will be worthy of a man such as this.

Mother Mawu make me whole,

Help me obtain my sacred goal.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

25 April 2022

Love Letter to Lada

Beloved Goddess, 

I heard the rustling of your skirts early this morning just as the sun was rising. They sounded like the tinkling of little bells! I couldn't get dressed quickly enough and rushed out to find you, but saw only a trail of new tree seedlings bursting from the earth! What a glorious sight that will be when they grow tall along the driveway.

I'm so delighted that spring is here, the flowers are in bloom everywhere! I especially love the azalea's and the wisteria draping the tall, tall trees on the forests edge. So magickal and beautiful they are!

Lada, your spirit of hospitality makes me feel welcome wherever I go. 

I can't believe I missed seeing your beautiful face! Please stop by on your way back home. We'll have a cup of rose milk tea and a slice of the strawberry bread that I may yesterday. (it turned out so good! Using turbinado sugar and spelt flour was a wonderful idea. Thank you!) 

Ooh! And, the wise woman tonics you left on my doorstep are sure to sweep any hidden illness away! Taking just a spoonful, I already feel fortified with renewed energy and unexpected joy. I feel so  utterly protected. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

24 April 2022

Love Letter to Erzulie


Beloved Goddess, 

Loving One, I need you. 

My pockets are empty and my heart is in want, too! Please extend your beneficent energy to me - help me set everything aright financially and create a healthy love life that I can live with passionately and joyfully all the days of my life. 

I'm weary of dancing in chaos and wish for some semblance of peace, prosperity and sensual plenty. 

I'm wearing blue, today, to honor you! In fact, I was so inspired by your chill love vibe (and to help me embody your essence more fully), I've been eating and drinking blue all day! 

My new motto: 

I eat what makes me holy!

Here's my Haitian Queen Menu:

Breakfast - 

a bowl of plump, fresh blueberries, a toasted slice of seeded bread topped with blueberry jam, an egg poached in purple cabbage water and vinegar (which gave the sweetest hint of blue to the egg white), and strong cup of black coffee


a fat chunk of blue cheese with walnut halves and sliced figs, blue corn fritters, and a fresh salad made with finely shredded purple cabbage, a mixture of wild spring greens, indigo milk cap mushrooms, drizzled with poppy seed vinaigrette and topped with crumbled Trader Joe's blackberry encrusted  goat cheese, and glass of super-immune blue juice.


A filet of wild caught salmon baked with a delicious mixture of Italian dressing, elderberry and blueberry jam. Adirondack blue potato salad and purple/blue carrots in herb and butter sauce.

For dessert; A blue plum torte with creamy lemon sauce!

And, for a late evening treat, I made a cup of blue butterfly sweet pea tea; plain.

Embodying you, has never been more delicious! I felt you here in spirit, but I wish you could have dined with me! It was most enjoyable. 

Erzulie, promise that you'll come soon. Truly, I need you!

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly


Will you please bless this sigil and bring it with you when you come? I can't wait to see you again. It's been too long. . . 

23 April 2022

Love Letter to Sif

Beloved Goddess, 

I feel a kinship deep and true with you, my darling Sif. I always have, my golden haired delight! 

How alike we are in spirit! And, what passionate wenches, are we! Such fun we have, together, and all the memories.. I've been so day-dreamy, lately. Missing your company. Sharing our mutual love for the arts; our adoration for the earth...

Because of this sunny day with its slightly cool breeze, because of the way you and I are- our natural enjoyment for making love beneath the stars on a warm summers night with our latest lover... I am reminded of the days last summer that we spent together! I loved the ease with which we created beauty. The sacred flow of that entire week; sharing our hearts and deepest desires with one another the way soul sisters are want to do... Lounging on the porch bed after a swim in the pond; spreading out layers of crisp, clean layers of floral sheets and soft linen tapestries to lie upon... Remember how comfortable it was resting against all those huge Euro pillows that smelled of fresh lavender, tansy and sage? The way she floral shadows of that handmade crocheted canopy fell across our sun-kissed skin? Ooh! That was a beautiful day... I can still smell the lilacs and hyacinth! It felt so good to nap together listening to the sound of buzzing bees, the breeze through the leaves of the trees, the rush of the water over the rocks in the creek. Pure bliss!

I bought some blue butterfly sweet pea tea that I can't wait to share with you! You're going to love it! It's absolutely magickal!

Earlier today, I wrapped several small gifts in a the most exquisite gold leaf tissue paper; what a shimmering sight to behold! I hope you'll be able to join me for the afternoon gathering that I'm hosting for the women in my fire dance circle, this weekend. I'm making all sorts of delicious things to eat, and a big bowl of mango, white rose and pineapple summer punch, with star anise seed blossoms & calendula petaled ice cubes, for garnish! They turned out so pretty. . .

If you come, will you please lead us in the unity ceremony? 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

22 April 2022

Love Letter to Ishtar

Beloved Goddess, 

Ishtar, don't tease me! 

Unlike you, I have always been a mother- to baby dolls, to siblings, to neighborhood children, to lost, sad, frightened and broken things- to flowers, birds, cats, taboos, passions and dreams.

We never speak of how overbearing, highly critical, hurtful and sometimes cruelly controlling my mother was, and can be. But, you witnessed the ways I was often poorly, and all together inadequately, mothered... the tears, the way I struggled to fend for, defend and protect myself. I sometimes still do. This is why you fiercely insisted, yet tenderly taught me how to mother myself! Thank you.

It has been a long, healing process; a transformative journey! Truly, it has provided me with a different outlook, a higher, deeper, boarder perspective.

A renewed form of maternal energy now surges through me. It is more mature! It is wiser, all-knowing, calmer, and compassionately loving. Somehow, it's even more real! It is deeply Tantric. It's less needy, wounded, wanting. I marvel at the way this holy maternal vibe weaves through everything I am and do. It is present in the way I nurture others and myself, in the way I think and offer insightful advice in matters of the heart, of life and death, in the way I hold sacred space for others to receive healing, comfort and acceptance. I see their longing, as it was once my own. 

This sacred fabric graciously provides the foundation of trust and grace. It  unifies and brings wholeness to all things. Allowing, it offers boundless forgiveness and an opening through which the darkest, most terrifying secrets may escape their chains, fears and horror, and come into the love and light of heart center to be seen, embraced and healed. And, without shame, guilt or blame, set free, fully released- transformed. 

Goddess, I hear your voice. 

Can you hear my primal scream? 

You know the vibrational energies of uninhibited sexuality and seductive sensuality are innate and integral aspects of who I am. 

Like you, I am a lover . . .  I love to love

I need to love.

You know my hearts secret desire to be united with my true love- my known but unknown spiritual consort. Why can't I find him in this physical realm? 

Yet, with your grace, I have somehow been able to contain these desires (I am in awe of this!!), and actually, have finally found true love within my own precious being! What a glorious gift! 

Perhaps I have chosen to be celibate these last seven years for this sacred purpose: As a form of  purification - As initiation into a my destined soul mission.

Tell me, please.

During this sacred time alone with you- reconnecting in wholeness with the divine essence of my heart and soul, I have come to a deeper understanding. As I embody your essence in my daily life, I have been empowered on every level- physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual! I continue to blossom...

No longer am I the adoring maiden with starlit eyes mistakenly seeing the man who can save me in every boy. No longer am I the demanding or jealous mother who childishly craves perfection or control due to her misguided fear of loss. No longer am I the seductress on the hunt, the insatiable harlot who can never get enough, or the fragile, self-sacrificing virgin who trades her innocence and priceless treasures for the approval of others. No longer am I the goddess who gives away her rightful power to kneel before a man- because, albeit silently unaware, she is so desperate and eager to be petted, held, seen, honored, known and loved. 

Surprisingly now, I draw men like moths to a flame, not because I am so beautiful, sexy or desirable. Not for the sensual, sexual pleasures that I once freely offered, but for the soft, quietly strong, yet gently vulnerable energy I exude, for the huge goddess energy I possess which allows him to surrender, rest and simply be. No longer expected to be virile, or needing to be seen as raw masculinity, their inner child -the hurting, wounded, weak and lost aspects that needs comfort, wants to be held, patiently, lovingly understood- finds its true power and purpose in my unconditional loving High Priestess presence.  In me, he sees You! He sees the truth of who I am!

I am Daughter of the Queen of Heaven and Earth! I am the daughter of the Moon. I am the daughter of Venus: the Morning and Evening Star! 

With this knowing, I reclaim my soul self; my power, my truth! I step fully into my place of Queenly authority. I am now, was ever, and shall always be the sovereign expression of empowered Femininity: the Holy She! 

I am no longer afraid of my own dark, mysterious, creative and destructive urges! I am independent- belonging to myself. I am inseparable oneness with the holiest source of pure Spirit. I have taken on the mantle of inner truth and strength, of outward beauty, grace and confidence. I stand tall, crowned in wisdom, courage, and constant change. I am ready to reign!

Goddess I hear your request: 

Offer this gift (Yes! The misunderstood mission of the Sacred Prostitute from ancient days in my Holy Temples) as your ministry. Shine your light in the darkness. I want you to merge your work with the 10th Ray of Light. 

Goddess, I am yours!

But, I am hesitant. 

I have considered your request many times before, and yet, I am still unsure how to do so in the purely sacred way you intend (those temple days and ancient holy ways are lost to us)- How can I do so in this day and age? How can I do so safely, with proper boundaries? How can I offer this holy act of Sacred Marriage to men in this patriarchal, misogynous, judgmental and body-shaming society? How can I do so without my soulful offerings being misconstrued, deemed immoral or illegal, misused, abused, or taken wrongly? How can I honor this request without draining my resources and utterly exhausting myself? No matter how I define or present it, some will be without soulful consideration of its divine intent. Ishtar, provide me with clear knowledge and detailed understanding of the logistics! 

Be with me, whispering guidance along the way. Give me visions and show me how it looks and feels. I have so many questions! I need help!

Yes, I hear you.

I know that I am being summoned.

Guide me!

Hold sacred space for men in a new way... Free them of their need or want to dominate, to control, to destroy, to harm, to defile, to enter into the holy of holies for the sole act of pleasure, power, or lust. I will show you. Help remind them of who they truly are- their true soul purpose so, they may enter the temple for a deeper soulful reason- for true healing and spiritual fulfillment, union, love- for surrender and to worship Me- as an offering of their heart; as a blessing to the Great Mother - to all womankind. I will guide you. Prepare yourself, without knowing what is yet expected of you. Be open to the possibilities in moments as they are presented. I will guide you. You will know just what to do. Trust me.

Ooh, Ishtar. 

I hear you. I trust you...

Like you, I will stand in my power, whole, divine, and free -balancing my inner masculine and feminine- strong and soft, wise and allowing: sure of myself.

I can feel the energy of the collective masculine, the shadow side of the divine He -leaning into me. Embracing me, he willingly surrenders his power to be closer to my heart, to honor the temple, my sacred yoni, to experience the rebirth his own vulnerable soul self... He longs to listen. 

Deep within, he remembers the hauntingly poetic, melodic, ancient song of woman. He yearns to hear again, the rhythmic flow of our secret language... He's ready to follow wherever he is led to go. He yearns to find his way back home.

Help me to bring this gift into being. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

21 April 2022

Love Letter to Tauropolos

Beloved Goddess,

How lovely you are! Your beauty and strength are gifts: A tangible inspiration and a powerful force! I feel such deep admiration and appreciation for you. Your soulfulness and sweetness shine bright through your eyes. Your gentleness of spirit offers deep compassion. I know you care for me, as I do you!

How I long for quiet time with you; reviewing the progress we've made, the unfolding of our days spent apart, and the plans we have for our future. 

The grasses are so lush and green. . . I can't wait to throw down a big blanket under a big, old shade tree and lounge an afternoon away with you - reading, napping, eating and drinking lovely things and just being together again... We've so much to share!

Please, my beloved Tauropolos, prepare the fields for my success, and help me do my best in everything I put my hand and mind to, as I have much I need to accomplish. You know just how open I am to experiencing victory in all my endeavors. I'm ready to seize the bull by the horns! 

Lady Bull, be my strength. Empower me to make the most of every day. I have so many goals I want to reach. During this season of bounty and grace, direct my sacred path of beauty. Reveal the stars that are set to guide me. Steer me in the right direction that I may come to a place of rest and completion; that I may cease striving, and begin to fully live and enjoy the way of life that I envision for myself. You alone know how much I desire to share with others.  

Help me stomp out all bad habits that hinder me from staying focused and loving myself with tender mercy. Keep me  steady and strong on my path, until we meet again.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

20 April 2022

Love Letter to the Tennin

Beloved Goddess,

You dwell sylph-like in the clouds, singing songs that only those with spirit ears can hear... Such beautiful, haunting words you sing... keeping the rhythm of my heartbeat.

I can feel your feathered wings wrapping about me, keeping me safe. 

What does it mean to dream the same dream three times in one night? I think it was you visiting me, as I awoke each time remembering this message: Shine your light in the darkness. 

Help me to reclaim the night with divine power. Help me reclaim my dark, divine feminine power, essence, wisdom. Help me to shine the light in the places within myself where my power, magick and truth await their revealing. 

There is no need for me to fear anything. You are with me, as I carry a feather in my purse. I am protected, as I have hung an energetic veil of white silk about my aura. I know I am loved.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

19 April 2022

Love Letter to Rangda


Beloved Goddess,

I am pregnant with dreams. My belly is big and heavy, seeking release, satisfaction. Since the conception of my dream seeds, you have been with me. Scaring away anyone who would try to dissuade me, destroy or diminish the fruition of this magick that resides within me.  Be with me now, and help me give birth - I'm long over due!

Rangda, such things people say! How they love to demonize a woman for her power. . . Let them call us witch! Let them be afraid. I am not. I am as sweet and fertile as the earth. I am wild and untamable - unwilling to conform. 

Today, in your honor, I am wearing a long silk sarong that I dyed golden with saffron. It's wrapped about my body several times, and tied at my breasts. I brought fruit (grapes, plum and pomegranate) and flowers (yellow and bright pink hibiscus) to the sacred hidden grotto in the woods, and laid them on the altar - a gift for you. There, before you and all of nature, my prayer was spoken; unspoken.

A prayer for fruitful productivity in every area of my life that needs it most. A prayer to remove the masks, to see beyond the terrifying aspects, to reveal my authentic soul essence. 

Fulfill my desire for successful living. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

18 April 2022

Love Letter to Sipe Gialmo


Beloved Goddess, 
In your honor I have lovingly (and playfully) cleansed, polished and pampered all my Goddess statues, symbols and ritual tools, today. It was so wonderful to give them each special attention. Each of my household altars now have a new intention and purpose.
Inspired by the feeling of deep renewal (the energies in and around me were actually lighter) I splashed rose water everywhere as a sacred blessing; on myself, my bed linens, even my purse and the front door- to bring in your protection, attention to my well-being and blissfulness. 
Then, with sincere prayer, I lit incense and opened all the window so that your essence could come and fill every corner! It was refreshing in the most wonderful of ways!

I am so grateful for this spring clean feeling that these simple actions caused, that I decided to clean the floors and other often neglected places that gather dust and dirt, but go unseen.  To every drop of water, I offered kindness and gratitude; speaking holy intentions. It was a powerful transformation - like a crystal clarity upon every surface!

At days end, I took a long hot bath with sea salt, honey, lavender, powered milk and rose essential oil- and soaked my tired body... My heart was light and my mind was clear so I took the opportunity to visualize any heavy or impure energy leaving from my body, mind and soul - and draining away with the bath water!
Curling up in my bed, I lay here feeling at peace.
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

17 April 2022

Love Letter to the Gratiae


Beloved Goddesses, 
You've arrived! 

Did you see the pure white field of daisies on your way into town? They just burst into bloom this week!

I'm so excited to see you later today! How lovely it will be to sip a glass of wine together over dinner and remanence about the beauty and excellence of our last endeavors. And make new plans! I haven't even seen your beautiful faces yet, and already I'm so inspired to get creative!! I have much to share with you, three! 

What fun this visit will be... Aglaea, I can't wait to hear all about the romantic movies you've seen!  And, you know how I look forward to your imaginative descriptions of the latest dances and your scintillating reviews of the world of theatre, Thalia. And, darling Euphrosyne you always share the most sublime news about The Arts!! Please come prepared to tell all! 

I've gathered some women that are interested in taking part in our upcoming play. Truly this theatric endeavor is so luscious that my ideas are spreading like wild fire! Wait until you see the silks I found for the costumes! Ooh1 I forgot to tell you!! We were given a stage full of props that are so exquisite, and absolutely perfect for this productions theme! Remember to bring the script so we can discuss it in more depth.

Secretly, I'm counting on you to bring that sweet smelling perfume you mentioned so nonchalantly. How you tease me! If I know you as well as I think I do, it'll be an aroma-therapeutic supplication intended to attract only the most desirable potential lovers! 
(Thank you!)
-Yours devotedly

16 April 2022

Love Letter to Pomona


Beloved Goddess, 

My soul. 
Sister, mine. 
How alike we are. 

We both are in love with nature - and flowers, especially. . . Though we've been out daily taking in the beauty, grounding with the earth mother, resting, and enjoying simple pleasures - we also have spent too much time indoors; sitting around (yes, we're busy in our minds, writing, planning, creating) but we would both benefit from inspiring one another daily to go for a long walk! We know this is what gives us our physical and spiritual sustenance, so let do it.

I an wearing a floral circlet in my hair today. I smiled earlier, when it occurred to me that you most likely are, too. 

Truly, I had plans to walk the woodland gardens today, but it's been raining since last evening. The softness of the soil is so lovely- I want to walk barefooted planting countless flower seeds! 
The hanging baskets are spilling over their pots; their blossoms are so profuse. They look so pretty. I wish you could see the big bumblebees that have been visiting their golden centers. Bumbles are so fat and happy it makes me smile just remembering them buzzing sweetly about. A yellow swallow-tailed butterfly came and stayed for a long late morning visit last week!

How dearly I miss you, Pomona. And, sharing sacred space with you... 
Please bring a basket of your crisp red apples when you come, and I'll bake an apple dumpling (I remember - it's your favorite).
Come soon!
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

15 April 2022

Love Letter to Asase Yaa


Beloved Goddess, 

Old Woman Earth, I adore you. Grandmother, my heart and mind and body long to live close to your body. I long to grow rooted to your wisdom and harvest the gifts of flesh and spirit that you long to give to me. Thank you for nourishing me, holding and nurturing me the way you always have. I am so comforted by your gentleness, inspired by your strength and power. 

Please motivate even more truth and virtue into my being that I may help the next seven generations remember who they are -know how they are to live upon your sacred body.

Guide me Mother, that I may dwell in peace and harmony with you all the days of my life. Teach me the ancients ways of wisdom that I may be a blessing to others.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

14 April 2022

Love Letter to Sri

Beloved Goddess,

I invoke your generosity of spirit, that wild abundance be mine to use in the creation and manifestation of my soul's vision. Not for selfish reasons, but that I may live the life my soul song longs for me to share with the women of this world.

I was given a sacred vision over thirty years ago. In vivid, intricate detail I was shown exactly what I am meant to do: Create a retreat center for women to come for healing, empowerment and transformation. 

Goddess, I am still trying to bring it into being. This is where you come in Sri... I need your assistance acquiring prosperity. Either cash funding, or property and buildings with the financial ability to furnish, advertise, flourish, maintain and keep it going. Please bless me in whatever way you deem necessary to make this dream come true. 

Goddess of fertile wealth, protection, insight and joy, please hear my prayer and grant it to me.

I awoke with a sole purpose this morning: to petition you. In preparation, I bathed in a holy ritualistic way to purify myself - mind, body and spirit; to prepare myself for receiving your boundless abundance. 

I see it as reality. I have been smiling brightly ever since, and wishing everyone I meet a 'Good day!'. 

To please you, I am wearing blue - a flowing raw silk skirt the colour of a glorious blue sky! I have adorned myself with blue topaz and turquoise so you will help me gather financial reserves and prolong my well-being.

In meditation, I envisioned an exquisite pink lotus blossoming in my heart. Such beauty it possessed! Its fragrance was so lovely it permeated the air throughout the room. 

Without reservation, I open my heart and accept the passionate warmth and creative energy of the entire sky/cosmos. I allow it to enter every cell of my body! My soul flower absorbs your magnificent light and love. 

I can see the gorgeous pink petals, delicate but strong, filling my heart space to overflowing. This image, I hold as a sign of what's to come.

Thank you!

-Yours devotedly 

13 April 2022

Love Letter to Tou Mou

Beloved Goddess, 

Glowing one, keeper of karmic records, thank you for watching over me and blessing me with good luck and holy cleansing. 

Is it you who has bestowed upon me the love of books, of quills and writing brushes... the love of writing, and learning the secret language of the divine feminine? 

Look what was tucked away in a carved wooden box:

Will you please teach me Nüshu? Our ancient, secret language for women only is almost lost and forgotten

Goddess, please remind me of what the delicate symbols that fall down the length of paper like leaves of a weeping willow mean . . . 

I think I know, but like a dream upon waking, the memory fades away before I can grasp it. 

Speaking of dreams... Are you the one I hear singing the women's songs Nüge? How these haunting melodies weave throughout my dreams- awakening something meaningful I once knew by heart. 

You who dwells in the sky, Goddess of higher wisdom and karma, bring enlightenment that my path of beauty may be walked with purity of intent and love. Help me to remember than all acts of love free me of karmic debt. Help me to keep my thoughts in alignment with my true hearts wisdom and my souls source and connection. 

Let your bright light shine on the darkness - wherever it may hide within me. Let whatever is found there, be seen and healed - loved and held - embraced and forgiven. Let the purity of your love bathe away iniquity and shame. Let the fullness of your compassion wash away all fear. Let the goodness of your power clean all that would defile, diminish, or deny my divine oneness with life and love. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

12 April 2022

Love Letter to Mahesvari


Beloved Goddess, 

When I first saw you sitting astride, riding upon Nandi, the white bull, I was reminded of my first born daughter, Lily. A symbol of purity and justice, this strong, yet gentle bull
whose name means 'giving delight' or 'giving joy', is the sacred protector I lovingly and purposefully appointed to watch over her, for all the days of her life. Consciously knowing nothing of him, or you, those long years ago, yet certain was I in my choice! I can't help but think now, that you were guiding me in that . . . 

Mahesvari, did you choose her for your own?

You, the power of Shiva, the protectress of Shakti- I feel you present with me, watching over me and protecting me from evil, allowing me to be creative and courageous in all things. I know now, that it was you who was with me as I carried her, as I gave birth to her, as I held her close to my heart that tearful yet glorious day. 
Beloved Divine, are you the only one who understands the depth of my sorrow? Your tendency to degenerate and dissipate enables me to let go, to release the pain and heartache; to allow the unknowing, the null and void within my soul, to trust that we will be reconnected again, some day. We can truly never be separated. Energy never dies, but is constantly flowing; whether it is channeled, changed or transformed - it is eternal. Just as the energy of my love for her, for you... ever eternal. Divine Mother, you and she reside within my heart. 

You, One of the Holy Seven, breathe life and individuality into my being, into her being. 
Thank you for assisting my fight against unseen demons, ensuring that we will remain pure and unharmed. Thank you for protectively watching over us, for keeping us safe and strong. How magnificent is your power! 

Your beauty and wisdom is great! I bow before Thee with true gratitude. It is your holy strength and vitality that I feel within my blood- empowering me to live with vigor and purpose... with passion and deep, abiding love. It is you who holds my heart, my baby in your sacred grace.
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

11 April 2022

Love Letter to Fortuna


Beloved Goddess, 

She Who Brings luck, wealth and abundant blessings; Greetings. May this letter find you well and feeling deeply appreciated. You are! Thank you for always standing watch over me guiding my path to the good things in life. I am so grateful for your love and unwavering care and concern for my wellbeing. 

Throughout the year, you provide me with the opportunities and situations that allow my needs to be met. Even when I do not know how, you do! Your careful attention to detail and your unending kindness keeps me ever faithful and trusting; I know all is well, that I am loved, that my needs will be met. Abundantly beyond my fearful uncertainty. 

Fortuna, I am deeply grateful. I come to you with a special request this month; please steer the wheel of fate in the direction that will enable me to support myself in a new way. I am weary of struggle and waiting until the 11th hour. Please grant me mercy and grace and allow a windfall of prosperity to be gifted to me. I want my belongings with me, as they are so far away in storage, and I wish them to be seen and honored and useful in my daily life. And, I seek a home of my own. Please make it so. Please create the path that will lead me to a home of my own, where my dear possessions and kitty and I can safely dwell without fear of lack, without having to move again. Grant me a steady income that I can count on and have my needs and desires fulfilled. I trust that you can make it so!

Thank you!

-Yours devotedly

10 April 2022

Love Letter to Poluknalai


Beloved Goddess, 

Though I have not, yet, been given the pleasure of meeting you, I have seen you from afar. I have been told that you, Lady of the Beasts, are Creatrix and protector of all the animals. 

Whenever I ask others about you, they confess they do not know you. It took a lifetime to learn your name! Whenever I gather enough courage to introduce myself, I find you surrounded by wild creatures. I always remain half hidden behind an ancient tree, waiting for an opportunity to find you alone; but it never comes. You are so beloved. 

I've seen the way the bears lay their head against your back, the way the birds nest in your hair, the fox and deer and snake curl up at your feet. I marvel at the way the wild ones seem so tame and gentle in your presence. Yet, I am still apprehensive, and do not approach you....

Just this morning, as the sun was rising, I was sitting in prayerful meditation at the edge of the stream, when I heard a soft rustling sound. I looked up in time to see many beautiful creatures heading in the same direction. Then I noticed you! Sitting quietly, naked, and divinely serene. The animals were making their way to you!

You were sitting on the other side of the water, slightly nestled against the large oak and the hill bank of sweet grasses. There, you sat upon a smooth stone, as if an altar, surrounded by a lovely gathering of animals. All quietly attending to you, as if in prayer, themselves. 

I started to say 'Good morning' but it somehow seemed disrespectful, and I didn't want to frighten the animals. So I sat in awe, watching you and hearing the half song and half humming sound you were making. What language was that? I could have sat there all day, but suddenly, the wind picked up and thunder crashed; loud! Startled by the unexpectedness of the sound, I leapt to my feet and ran indoors. When I looked out the window, you were no longer there... Where did you go?

Poluknalai, you are so lovely. I feel as if I know you already... There is something very familiar about you, and I, too, long to sit near you and can imagine how lovely it would be to lay my head in your lap or against your heavy breasts.. listening to your voice, your breath, your heartbeat.
Often, I have witnessed the way you are ever watchful over animals and nature, and it fills my heart with love and gratitude. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

09 April 2022

Love Letter to A-Ma


Beloved Goddess,

I can't help but feel a certain connection with you, as I grew upon on Macao Place and my bedroom was furnished in red lacquer 
and art of your region. Though at the time, I didn't like it, and felt it was forced upon me, I realize now, that it was your doing. Your way of surrounding me with great care.
Providence would have it that I grow up quickly. Yet, I attribute my inner strength and fearless courage to you, and your gifts of protection and safety throughout my life.
Matsu, it was you who taught me magickal wisdom, and you who gifted me with charms to weather any storm. 

In your honor, I have adorned my altar with symbols of fish and burned incense to bring my prayers of gratitude to you. The depth of my soul finds solace in you... No matter how rough the sea or dark the sky, you are ever present with me, guiding me toward the center of calm within my hearts spirit.
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

08 April 2022

Love Letter to Blodeuwedd


Beloved Goddess,
May you remind us all that beauty is only skin deep, that true beauty is found in ones words, thoughts and actions. By your loving grace, please remind us that relationships are fragile. Everyone we know and love has been wounded or hurt in some way and need our kind consideration. Help us to honor ourselves and one another in respectful and compassionate ways. Help us to see with inner vision and overcome the blindness of surface sight. Help us to be kind and helpful in whatever ways we can, as we may be blessing unaware. 
Darling one, I find such comfort and deep soul care in your presence. Your quiet, gentle and unassuming ways allow me to rest in the knowing that all is well... and ultimately trust that we are loved and beyond words precious. Like a breath of fresh air, you encircle us with hope and a promise of beauty.
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

07 April 2022

Love Letter to Coventina

Beloved Goddess, 

Sacred water, sweet water, holy waters: You are the beautiful and benevolent blessing - providing us all with the precious gift of life.

The Blajini (gentle ones) are so playful and willing to be whatever we wish! How wise are those who bless water with thoughts of love, peace, joy, health and goodness. How foolish are those who curse and pollute the water spirits with greed, lack of compassion or evil intent.  

Gracious Goddess, please forgive us, and pay no heed to our neglect, disrespect, ill will, lack of foresight and foolishness. I pray that you will maintain your purity and love as hope for our innocent future generations. 

May we all look upon all the waters of the earth with true love and speak and think and act in ways that bless and preserve your crystalline integrity, not only for our highest good, but for the highest good of all. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly. 

06 April 2022

Love Letter to Sequana


Beloved Goddess, 

How joyful is your gift to humanity. Today, I painted a little boat to resemble a duck, and before placing it in the creek behind my house I lit a little candle and set it inside. My prayer for humanity and mother earth along with a secret wish were made as I offered it to the waters. Watching it drift away with the gently flowing water brought both tears and laughter. My heart is full to overflowing. 

Thank you for restoring hope, and revitalizing my faith in myself, humanity, and the infinite possibilities and prevailing power of love and goodness. May we all be blessed with love and abundance. May we all remember that we are one tribe on this planet and that the waters, the air, and each other are our greatest treasures. 
Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

05 April 2022

Love Letter to Kwan Yin


Beloved Goddess,
How kind and generous you are, goddess of my heart and soul. Ever faithful to my needs, you are a steady source of light, comfort and wisdom. 
You're a jewel! Always relieving suffering and encouraging enlightenment. You hold a place of honor on my daily altar. Whether in the form of the small 2" or the 4' statue, your presence is wide, and high and deep... embracing every aspect of my life, mind, body and soul, as well as making sacred every room in my home. 
I love you Kwan Yin. I am dearly grateful for you. Thank you for hearing every cry, every prayer, and comforting every heartache, spoken or silent. You are a previous pearl. Your strength, patience and gentleness enable me to carry on in this often harsh and wearisome world. 
In your honor, today, I have placed upon your altar black tea, rice, flowers, sweet cakes, fresh fruit (an apple and apricots) and almonds. I lit a white and pink candle after anointing them with sweet jasmine oil. When I lit the lotus incense, its smoke reached high and curled in a gentle spiral. I know you were hear accepting my prayers and love.
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly