
31 January 2022

Love Letter to Sarasvati


Beloved Goddess,

You have taught me wisdom, and helped me learn in ways I may never have without your divine assistance. Thank you Sarasvati, for opening the channel of communication between us.  I am honored by your kindness toward me.

Like the swan you ride upon, your grace is in my heart, and it is a soft strength which I am grateful. Upon my stream of consciousness, thoughts, like white petaled flowers drift sweetly upon the crystal clear waters of divine awareness.  Our minds are one. Our spirits, too.

Bless me always as I write and share the wisdom granted to me with others. Help me to be ever grateful and full of love toward everyone I encounter, just as you have been with me.

Now, as I sit in the Enchanted Forest, in which I dwell, pen in hand, writing this love letter to you... I gaze upon the fast moving waters of the hidden stream, Soon, I will give 21 pure white petals from a rose that bloomed last summer and speak these words aloud to you:

"Sarasvati, let my words bear gentle beauty and truth, falling lightly on others' ears as these petals to the water. "

And, kneeling upon the earth close to the waters edge, I will whisper a secret, as I know the fresh waters will find there way to you, and you, will hear them singing my soul song and feel my love for you. Be with me always.

Thank you,

-Yours devotedly

30 January 2022

Love Letter to Pax


Beloved Goddess, 

I have kept my vow of peace in honor of you for most of my life... the few times I have lost my temper are rare. My prayer both day and night is that peace may prevail in every way upon this earth - your beautiful body, my one true love. 
I clothe myself in white, this day and bathe in the love of the light that shines upon my face. I set upon my altar, beneath the tree with the faery door in its roots, an offering of corn, as I am almost certain a squirrel with her wee little babies dwell within. And, left a small, folded note on pink paper, the magickal words written in the language of the Goddess. Hear my prayer, please Mother, and shower us all with blessings and peace.
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

29 January 2022

Love Letter to Spider Woman

Beloved Goddess, 

As the weaver of my fate, I am grateful that you know my heart and love me dearly. When I fall asleep, you visit me in my dreams. I remember, with fond memory, braiding your long, silver white hair. You spoke not a word, but sweetly smiled as I did so. I  keep close to my heart the magickal charm you created especially for me, I feel its power and your love, as mine.
Cherokee Grandmother, I love you. Please teach me how to weave the magick of abundance in my life so that I may do all the things I dream of doing. I know that you want to see me accomplish my dreams for the good of all in this lifetime. I am following my sacred path of beauty as you guide me to do. Come, be with me as I create a new pathway for myself and for future generations of girls and women.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly.

28 January 2022

Love Letter to Fulla

Beloved Goddess,

Your magickal ways are tucked into my sacred book and a lock of my hair lays between the pages as a symbol of your protection.

Fulla, I do wish you would tell me about your sisters casket of slippers, and why they needed to be guarded. Were they really enchanted? I envision them made of silk and satin, embroidered with flowers, butterflies, honeybees and secrets.
Flames from as many golden candles as I could find fill my room with light and warmth... I can feel your presence with me now and know that you are here ushering in the energies for my rebirth and abundance - like a little girl, I am looking forward to my birthday- to the spring equinox!
You are a blessing and the bringer of all good things.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly


27 January 2022

Love Letter to Ceres


Beloved Goddess,

She Who gifts me with abundant blessings. Each and every day is a bounteous harvest! My table is always overflowing with healthy and delicious things to eat and share with others. I am so grateful.

Upon my altar I placed fertile seeds - poppies, corn, squash and beans, and ask that you bless them with golden light until spring arrives and I can plant them in the sweet earth. Though it is winter, I have tended the rich earth in preparation of future harvests, with love. Mother, show us how to honor the old ways of caring for the earth, of planting and reaping nourishment from our own gardens, and with thanksgiving, share our bounty with others in our neighborhood.

Thank you,

-Yours devotedly

26 January 2022

Love Letter to Jun Ti


Beloved Goddess,

Ooh! Sun and moon! Lady, your light of grace and wisdom shine upon me. 

She Who governs fate grant me long life. 

You have taught me that dragons are not to be feared as evil or destructive... I delight when they unexpectedly visit me, as I find them to be friendly, wise and beautiful! Often, they appear in the form of shadow or cloud - as tree or stone. Bearing blessing, good luck and prosperity - I am honored by their beloved presence in my life.

Jun Ti be my North Star. Be the light that guides me to my fortune and my well-being. As you have instructed me to do, I listen, and use my intuition and see with my inner eye to find my way to enlightenment. Restore my sense of balance and allow me to honor both light and dark, night and day. Please continue helping me to be calm, strong and centered.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

25 January 2022

Love Letter to the Mother of Ten Thousand Things

Beloved Goddess,

Mother, I love you. 

 How lucky and blessed am I that you care for me, and tend to 10,000 things that are  unknowable, incontrollable -

How fortunate am I that you remove the responsibility of these things from me. As I listen and pay attention, I am watchful for a sign, some serendipitous thing that may come my way or happen, today, I keep you in my heart and give gratitude for your compassion.

Before your altar, I kneel, and place upon it, into your care, all that troubles my heart - trusting that you will know what to do ... that you will guide me, and, in time, I will know what actions to take. My future feels so far away and darkly unseen, my finances are few and I wonder if ever I will know true love.  Yet, I do not want to worry over them any longer. So I rest in your grace, believing that a wonderful year is ahead of me.

Thank you.
-Yours devotedly


24 January 2022

Love Letter to Nokomis


Beloved Goddess,

How your golden hues weave through all my childhood memories, Grandmother. How sweet the corn that was made into bread, how creamy the butter! I am grateful for all that you have provided that has fed and nourished me all my days upon this earth.

Nokomis, you bless me with good luck and all forms of prosperity. Even when I am afraid that I do not have enough, you show me that I do. I trust in you to feed me, both body and spirit. 

In the early morning, when the day is still calm and quiet, I pray to you and sings songs as the rays of the early light, golden and soft, kiss the gold rings upon my toes, and the chain about my neck that lays nestled between my naked breasts. I love to sit with you, Grandmother and listen to your wisdom. "All is well", you say to me. "Trust", and, I do. My heart is grateful.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

23 January 2022

Love Letter to The Earthly Mother


Beloved Goddess,

Blessed earth mother, your beauty and fertile abundance never ceases to astonish me. The trees are my comfort and shelter on hot, summer days and the forests my companions always. 

Life and joy are your gifts to me, and I am so deeply grateful. Mother, teach me to grow ever closer to you... to know the wisdom in the dirt and weeds. Teach me the ways of the changing seasons that I may know the mysteries of life and death and rebirth within myself and my own sacred cycles. Help me to let go when I must and to embrace everything I am given. 

I am ever aware of your presence and though I sometimes neglect spending time alone with you, I always think of you with deep, abiding love. Call to me, Mother, until I hear your voice and come running to be with you. Whisper messages to me that I will be inspired to follow your wisdom more closely. Sing to me as a small child until I remember that I belong here, and never again seek to leave.

Thank you,

-Yours devotedly

22 January 2022

Love Letter to Auchimalgen

Beloved Goddess, 

O beautiful, bright One who shines light in the darkness to illuminate, inspire, protect and bless, I see your wonder and grace!

Auchimalgen, you are with me always - I feel your lunar power within my being. You dwell in each of the 11 moon centers housed on my female body. Help me to become more aware of these energies as they flow within me... Teach me the steps to dance more gracefully with you - and to know and trust my own natural rhythm.

I feel loved knowing you are watching over me and gently guiding me in everything I do, as all loving mothers do for their beloved daughters. 

Mother, I built an altar on the smooth, flat stone beside the creek... and stood before it adorned in a white flowing dress. A silver crescent moon pendant lay heavy upon pale the flesh between my supple breasts. Upon the altar I placed a white candle and lit it praying: 'May your light ever shine bright within my heart.' A seashell that you gave to me that night at the ocean... a large, shallow pottery bowl full of salt water... and a handful of white jasmine blossoms were also lovingly placed upon the stone altar in your honor. 

As I sat upon the earth and listened to the whispering waters, I felt your soft gaze upon my face; you were presence with me and I felt safe. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly.

21 January 2022

Love Letter Oshun

Beloved Goddess, 

Generous and beautiful are your ways. You open your oracular eyes and I gaze within, in hopes of seeing my future true love. Sweet Goddess, you know how long I have been waiting for him. Though you have taught me to divine, I still have not the skill to find him. When the timing is right, I trust that he will find his way to me.

Oshun, Goddess of Love, bless me and all the women who will be joining me in Goddess Self-Love Rebirth Sadhana, that we may truly learn to love ourselves on every level, that we may be reborn into the wholeness of who we are and who we are meant to be in this life. Please bless us with deep insight, gentle grace and abundant magick to remember who we are - Daughters of the earth and sea and cosmic sky.

I place upon the altar a vial of holy water, white and pink seashells, and a mala strand of amber beads in your honor, and ask that you reveal your fortune-telling secrets, that I may be of service to those who come to me for a reading, as I am only ever able to see the present moment. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

20 January 2022

Love Letter to Oya


Beloved Goddess,

You flow through me like a river wildly - my passions strengthening and building; my truth - irrepressible, Mother, be with me ever, as I journey through this life. I need your feminine zeal to dance me awake to my real self. Let me not forget that I am woman - free, sensual and lusty for life - for love.

You inspire a creativity within me that flows on to paper, dampens the idle want or need for anything not of my authentic nature while allowing my true passions, desires and soul purpose  to become wet with excitement. I love that I am able to receive the pure pleasure of being alive, of being in the creative flow, of being woman!

In your honor, this day, I have lit nine white candles and placed a bowl of river water upon the altar, speaking grace and protection upon all your daughters that we may be met with fair justice in all situations .  We call upon you with gentle hearts, Yorba Mother to keep us safe, to keep evil away, to shower us with your love. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

19 January 2022

Love Letter to Kupala


Beloved Goddess, 

How precious are your cleansing waters; bathe me in happiness and longevity. 

How sacred are your cleansing flames: protect me as I go through the purification process of transformation. 

Ooh Kupala, Goddess of wildflowers, fern and birch - I could rest in your sweetness for ever.  Eyes that see only good. Heart  that is full of love. Grant me the blessing of manifesting my true hearts desire, that I may share the wondrous blessings of the divine feminine with all the world, that I may have wild blossoms and forests and rushing stream as altar for you. 

Often, I leave a sacred cloth out to gather dew, that I may wash away all negativity with your magick. Such joy!

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

18 January 2022

Love Letter to NunGeena


Beloved Goddess,

Strong NunGeena, thank you for protecting my sacred work, and keeping evil intent far away. Wise and kind, thank you for keeping my precious creations safe so I can share their beauty with the world.  

 As I walk the enchanted forest of my mothers home, I am grateful for the beauty that is seen everywhere - the lush trees and fragrant flowers and all the sweet, little birds. You and I are birds of a feather, as we are lovers of beauty and mighty protectresses of the earth. 

All of this day, I have heard you whispering, guiding me to enjoy myself... and so, in your honor, I have spent hours admiring galleries of art and discovering new techniques and styles.  Such loveliness pleases my eye, delights my imagination and restores my spirit.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

17 January 2022

Love Letter to Gunnloed


Beloved Goddess,

Fair lady, larger than life, I sing your gentle praises. Often, I sit beneath the big old tree and hear your voice whispering of magickal things that I could do... Thus inspired, I do!

Honey and apples still sweet on my lips and I am swooning over your beauty. Somehow I am always comforted in your presence, and all fear or sorrow have no nest to rest within my peaceful thoughts.

How often you have granted good health and protection upon me! How wise and fertile are my thoughts when you are my muse... My love of creativity pales in comparison to your gifts. I find myself so inspired, I do not wish to stop expressing - and must make myself to go to bed!

As I stir the cauldron and gaze within, I see the future looks bright - and gladly I drink from the cup you graciously offer to me.

Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

16 January 2022

Love Letter to Sengen-Sama

Beloved Goddess, 

You who makes the flowers bloom - I have known you since the beginning of time. 

In honor of the beauty, strength and fragility of life, I placed upon my altar a tiny bud that fell from an impatience plant that I brought indoors before winter arrived. I offer it as a symbol of the promise you made: That no matter what befalls me, I will grow strong and blossom profusely in this lifetime.

Since that day when I first bled, and stood in sacred circle with the women who traveled this path before me, I hold close to my heart the magickal name I was given and use the tools that I made in wise and wondrous ways.

Sengen Sama, you always remind me that women are stronger than we know - like the mountains we have a higher perspective, like the flower we mature, and like the earth -we will endure. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

15 January 2022

Love Letter to Vesta


Beloved Goddess,

Upon the altar of my hearth, you watch over me. The glass candle I have embellished with your face and symbols reminds me daily that I am home, and well cared for.

The flame keeps me warm and nourished. The purple and amber hues inspire me and remind me that life is beautiful and my home is sacred in every way. 

How I love you, Vesta, Goddess of Love. Allow me to dance with the veils - removing them when and how I desire, and adding more when and as wanted. Dance through me, my heart and soul... Show me how to nurture my self and those I love. Show me how to provide deep and nourishing care. Show me how to love. 

Goddess, a secret missive I have placed upon the altar, that you may know and grant my wish. You house my deepest heart and longings - let me find my way back into the center of peace. Allow me to create and keep a home of my own... where I may dance and celebrate - love and live - make art and feasts - bathe and rest. Goddess Vesta, I adore you!

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

14 January 2022

Love Letter to Carmenta


Beloved Goddess,

O! She of foresight and prophecy, bless me with your powers that I may traverse the path of beauty with wisdom and grace. Allow me to use your gifts to know my purpose and renew my passion.

You guided me during childbirth and helped me bring forth four souls into this realm. You hold my hand as I write the words that flow from my heart and divine consciousness; birthing precious creations into this world. May all that I give birth to be a blessing.

Carmenta, your magick spells and sacred songs help me create and dance through life with holy purpose and joy. You are a beautiful blessing and I am grateful for your presence in my life.

Please continue to speak through me as oracle and prophetess that I may guide others in their rebirthing process. Your wisdom is oceans deep. May the primordial waters of the Holy Womb baptize all who seek the mysteries of Goddess and honor life.

Ooh! How I love to sit at waters edge, summoning the nymphs to come and speak with me in their sweet and playful singsong language - I bid them stay, for long, dreamy hours... Help me to remember what they say whenever I am parched and feeling bereft of spirit. Remind me that I am juicy and wet with the creation of life.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

13 January 2022

Love Letter to Mielikki


Beloved Goddess,

Huntress - She Who stalks my shadow self and captures it with cunning; thank you for providing sustenance to my spirit during the cold and barren times of life... 
Mistress of the Forest - She Who shows me how to nurture, preserve and protect the beauty and richness of our earth Mother...  
Darling Mielikki, Goddess of the fairies, the Druids, the trees and flowers, and all we who dwell within the other holy dimensions where magick and mystery reign- please continue blessing us with your great and wondrous healing powers. Your gifts are much needed now. I welcome your healing change. Restore my spirit to its proper and original essence so as to be in alignment with the divine.
She Who created the bear - please visit me in the dreamtime again, and again. Reveal the man who haunts my dreams. I saw him three times as a bear, but he has left me waiting and unfulfilled. I long for him, still.

Thank you,
-Yours devotedly.

12 January 2022

Love Letter to Ganga


Beloved Goddess,

I bathe in your holy waters of purification and am cleansed from all that would taint my spirit of light. 

Your benevolence flows like seven rivers of health and wellbeing. I am grateful for your kind compassion and mercy. 

In your honor I light a pretty, yellow candle and watch the flame flicker and dance in the mirror of water I have placed before it. I do this to honor the waters of the earth -to be aware of the blessings they are to us... 

May we drink and dance and bathe and soak in your precious holy gifts. May we know we are one with the divine and flow just as freely and sweetly.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

11 January 2022

Love Letter to Banba


Beloved Goddess,

As She Who remains untouched and fertile, I, too, keep sacred the land. As She Who protects with magick and fiery passion, I, too, hold sacred all that is dear to me of this life. 

You teach by example, Banba, that the soil - of the earth and of my inner ground- is holy. May we all remember to treat it and ourselves as such. May we remember our inner power and stand up for what is true and good. May we follow your lead and honor the earth we walk upon and find shelter and home therein. 

May we embody the essence of the Goddess and be as She: Wise and Free. She Who remains true and free from negativity.

Thank you,

-Yours devotedly

10 January 2022

Love Letter to Irene


Beloved Goddess,

You come in the form of Eirene, the Goddess of Peace to bestow a deep sense of calm in a time of turmoil. Let my heart be pure and ever full of gratitude so that my first thought is one of cooperation and reconciliation. 

The sister of Order and Justice, remind me to keep heart centered in all areas of my life, and to trust that all is well despite inward fear or confusion regarding outward appearances. 

The peace symbol is imbedded upon my psyche; I was born in the era of free love and peace on earth - from a gypsy father and a flower child mother. 

May I always remember that peace is my true home and nature. May I release unnecessary fear from my thoughts, speech and actions. May I be as you - harmonious and beholder of true wealth. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

09 January 2022

Love Letter to Jana


Beloved Goddess,

Upon the altar in a circle are my offerings to you: the scent of Jasmine incense spiraling upward; the three flames of a silver candle flickering brightly; an antique mirror -round and full like the moon, for scrying; the eye of a single peacock feather; and  a pink bowl of honeyed water upon which floats a camellia blossom. 

As I stand gazing into the scrying mirror I can almost see your face - strong and silent, sweet and fierce - fading in and out of my awareness like clouds obscuring the moon. I feel your presence with me, offering me a new perspective. And, so I ask: Enlighten my path and guide my way through each night and every day. Please open doorways that I may go in the direction my spirit leads. Reveal the Truth and Love to me along the way.

Your sacred totem, the wolf is with me, often, teaching me how to remain loyal to myself and my dreams, how to care for others in my tribe, as well as myself. I am honored that you have sent him to me - to protect and guard over me as I walk my path of beauty.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

08 January 2022

Love Letter to Eleithyia


Beloved Goddess,

Your grace and mystery still glows bright within me like an eternal flame. Just as each baby I was blessed to carry left its mark upon my body and heart, and with every creative project birthed from my mind and soul - the torch of love flows powerfully through me and is passed on to future generations... We are fertile and strong. We are women made for holding, giving, nurturing, and setting free our passions, our dreams - our selves.

Thank you for being my attentive midwife - showing me that I am stronger than I knew, that I am braver than my fear and capable of enduring and surviving unimaginable pain. Thank you for helping me give birth to each precious aspect of divine life that wishes to come forth from within my womb, my being. I am humbly grateful; I am deeply joyful!

In your honor I scatter upon the four winds the fragrant petals of sweet, white flowers as a prayer for my sister who waits and longingly aches for something precious to hold within her depth. For my sister who cries and mourns, who feels empty and broken... 

May she be given sacred care and attention. May her heart be whole and overflowing with the depth of love - of creative expression. Please hold a special place in your heart for her suffering, and bless her abundantly. In her honor, I have kept one white petal from the winds to lovingly place upon my altar as a remembrance of tears and with love for her.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

07 January 2022

Love Letter to Arachne

Beloved Goddess,

When first I heard tale that you had been turned into a spider, because jealousy would not allow the perfection of your weaving, I was horrified! My heart ached for your demise and unjust treatment... And, yet, I see how gracious, and graceful and lovely you are still - your fate has not diminished your beauty or your gifts. 

May I remember to accept what happens in my life without bitterness, and instead, choose to remain true to my self and my divine nature. 

Whenever I see a wee little spider, no matter how frightening it may appear, I remember you and as gently as possible, I capture it and return it to the lushness of my garden, so it may live among the blossoms and berries. 

I am grateful for your inspiration. Please assist me to weave a year of Goddess energy that will support me in keeping my thoughts goddess heart centered.

Thank you,

-Yours devotedly


06 January 2022

Love Letter to Kore


Beloved Goddess, 

Fair maiden - lost is my youth and yet, well I know the Divine Feminine is an expression of cycles. I trust my path of beauty and my sacred journey. 

Kore, I carried your image  with me as I walked seven times around the holiness of my room,  you were with me offering your protection, your good fortune and granting me victory as I  overcome all obstacles. 

How may I better honor and cherish the sweetness of my secret heart and also the hidden desires of my wild longing? How may I indulge my want without sacrificing my freedom? Goddess, She of the springtime, She of the winter of life, guide my path. Help me to reclaim what has been stolen from me, what I have lost through foolishness. and lack of self worth. Restore unto me all that is mine, all that I am in my fullness of being. 

I admire your courage and strength. To embody your essence is to know my authentic self and to stand in my truth.

May I be as you, joyful as I live in two worlds - remaining true to my path and choices. 

Thank you,

-Yours devotedly 

05 January 2022

Love Letter to Befana


Beloved Goddess,

As a child I set outside our backdoor beneath the hanging cinnamon broom, a gift basket full of tiny apples, pecans, a candy cane, and other little treasures I found precious- like a smooth rock with an eye hole through it, a rabbits foot, and a charm I made from paper, glue, and a handful of sweet orange rind, cardamom and rose petals. My innocence and kindness was always rewarded. 

How often during the dark nights of winter I waited, wondering if you might appear before me in the form of the Kitchen witch that blessed our stove and whisper secret spells that would keep the scary things at bay. Though I never saw you, I felt your presence and knew you watched over me. It made me feel safe.

Still, I sense that you guide me on my path - protecting me along my way. 

And, still, every time I call to you, I hear your soft words of wisdom as if they come from my own heart and inner knowing. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

04 January 2022

Love Letter to Callisto


Beloved Goddess,

Long ago, you entered my dreams and revealed yourself to me as Callisto. You showed me where to find sweet honey in my mountain home, within my wild gypsy soul. 

Oh! How fierce, protective and gentle your love can be. I am pregnant with desire. 

When I cannot sleep and seek comfort, I wander through the clear night sky looking for you... longing to find dark warmth beneath your blanket of stars. You guide my path, always leading me back unto myself - to all that is divine. 

She-bear, holder of secrets... magick... love, pour your blessings upon me. 

Goddess awaken my natural instincts that I may move through this world with flexibility and the intensity of a woman brave, creative, free. Grant me the power to let go of fear. Transform  my slumbering strength into vitality.

May I learn to mother myself wisely, and as protectively as you do. May I find must needed comfort and rest in your nurturing presence. 

Thank you.

- Yours devotedly 

03 January 2022

Love Letter to Chin Mu


Beloved Goddess,

I dedicated my altar to you, today. Upon it I placed a small golden castle, an alabaster cat with emerald  green eyes, a bowl of fresh peaches, and a pale creamy white camellia flower with pink buds. Which is pure magick as the bush just began blooming two weeks ago, at the beginning of  winter! Such sorcery is your gift, I know...

The peaches are so sweet and juicy reminding me of the gift and pleasure of my own femininity. Mother, I love being a woman with my soft, supple body.  How lovely to be made in your image.

And, to receive your blessings of long life and good health, I wore my own sweet mothers gold and pink stone brooch, and thought of all the blessings I've been granted.  

May I always remember that I am loved as I walk the Path of Beauty.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

02 January 2022

Love Letter to Benten

Beloved Goddess,

I have seen your golden dragon in my dreams and heard the high pitched tune of a biwa playing melodic sounds as it spoke to me of a treasure ship - 

Just before waking, two white snakes arrived unexpected with your  missive promising that this year it would be steered in my direction!

In your honor, O Queen of the Sea, I  bathe in the salted waters of beauty to open my heart, mind, body, and soul in preparation to receive the blessings of luck and fortune  to be bestowed unto me. 

The Lotus Sutra is the Wish-Granting Jewel and I find it in the stillness and in these words: "When the mind is silent like a lake, the lotus blossoms". 

Like the lotus, may I always embody your beauty within and without. 

Thank you.

- Yours devotedly

01 January 2022

Love Letter to Gamelia

Beloved Goddess,

Upon your altar burns incense - the thick, powdery smoke of golden resin fills the air with a soft sweetness; the intriguing fragrance of myrrh with its earthy and spicy scent cleanses away all that is impure within me. Closing my eyes I breathe in deeply and receive healing to mind, body and spirit.  

Before me  you sit upon a throne, revealing  yourself in the form of Gamelia.  Your blessings of protection encircle me and the past, and everything that does not serve my highest good is released. Grateful for this New Year, I welcome a new beginning. 

Symbolically, I place figs and dates at your door. And, as we feast joyfully and drink wine, I accept the gift of abundance, luck and health given to me.  

Please remain with me while I meditate, that I may focus upon all that  you represent of goodness and glad tidings.  

Allow me this day, and always, to embody all that you represent and are, that I may know balance on every level and experience the true meaning of sacred love. 

Thank you.

- Yours devotedly