
30 June 2022

Love Letter to Antheia

Beloved Goddess,

How glorious you are! Soft petaled and dewy. Your delicate and fragrant beauty is as needed as fresh air, and as intoxicating as a bohemian woman dancing colourfully through virgin snow on a silent winter day. How gracefully you sway! Eyes cannot be lured away; forever transfixed.

Your romantic, floral sensuality seduces all six senses and fills me with an unexpected but evocative yearning for dreams yet to be borne. 

Whispering joy and indescribable love rushed forth and blurred my vision the first time I caught sight of your luscious face. Colours bled together, the way they do when unwanted tears unexpectedly fill ones vision. And, unlike the way ones hand just as suddenly brushes them away, I do not try to hide my emotions from you.  

I'll never forget seeing you there beneath that protective canopy of trees- doe eyed, your full lips still damp with the sweetness of berries. 

You froze. Not from fear, but from the same magnetic allure that kept my gaze bound to yours. . . 

Watching. . . with imperceptible motion,  your eyes never leaving mine, you stretch your arm out as if reaching for me- one smooth fluid motion that felt both wanting and giving... Your gentle fist enclosing a gift; unseen. Slowly unfolding, your fingers open- offering to me a handful of wild raspberries. 

A knowing trust, and then, honor blossoms wildly within my being- like a welcoming embrace: A kind reminder that I've somehow found my way back home, after a unbearably long absence. 

Though, not a home I've ever known... Yet, my true home. Where my core - the honey center of my soul has forever belonged.

With every bite, the sweet tartness of berries on my tongue, an unspoken promise was given. Unexpected hope tickled my every thought like childhood wishes flying freely from the white seeded fluff of a dandelion- lifting each to the winds of tomorrow. Where they would be kept and treasured until the time was ripe.

Looking back, you haven't changed at all... Only, I have! 

Ooh, Antheia. Our day is fast approaching; the year almost complete... Still untouched, unopened, the trust gift you gave to me hides in a secret place near the garden temple. I was never once tempted to peek! Quite surprizingly; even for me.

Our golden robes are finished. Finally! It took almost a year to embroider the hems and openings of each long bell-shaped sleeve with the finest stitches I could master. How I loved handling the silken thread, and truly marveled at the elaborate floral pattern you intricately designed. Looking upon them now, as they  hang in preparation for our special party, I can't help but feel a certain pride. The rich saffron hued linen is beautifully simplistic despite blooming profusely with exquisite flowers in crisp white, pink and blue.  

The menu is planned with a charming array of honey-laden fairy cakes, wild berries, quail eggs, and elderberry wine. 

I'm so blessed by your presence in my life, and look forward to seeing you open your gift from me!  Though, I'm secretly excited to gaze into the enchanting box you've given me, truth is, your friendship is my most precious gift!

Ooh, I almost forgot! Please remember to bring the myrrh when you come. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

29 June 2022

Love Letter to Tesana

Beloved Goddess,

With the pink hued light of early dawn, you bring hope and illumination.  Offering a deep feeling of restoration and the opportunity for a new beginning. 

Tesana, please also bring abundance and growth in the ways I most need. . .  With each new day, you give the chance to begin anew, to recreate self, and life. 

As I woke to see your beautiful countenance, I felt a lightness fill my body and thoughts and a glow emit from my heart and soul. The fullness of possibility just on the edge of awareness, grants a welcome sense of freedom- permission to be whomever I wish to be. A vast spaciousness allows my authenticity to emerge feral- no longer censored by self, or others. 

Goddess, please fortify my purpose and power. Strengthen my courage to start again in ways that more perfectly align with my souls desire.  Help me to bring to fruition my deepest dreams. Help me to be as optimistic and self-possessed as you... as self-assured of ones beauty and grace. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

28 June 2022

Love Letter to Rigantona

Beloved Goddess,
I dreamt I saw you beneath the full moon, joyously racing through the sea at night on your pure white horse. The moon was full and bright- spilling shimmering light upon your naked body; a luminosity that only poetic dreamers can truly appreciate. . .
Three she-wolves ran playfully beside you. Seven owls flew above and around you, their wings wide and silent against the sound of thundering waves. Lavender hued shadows lent their soft feathers an eerie but beautiful, otherworldly grace. You never spoke a word, but I can still hear the sound of your laughter- so evocatively endearing, I still smile remembering its feral lilt.

When I woke, a gentle smile teased the corners of my mouth- and an ever present wondering at the unspoken meaning lingered long afterward... 

She-wolves I am told, are considered sacred messengers who bring good luck to those who see them. They spoke to me of being productive, brave and fierce in my conquests. Goddess, I re-avow to focus more intently on your spiritual rites and my soulful goals! I will trust my intuition even more than I do, already. Perhaps, your message is to be more playful, free spirited, or to collaborate in some way with another? Please guide my knowing, and grant opportunities to open my mind and heart so I can explore the possibilities. I hear your voice, now: Be more active! Embrace the joy of being alive! And, darling, honor the flow more often than you currently do. . . The wisdom of the owls echo your guidance to be more aware of my intuitive knowing and my supernatural powers, I know it's time to be more independent in my thinking and more observant while listening. 

Rigantona, you are in almost constant motion, flowing freely with the cycles of the moon... Help me to align more with its energies so that I can live in harmony with the earth and my own body. So I may consciously acknowledge the passing of time in more meaningful ways. Time seems to fly past me without much to show for its exchange. Please help me to live more seasonally, productively, and in harmony with the passing of time. 
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

27 June 2022

Love Letter to Shakuru

Beloved Goddess,

It was you who first taught me to honor my animal spirit guides. You who gave me gave me the deck of medicine cards. The totems that you gave to me were influential for three decades. Now, I sense that a few of them have moved on, or perhaps, I have out-grown them. Is that even possible? I feel it must be, as I've learned what I needed to learn from them. 

New ones are showing up in my life. Will you please help me to hear the messages of the crows, hummingbird, turtle and butterfly? Teach me to pay close attention and tell them that I am listening. 

Shakuru, help me to communicate with all the old trees that live near me. Especially the big one that lives outside my bedroom window. I have always wanted to know the secret language of trees. Will you please help me to understand? 

Daughter of the Moon, I would be honored if you would teach me all that your mother once taught you. Grandmother Moon taught me the Moon Lodge teachings, and I have shared her wisdom with my sisters, but I want to know more... Ask her to please teach me the Dark Moon teachings, as I no longer bleed. If it's not too late, I truly want to know the pattern of my unique moon path and how she moon moves through my body. Bless me with her magick that I may be as wise as she.

Goddess of the Sun, shine your light on me in gentle ways... my skin and eyes are too fair for your direct intensity. Let me sit in the shade of the trees while you show me how to divine the truth. Guide me through each day with pure awareness. Reveal any would-be thieves who might try to steal my power. Reveal all with murderous hearts who might try to kill my spirit.  Help me to see who is trustworthy and who is not  Protect me with your great love, as I love you always. 

Mother of us all, bless us, every one. Hold us in your warm embrace and kiss our cheeks. Fill our hearts with happiness. Strengthen our soul connection with one another that we may be more compassionate and kind. Unite our hearts and minds that we may remember we are one. Guide us through each day to make wise choices. Please take our needs and welfare into consideration as we work and play. Help us to act from our heart and speak to each other with love. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

26 June 2022

Love Letter to Sedna

Beloved Goddess,

Mother of the sea, provider of nourishment, I come to you today with deep love and heartfelt appreciation. I come with  an overabundance of thankfulness for the beauty of your nature and your divine providence. 

 Sedna, I also come to you with a heavy heart and troubled mind- reasons too unclear to list. Yet most, are likely in part due to the disturbing nature of a dream I recalled upon waking this morning. In the dream I was alone, rowing a golden yellow boat on a full moon night- in search of you. Uncertain why, though I seemed determined.
During my long, laborious  journey I grew weary of rowing and stopped to rest. 

Floating, I drifted. Quiet thoughts anchored me as gently rhythmically water rocked me. The peacefulness of nature gave me refuge and a calm, familiar comfort I've not felt in a very long time- if ever.

When suddenly, as if hearing distant rumbling thunder, I became aware of muffled crying. Listening intently, it seemed to come from deep within me! Or, from beneath the belly of the boat. It was such a mournful hollow sound... For a brief moment I considered: Perhaps a mermaid had been swallowed up by a whale? Turning to look over the edge of the boat, I saw a pale light beneath the surface of the water. Moonlight illuminated a flat bed of sand, and to my surprise, there you lay! 

Delighted to have found you despite my halted efforts... I reach for you. Only, as I did so, I realized that you were very still... and silent. Everything around me was eerily quiet, as if time stood still. You lay there as if dead. Alarmed, I knew I had been the one crying, as tears now streamed down my cheeks and fell into the water. A prayer from deep within my soul pleaded with all that is holy (She is just asleep - lost in deep slumber) escaped my lips, but raped the silence of the night sounding like an unending screeching howl!

…this is where the dream ends; leaving me with a profound sense of emptiness. Saddened by memory of great loss, this night terror haunts me still- the image of you, your long kelp-like hair floating in dark shadows- your lonely naked body... Ooh! Another burst of tears rushes forth at just the thought of that unnatural greenish tinge strangely obscuring your once luminous skin! And, mother, there was not a single fish to be seen! The waters were empty of life!

I've been trying for hours to decipher the meaning of this dream- I wish I could talk with you about it, face to face, to reassure myself it was only a dream... that you are safe and well. My sorrow runs so deep. 
Somehow, the atrocious misuse of and great harm to the water, land and sky is entangled somehow with this dream of your death... It frightens me to feel so helpless and alone.  

Send a reply as soon as you receive this letter, please! I call upon your protective power! I call upon you help in my longing to right the wrongs being done to our oceans, to the world. The imbalance is so great, and I feel powerless to restore it. But balance must be restored! We cannot continue on this way. We must live in harmony. Yet how, when everything is off-kilter? We cannot survive the consequences of our misdeeds if we don't make wise choices that bring about healthy change. We need divine intervention. We need you, Goddess. You are our life! Without you, there is no life.

I humbly request your assistance. Restore balance. Help us all to be more mindful and attentive, to live from our heart, to clearly see what is occurring right before our eyes, and to make conscious choices for the highest good of all. We need a great awakening from this unimaginable nightmare. We need more love for life, for one another, for nature. We need you!

Sedna, I pray with all my heart and soul that you are well and unharmed... You simply must be! I cannot imagine otherwise. With deep gratitude for you, please ease my troubled mind and restore peace to my heart.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

25 June 2022

Love Letter to Hotogov Mailgan

Beloved Goddess, 

You are a wonder! Beyond wonder . . . 

My eyes search for you in the darkness. I get lost gazing into the depth of night- only to realize that I am found in your fathomless eyes: Soulfully looking into mine! Together we are singing one song in perfect harmony. We are one energetic essence of Source; Spirit divine!

Cast your shimmering light into the windows of my soul- deeper into my eyes. Fill my body of cells the way you illuminate the heavens, until starlight desire explodes and emerges as a hundred million dreams come true.  

Queen of the Sky, please use your creative force to empower me so that I may manifest white magick in my life! Fill my body, mind and spirit with sacred cosmic life force energy so I, too, may sparkle and shine as you do!

My eyes close, as if just kissed- the brilliance is so radiant, my heart aglow!

Lying beneath your soft celestial body, shadows fall over my skin in lavender, pink, and pale yellow hues- awakening secret longings to make love to the entire Universe. 

Sensual is the afterglow, aching with all that I know of you. I celebrate the beauty of this body, this earth, this life. I celebrate the grace to move and dance and melt into the holy delight of it all!

Ooh! Please! More. More... Surround and encircle me with your sweet seductive power as I bathe in bubbles that kiss my skin with glitter and glamour. Create galaxies of blessings upon my silky, wet flesh that restore its suppleness and luster. Drape me in starry strands of pearlescent light that will entice my dream lover to search heaven and earth to find me, to keep and cherish me all the days I have left of this life. No! I want love forever more... and into infinity.

In the warmth of this water and the coolness of the air on my naked skin... I surrender to the moment, I relax- fully. Meditating, my mind clears and spans across the vastness of the nights sky, united with you! Every cell in my body absorbs all the hopeful, dreamy energy that your stars shower upon me, inspiring me to be here. Now. And also everywhere- eternally. 

You are the beauty and the truth of wholeness and wisdom. Everything you are illuminates and endures pleasingly forever within my soul. 

Make me a super nova! Make me part of all that is too grand and beautiful for words... so the memory of its splendor is never lost, never forgotten. 

Always part of you.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

24 June 2022

Love Letter to Inna

Beloved Goddess,

How beautiful you are, Inna. Like you, I hate bondage of any kind; and have a strong need for freedom, on every level. With respect to all that you have taught me of oneness, I will continue being mindful of my thoughts and actions toward others. 

Protectress, your lovingly watch over people, homes and lands. You ensure promises are kept and justice is upheld. Your generous gift of overseeing farms and weather ensuring an abundant yam harvest for those who rely on its nourishment, is deeply appreciated!

Though I do not live in Nigeria, I am eating yams, today, to purify my body and spirit. Thank you for teaching me the spiritual and symbolic meaning of yams. I accept the good luck, inner strength, health and prosperity they offer.  

There are so many blessings in this world, and you are definitely one of them.
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

23 June 2022

Love Letter to Rousalii

Beloved Goddesses, 

Throughout the years, you have so patiently comforted me and graciously revealed deep truths and insight regarding my experiences. Truly, I am grateful, and so much wiser for having known you!

As a little girl, Granny would often remind me:  Never allow anyone to treat you unkindly. Otherwise, you will become wild and may unwittingly doom yourself to live with a mischievous group of other ill-treated girls! 

With all my heart and soul, I wanted to be among the most fortunate, well-mannered girls who were treated politely- with love, kindness and respect. But, being so tender hearted, I always felt absolutely powerless preventing others from mistreating me. 
Though I see the wisdom in her message, now, as a naïve little girl who was expected to keep quiet and remain unseen, I grew up unaware of my inherent value, and therefore, I suffered for it. Needlessly.

As you know, it is utterly disempowering to believe we are somehow to blame for the cruel words and behavior of others. So, whenever I was hurt, lied to, teased, wronged or betrayed, I feared being punished for it (yet, strangely, ironically, I punished myself- by holding on when I could have just let go!). 

Seven years ago, I said: Enough! 
Since then, I have been re-evaluating myself and my life. By conscious choice, I decide to redirect my attention, and began devoting my time and energy to learning to recognize, honor and reclaim my worth; to letting go and forgiving my self and others; to creating healthier, more supportive boundaries. Now, wiser, and no longer a victim, I do not permit mistreatment- of any sort. Not from others. Not from myself.

You glorious nymph-like beauties, are to be embraced! Thank you for teaching me Self-compassion, Self-love, Soul Retrieval and Voice Healing. You were instrumental in giving me a new perspective and helping me to heal, grow stronger: thrive. 

Ooh! I just remembered!
 Granny also warned: Do not go too close to the waters edge unless you intend to live with the Rousalii forever more in its hidden depth...

For most of my early childhood I was happy and fearless (except for being terrified of any open body of water...). 
Quite frankly, I wish I would have ignored her warning of drowning! And, just held on to who I knew myself to be; trusting my inner truth and higher guidance, instead. How my life would have been different had I just stood in my own power, even if it meant delving into scary, unknown depths! Had I met you then, perhaps I could have been baptized in the holy water of my own divine sovereignty sooner. But, then I wouldn't have become the woman I am, today. 

Regardless, I am thankful! My path is a precious, sacred journey of unveiling and reclaiming my authenticity. 
I owe you much!
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

22 June 2022

Love Letter to Saules Mate

Beloved Goddess,

As you dance across the sky, today, know that you are beloved by all who dwell on Earth. We honor and celebrate the brilliant, golden gift of warmth and light that you bestow upon us. 

Thank you for illuminating the darkness. Thank you for being a magickal source of life giving energy. Thank you for helping the plants so they can sprout, grow, blossom and and nourish an abundance of life.  

Your fiery essence is the supportive source of our existence. We depend on you for our very survival. Because of your gracious, steady and constant expression of love, we are sustained. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

21 June 2022

Love Letter to the Lady of Regla

Beloved Goddess, 

Mother of Fishes, how kind you are! 

Keeping safe the secrets of a little girl. 

You and the moon were quiet witness to every wish I ever made upon bright and twinkling stars. Forever, it seemed, I was drawn to her soft light and gentle ways- Somehow you knew, and honored my unspoken longing to learn the hidden mysteries of Grandmother Moon. You were the first to teach me lunar magick! How patient you were with me. Revealing her many faces and every charming aspect. You showed me where her magick lived in me; where my body housed eleven her moon centers. 

Do you remember that day at the lake when I first started bleeding? I wasn't allowed to swim... But you stayed with me at the waters edge as I told you my wild adventures from the night before. That was the dream in which I swam with you and the fishes in the morning, then danced across the black sky like the full moon all evening. You listened to every word. Though, I left unsaid that I thought you were breathtakingly beautiful underwater; and how I wished that I could have stayed with you there- Why do good things have to end? I have forgotten most of the dream, but I never forgot you. I can see you still... Like pearls your eyes shimmered luminous and your skin was just as milky white as as the moon! Just like mine! Ooh1 How I secretly wished you were my mother.

I was painfully shy as a little girl, yet you never pressed me to speak of embarrassing or hurtful things, nor did you take offense when I was too afraid to ask anything personal or meaningful of you. 

And, though all of my friends preferred the company of the sun, I preferred only you, and the moon! 

She was ever changing, and you were of another realm, but regardless, you two were my favorite and constant companions. 

Sol was just too harsh; always causing hot tears to fall from my eyes (I never saw his face) and frown lines to forever scar my brow. Needlessly. I never understood why he was so cruel to a sweet, fair skin, pale eyed girl. It hurt and I cried whenever he burnt my nose or shoulders... 

But you were so nice. Giving me reason to smile- silver trinkets, little surprize gifts, the reprieve of a daydream. When too hot, you'd playfully splash cool water at me and make me laugh with delight! 

Often, as I sat beneath that old shade tree reading countless books, you'd splash your heavy tail against the still waters of my mind to distract me, to capture my attention. We'd talk for hours, me sharing secrets - you sharing snippets of deep wisdom. We even had the same favorite colour- blue! Remember?

Devoted to my protection you watched over me. Whenever I felt misunderstood or lonely, you would speak and act in such loving ways. Enchanted! I can still hear you voice: 

Dance in the summer rain! Don't give up hope. Dive deep. You have depths you haven't yet explored! Don't remain silent. Dream big! Don't be afraid. Develop your talents. Dare to be authentically you!

You were always encouraging me to play and be as wild and fertile as my heart and body were born to be! I wish I could have followed your advice to be true to myself... but I was too insecure and broken for that! I didn't even know who I was. I didn't think that I had any value or anything worth saying! 

To this day, I still follow your advice and wear pale blue when I want to boost my confidence, especially whenever I must have a difficult conversation. I always decorate my bedroom with touches of blue to calm my spirit and make me feel happy. 

From twelve to fifteen, when I needed extra care, you graciously became my dearest friend. During that time, my family life was in almost constant discord. I craved blue! I wanted and needed to surround myself in its sea of tranquility.  

After mother got remarried, we moved to a new house. She asked me choose fabric for my bedroom drapes and bedspread. Yet, she said no to every swatch I chose! She refused to let me have even a hint of blue! It was a shock and a extreme disappointment the day I came home from school to find that she had chosen for me! A black and cream stripe pattern with little red and yellow flowers. Her favorite colours! Not mine.

That was a long time ago... 

We were kindred souls, you and I. 

But, shortly after I turned sixteen, I left home. Never to return. And, sadly, I never saw you, again.

Sometimes I ask about you... Others mention knowing you, but, they don't. Not really- not the way I did, because they mistake you for Yemaja, the Lady of Regla. 

We were never properly introduced, nor did I ever ask for your name! I find that strange, now, and a little sad. But Goddess, though I don't know how, I just know that's not your name! I think I heard your lover call you Suvannamaccha. Or maybe, Ramayana. I was so young, I cannot recall... Which is it?

Please find me. Tell me your true name. Let me hear your sweet voice... I would love to see you, again. I still love you. Let me befriend you, this time. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

20 June 2022

Love Letter to Mother of All Eagles

Beloved Goddess,

Carry me, Mother of Eagles, high above my current circumstances, expand my vision - give me a higher perspective from which to see. 

Help me comprehend life and better understand those that I come into contact with. Show me how to navigate the currents. No matter how unpredictable, help me make sense of the winds of change, to know my own mind, and to move gracefully though every situation. Allow me to see with precision and keen clarity so I may view the bigger picture - the whole truth!

Empower me with the wisdom and guidance of Great Spirit, that I may accept my own power and fearlessly create my own destiny. 

Eagle Mother, heal me with your sacred powers and teach me how to balance my daily existence with my deeper spiritual life, so I can fly higher! Let the magick within me be taken by the wind so I can finally begin to live the dream I've been given and have held for so long.

Share your brave courage and strength with me. When I am lost in a distracting sea of noise, let me hear the piecing sound of your call, so that I may look up and remember where I belong. When I am sad or discouraged, let me hear the playful chirping sound of your whistle... that I may smile and remember to whom I belong. 

Restore my inner beauty and set me free. Show me a new way to see myself, my true face, my boundless soul- that I may live in a sacred way, with more shamanic wisdom and inner truth. 

Remind me of who I am... When my eyes are downcast, leave a sign - a feather, that I may remember my tribe. …that I may lift my vision into the wild blue yonder and let the winds carry me to where you are!

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

19 June 2022

Love Letter to Maat

Beloved Goddess,

How dearly I cherish your wisdom. 

Teach me how to live in true alignment with the Universal Laws, that I may be in unity with All. 

As I am implementing new ways of being even more orderly, honest, and harmonious in my daily life, show me where I need improvement. I would truly appreciate it, if you would please bestow grace upon me and my present situation. There is much that I do not comprehend; please grant me insight. Allow me to see the deeper truths so I may easily clarify what I am hearing, seeing and experiencing. You are so fair and just, Maat, please help me to act from a place of pure love and deeper compassion regardless of whatever is happening or how I may feel about it. Keep my heart free of fear.

Though you have always called me a Pure Heart, I feel tainted... Stained by the ugliness that attaches itself to me via thoughtless behavior, unkindness and vile rumors of horrific, unbearable atrocities, frightening happenings, evil wrongdoings, corrupt and unsustainable infrastructure, longstanding betrayal, greed and selfishness, and blatantly rampant and unchallenged deception perpetuated by generational and cultural ignorance and blindness. What is going on?! 

Oddly, it's as if those that I trust, know and love most dearly are the very ones that are causing the most destruction and turmoil. I am weary of hate, lies, fear and drama. Set us free!

Maat, you know me! You know the very heart and soul of me! I am a peacekeeper, a loving and deeply compassionate woman, yet I am more easily frustrated and aggravated lately than ever before! I am undone by the cruelty, dismissive attitudes, lies and self deception that I witness. How much must I continue to endure? I am exhausted! Please show me where this energy hides within me so I may eradicate it from my life entirely. 

Help me to accept your gift of freedom! Prepare my heart and mind to embark upon a brand new way of living, thinking, being. I'm ready for a new beginning; an adventure! I want to live from a place of love and light -in the world that I have always dreamed of- a new reality! 

Give me a sign when the timing is right, and show me what I must do. I want to be free of the stress, anger, blame and shame that is being directed toward me, projected by those who cannot see the truth of who they are, of who I am... 

Help me to transmute all this heaviness into something good, healthy, bright and beautiful. Set my soul free! 

Show me how to remain calm, clear and undisturbed when someone I love and trust betrays me, lies to me, or acts in unkind ways. 

You know the truth of my heart. You see where I am held down- not wanting to hurt or abandon others, and where I am troubled- holding when I want to let go. Please help me release the past, with all its lies, fears, hurts, traumas and misunderstandings. Help me to forgive myself and others. Help me to let go of all that keeps me a slave and a prisoner to the karmic wheel. 

Free my spirit to be as light as a feather. I am ready and willing to be free of the deception and the confusion. Help me to rise above fear and all misaligned entanglements. 

Help me to find a way to unravel or just sever connections with those who are not for my highest good, even though they may be my beloved family members. Help me to rip up and disempower old soul contracts so I may be free once and for all!

I am deeply grateful for all that I have learned and experienced, and for all those who helped me grow, but I am ready for change and now willing to release myself from all unhealthy attachments. 

I choose Love. 

I choose Truth. 

I choose Freedom.

I allow myself the freedom to be authentic. I reclaim my sovereignty as a feral soul. Help me to keep my promises -to myself -to life -to Source. Help me to remember why I am here and what I must do to live in harmony, peace and love with all sentient beings.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly  

18 June 2022

Love Letter to Hermaphroditos

Beloved Goddess, 

Having been born in a world of contrasting yin and yang... preconditioned by a culture of strictly defined polarity between the sexes, it seemed so odd and unnatural as a child, to even contemplate the idea that anyone could be otherwise. It was impossible for me to mentally conceive of being a male, much less, a hermaphrodite!

Truly, it shocked my sense of reality! I related and resonated so strongly with the divine feminine that I could not imagine how it might feel to be both female and male in one body, even when I had the honor of knowing a living goddess, one such as you!  

Continually opening my mind by allowing the awakening of new possibilities, observing while releasing judgment, and by expanding my conscious awareness, throughout the years I have evolved and progressed. Now, I can see a larger, more expansive Truth: Within your holy body, you not only willingly hold, but you also beautifully balance both feminine and masculine energies! You are an example of what we must all do to reclaim our wholeness.

Until today, I did not yet fully notice just how gracefully and miraculously you do so! Nor, was I holistically aware of the ways in which I, also, do so! 

By the naked example of your anatomy, you teach me. No words are spoken, yet, you show me the truth of who I am on every level! 

Witnessing the wonderfully marvelous ways you blend both sexes, I am in awe of the divine demonstration of unity between the physical and spiritual realms. As the holy symbolic representation of Great Mystery, you graciously allow me to see my soul self, my own authenticity! 

Divine Revealing Wisdom: 

Goddess is also God.. .. .. God is Goddess!

I am the sacred dance of Shakti and Shiva. 

As Goddess, as Cosmic Womb, the Void, Deva, Mother Earth; the embodiment of the dark feminine essence holding consciousness- The logical force of the Universe dwells within Her body and flows through Her being, allowing Her to create, to give birth to life -to Herself! 

As the divine mystery, masculine energy gives Her the gift of pure consciousness; and the attributes of focus, reason and leadership. This outwardly expressive energy and essence is an inseparable part of the Cosmic Mother; it cannot live without Her. Just as we cannot! 

Within us is a powerful, productive, willful, self-directed force of energy that allows us to imagine, dream, create and express the mysteries hidden within our depth... This is true of you, and me. This is the sacred key that opens the locked box within us all, exposing our hidden treasure; reminding us of who we are and shall always be- Source energy!

Hermaphroditos, please help me transform the illusion of separation and merge the duality of contrasting thoughts and feelings into the unity of soulfulness and divine knowing, so I may live in the fullness of my sovereign truth of being - collective divinity. 

Show me how to weave all aspects of myself into a unifying whole. Show me how to bring my polarities into harmony so both aspects of my being may work together from a heart centered place- for my highest good and the highest good of all. 

Help me to look within, to concentrate, and to bring all the seemingly conflicting aspects of myself -all that is divine within me- back into balance, into oneness, into alignment with Source. 

Please allow me to acknowledge and accept with compassion, the wholeness of my truest self- both the dark and the light, the hidden and the revealed- every wild and holy aspect that makes up the totality of who I am. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

17 June 2022

Love Letter to Dainichi-Nyorai


Beloved Goddess, 

You are the great illuminator shining light on whatever needs to be cleansed from my spirit, mind and body... Help me to replace all fear and negativity with love, so that every cell in my body is fully supported and healthy. Keep my mind ever focused on kind, beneficial thoughts, and my spirit sovereign. Help me to embody pure goodness in all the ways that you do. With divine grace, protect me on my soul path as I courageously continue my sacred quest for enlightenment. Dearly, I appreciate the ways you encircle me in beauty and bestow radiance unto me that I may find my way in the darkness. 

Gathering lilies this morning in the early light of day, I smiled, remembering how you effortlessly embrace and choose to treasure artistry moment by moment. Perhaps this is the reason why I surround myself with beauty. No matter where I live or who I am with I see beauty everywhere. Whether I am camping, visiting a friend overnight, or living my gypsy lifestyle- beauty is my comfort and constant companion. Be it a small altar, the gorgeous fabrics I wear, the wild bits of nature that I gather, or the magickal items I keep close- when I look around my sacred space there is always something beautiful everywhere I look. Enchantment can always be found- gracing my vision, delighting my senses, inspiring me, imparting a feeling of home, of peace, love. 

This I attribute to you, Dainichi-Nyorai. Somehow, beauty is intricately interwoven throughout my spirituality. By honoring the Divine in all things - it's easy for me to acknowledge and honor the inherent beauty in everything and everyone. Such gifts of spirit are these- to see the exquisiteness of detail, colour, pattern light, shadow, life; and to be aware of the way they weave into the very essence and existence of my own being on a daily basis. You bless me richly.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly 

16 June 2022

Love Letter to Chasca


Beloved Goddess,

Your mysteries are still hidden; unheard of by most... but Priestess, I have come to know you, little by little. Through the shape of a cloud, through the geometric patterns in a drop of morning dew, through the way the world looks when my eyes cross. You have taught me to see what others overlook.
The painted blue stripe across your eyes speaks to my soul. Without a word spoken, you teach me so much. All that you have revealed to my heart continues to grow; all that you have shown to my mind is in an almost constant state of bloom- like flowers in the rainforest.  I feel you with me always, but especially in the liminal times of day.

How lovely of you to create the most gentle aspects of the sun- dawn and twilight- for us to gather and commune with one another. Knowing how harsh the sun is to my pale skin, you show your love for me through the creation of soft light. 

Your mystical and magical ways of communicating with me are inspiring and deeply meaningful. By simply observing the geometric omens found in nature, I not only receive your messages, but the kindness of your energy and tone, as well. 

Beloved Chasca, your steady fire essence fills me with creative desire- to dance, to make love, to be in harmony nature... the sweetness of the hours during early morning and at the end of the day feel so good to my spirit, mind and body; they nurture and nourish my soul. 

Inspired to bathe in the cold river water today (it fairly took my breath away) proved to be much needed medicine. And, soaking in the hot mineral springs afterward, not only cleansed me in every sense, but I could actually feel you releasing fear from my body on cellular levels! No longer supported by fear, I could have dissolved into the water. So deeply entangled - fear has literally held my crystalline structure in place! But, I truly felt you upholding me- replenishing me and supporting me in ways I am not yet aware of...

In the moments I surrendered to your power- I sincerely asked that you please take all trouble and negativity from me- from my mind, heart and body... replacing it with your gentle strength and love. It was as if my cells are now fully supported with an inner passion to live life to the fullest with focus, harmony and renewed purpose aligned with the divine, with my soul reasons for being here at this time. Thank you so very much. I am grateful and honored by your strength and grace.

After I send this love letter to you, I will go outside and meditate with the cloud people... to watch for the answers I know you will share with me regarding my constant question about matters of the heart. 

Please reveal to me what I need to know, that I may be empowered to take the necessary steps to create my ideal reality here on earth. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

15 June 2022

Love Letter to Ratna Dakinis

Beloved Goddess,

 You are inestimable - vast of spirit and depth of mystery. How graciously you have shown me that true power is being kind, and the only thing of real value is being guided by and acting from a pure heart. Golden petal and flame, fair spirit of compassion and goodness, you are my constant companion- always bringing me back to my heart center- clearing, improving, balancing, forgiving my karma. 

Ratna Dakinis, I love you! 

You are a precious jewel! Present, always the expression and manifestation of liberating energy in feminine form. Sky Goer, you set me free of karmic debt, dissolving the endless cycles of fear and striving. Show me the way to the holy core of your inner beauty - your truth. Free me to witness, know and express only my highest, most authentic essence of love. Keep me ever thoughtful, mindful and aware of my choices, so that I always align with the divine within myself and all things. Restore me when I am weary or forgetful. Bring me back into my hearts center; keep me here so I may continue to unfold and blossom for the glory of the Most High Holy Mystery. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

14 June 2022

Love Letter to Mnemosyne

Beloved Goddess, 

Titan beauty, thank you for blessing me with the gift of memory! I treasure them all- even the unpleasant ones, yet I hold most dear those that are lovely, beautiful, uplifting and precious! 

Often, I think of you, and remember poetry... snippets of wisdom gleaned from the books I've read, conversations, inspirations and dreams... lyrics and songs... visions... desires... shared joy, and pleasurable intimacies,,, spiritual awakenings and re-sets... the exquisite wonder of nature... art... the laughter and sweetness of babies... stories, fairy tales, epic history, family traditions... dance, electric chemistry, kissing, and every sensual, erotic, or tangible sensations... colours... happenings and events that brought beauty and truth- revealed magick or mystery... that enriched my life... enhanced or changed my perception in a meaningful way... Everything that ever brought blessings, lessons and divine grace in various countless ways. There are so many people, places and things to remember with an abundance of love and gratitude. Thank you for this priceless gift! How blessed are we to have memories... 

Though, why are memories so fluid? Why do shared experiences leave us with different or conflicting memories? Why do we negate the memories of others believing and claiming ours alone are valid and true?

Such acute depths of sorrow accompany thoughts of life without memories. Memories tie us to the earth and to one another- they attach us to our identity of self, and our place in the world, and in the grand cosmic scheme of things. My heart aches for those who can no longer remember, for those who try to hold faces, names and memories, only to grasp futilely as they slip away like sand from their open fingers- 

Ooh! Those tormented or empty souls who suffer dementia or Alzheimer-and also for those who know and love them... 

What happened to them, Mnemosyne? 

I wonder: Do you, for reasons unknown to me, perhaps a grace unseen, just cease to share your gifts? Or, do they grow too weary of holding so much and simply let go, refusing all attachments? 

This has been a topic of conversation for many years... And, it's all rather confusing. 

Yet, on a spiritual level, I understand. A few years ago I had a profound Samadhi experience, during which, I had no memories... None. Absolutely no knowing of anything- no thoughts of myself, of my life, of Earth, or being alive- no memory of my body, the past, colour, trees, flowers, family- nothing at all! Just energetic essence of being- pure conscious awareness... Bliss.

And, though I may never know what that experience was all about, or be granted the answers to my questions, I'm cool with that... as I know that it is what it is, all is well,  everyone and everything is in perfect, divine order. 

And, this is enough. 

After all, to be aware, witnessing and living in the present moment is how memories are marvelously and miraculously woven together creating the fabric of this physical reality! 

Being- in the now moment, acknowledging, sensing, feeling, experiencing everything as it is given or created... present in the unfolding, nonjudgmentally witnessing and allowing the flow and blossoming to occur, channeling energy brings us into unity with existence- So, with acknowledgement, compassion and gratitude... I honor this gift- if only for a brief moment in time. I honor the holy gift of memory- lovingly held, my own unique reflection and expression of the great mystery and the eternal current of divine energy. I am blessed beyond knowing.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

13 June 2022

Love Letter to Epona

Beloved Goddess, 

In my dreams I see you on horseback racing the storm clouds... Your golden hair flying and your spirit free.

Please imbue me with your grace, Epona. Inspire me to be even more abundant, loving and capable. Allow your divine providence to continue; care for and protect me, and all those who love the animals that love and serve humankind so well. Bless them, espeically.

In  my dreams, you often hold up a golden goblet to me, as if cheering me on, blessing me, granting me with sovereignty, authority and leadership. Please guide me to embody these qualities whenever the situation calls for it. 

Today, and hereafter, I ask that you please saturate my food with your blessings and power that I may internalize your energy in every given moment. Help me to be more mindful, so that I may sincerely acknowledge all that I am given, all that I am. 

While writing this letter, I was inspired to remove the little silver horse from my charm bracelet. After doing so, I cupped it in my hands. Knowing that it symbolically invokes your protection, I watched with delight as it filled with glittery white light. Instantly, I knew what you were guiding me to do.  So, I placed it on Shiva DaVee Nambe's collar with this sincere request: Watch over him and please bless him with a long, healthy and happy life. Keep him safe from all harm, as I love him beyond expression. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

12 June 2022

Love Letter to Kwanseteun

Beloved Goddess, 

During a walk along the beach early this morning, I tearfully contemplated my life and prayed for answers regarding my current situation- Quietly sending love to the waters, the sky, the wind. . .
Seeing you emerge from the clear blue water felt like a magickal dream. Especially when I realized that you were riding on the back of a fish! 
How pretty you looked in your long magenta dress. How gracefully you dismounted and softly walked toward me as if you were summoned. So purposeful you were. Your expression was innocent and sweet, but also full of determination and courage. I fell to my knees, in awe. 
I'll never forget how gracious you were, gently touching my hair while I looked into your ocean eyes and whispered your name, 
Thank you for attending to me with such depth of compassion and queenly goodness. I am so honored that you took the time to truly listen to my needs. My sincere gratitude cannot be expressed fully. I will always remember the kindness in your voice when you told me that you had every intention of meeting each of my needs. I am most fortunate to have met you, today, Kwanseteun. . . 

After I returned home, I immediately washed my hair as you instructed me to do. I could actually feel ill-fortune wash away. Rinsing it with an infusion of steeped  allspice and nutmeg water to increase your energies, left a spicy fragrance that lasted the entire day. 

To commemorate and activate your attributes into my life, I made fish for dinner as you wisely suggested. 
It was so delicious with a creamy lemon, pepper and dillweed sauce; served with a fresh and colourful variety of sautéed vegetables and savory mashed potatoes. Before dining, I thought of you and recited a special blessing- an offering to you. Your presence was felt so strongly, that I was inspired to place a plate for you on the altar.

It's late. Yet, as I prepare for bed, I admire the delicate gold ring and necklace you gave to me before we parted. They are so lovely. I will always treasure them, and wear them to remind me to extend a helping hand to others in need and to always communicate with more kindness than necessary. My heart aches with love for you. 
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

11 June 2022

Love Letter to Pele

Beloved Goddess, 

You were in my dreams last night! 

This morning when I awoke, I tried remembering the details, but all that remained was a burning ache to see you. So, on a whim, I decided to pay you a surprize visit. 

Unexpectedly, when I arrived, I found you sleeping.  You looked so beautiful and peaceful- I didn't want to wake you. So, while you gracefully lay there  dreaming, I quietly laid upon the soft earth beside you and felt your powerful, sensual energy flow through me. The flowers were so fragrant and the air was so sweet and pleasant that I could have fallen asleep, too. But, I just daydreamed. It was so lovely- and relaxing.

I thought of all the things I want to do in this life, of all the changes that have occurred throughout the years. I thought of you, of our precious and ever blossoming friendship, and of what the future may hold. I remembered our last visit- how you helped me to let go of the pain and suffering I had been enduring for far too long. Though I was a little afraid, I recalled how you slowly and gently burned away all that I no longer needed; freeing me to start my life anew. 

Pelehonuamea, the last seven years have been wonderful in so many ways. And, truly, despite many unknown factors, twists and turns, I have felt loved and protected this entire time. Even when I had no idea of what would happen next, I was fairly fearless knowing you've got my back. I am so deeply grateful for you, Tutu. Thank you.

You're still slumbering, so I'm leaving this love letter to let you know I was here with you... 

Though the main reason for my visit was to see you and enjoy the warmth of your presence, I also wanted to ask you to please help me cleanse, transform and rebuild myself and my life. Yes, again!

I didn't tell you when we last talked, but everything has changed! I am in a new land. Although, I am trying to reimagine my life here, I still feel like an outsider (and it's been over a year!). 

Like you, Pele, I'm a fiery, passionate woman, yet, since my arrival here, I've been dormant. I hardly see anyone! I don't get out much and therefore, I haven't formed any true connections. Every time I think maybe I've made a new friend, my mother gets jealous and sabotages it. I know it's mostly my fault for not standing up for myself, but since I'm here in her home, I don't feel at liberty to speak my truth. I fear I'll become a raging volcano if I tell her what I am honestly thinking and feeling. It's so frustrating. And, more than a little lonely. But what's worse, is that it's stifling my creative flow!

I must find a way to remain true to who I am while I'm here, and to create an authentic outlet so I can thrive. Please lead the way- show me how to forge ahead and pave my own sacred path of beauty. I want to create unity among the circle of women I hope to bring together. Will you help me? Will you ignite the hearts of local women, so that we can come together in mind, body and spirit for raw, purposeful, creative sharing and experience an intimate and overflowing expression of divine feminine power? 

If I need it, I know other women do, too! Please guide me in the wise way you always do. 

I wore red today to embody your unique and magnificent attributes, and to energize my efforts. It made me smile to see that you wore a red dress, as well!! 

I can't stay any longer, though I wish I could. When you awake, you'll find my gift of fresh strawberries, sugarcane, pink plumeria flowers and a bottle of brandy wrapped in silk. Please know that I adore you! Get in touch when you can. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly