
31 March 2022

Love Letter to Luna

Beloved Goddess,

Your power is great: unseen force that moves within my body and the body of water on Gaia. Your power is not the power of the masculine, but the power of the feminine. Not power over, but power to change; to hold and let go. Power to live and dream. Power to rise and fall like holy breath. Power to become what we were born to be. How wonderous is your energy! 

Thank you for shining light into the dark recesses of my consciousness. By doing so, new aspects of myself are regularly revealed, my awareness is more nuanced, hidden mysteries are unveiled, and my path of beauty is illuminated from within! 

This month began with a fierceness, teeth sharp and fate uncertain, but it is ending with such gentleness it feels so good to my psyche; healing and restoring my sense of hope.

She Who Changes, please continue to show me the way to be in harmony with my sacred cycles. Now that I no longer bleed, teach me to look within and find my inner flow with the sacred spiral dance. Reveal all ancient wisdom buried in my bones, in my body. Please guide me to listen and discover the unique pattern of my eleven moon centers. 

Grant me the wisdom and the creative instinct to trust my inner voice of knowing. Allow my innate inner guidance to shine light on my dark shadows, that I may reclaim my unknown aspects so they may be holistically reunited with my authentic self. 

During the next few days, as the moon wanes, growing ever darker until the new moon, show me where to look within to find the blockages to my progress and the detours to my purpose and empowerment. Help me to look at my self without fear, shame, guilt or denial. Help me to see and acknowledge all that is undesired and hidden within me so I may love it unconditionally, set it free, transform it, or simply bless it and let it be- allowing it time and space needed to grow and become what is meant to be.

Luna, Goddess of Emotions, Mistress of my Dreams, Queen of the Night, You Above - Always watching over me - I offer blessings and gratitude for your wisdom and sacred cycle. 

Thank you for being a constant in my life... Thank you for teaching me that change is the only way I can embrace growth and self-awareness. 

Thank you for being my wise grandmother, always gentle and full of magick. 

Your bright light as well as your darkness has taught me to be brave, has kept me living in harmony with my own inner ebb and flow, and has allowed me to release and manifest over and over again, recreating my self and the life I want to live in a myriad of ways. 

Lady Luna, your great beauty and steady grace is a shining example of the power of being woman. Following your lead, I have found comfort within when I needed protection and silence, and have been gently encouraged to shine my own light sharing what I've been taught; I honor the sacred mysteries. You are my dearly beloved, and I adore you!

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

30 March 2022

Love Letter to Ahurani


Beloved Goddess,

I woke in the wee hours of morning before the sun. Laying in bed, in the dark, thinking of you- of your many graces... and the way that you silently demonstrate goodness. How lovely you are! And, how generous and kind.
As I prayed and meditated I was ever mindful of the wonder of water. And, when light began to brighten the sky, I looked out the window and saw that it was raining! 
How pleased, O Humid Immaculate One, you are! And, how pleased am I. Also, how grateful that you chose to visit your blessings upon me today! Thank you.

Oh, Lady of Wisdom, Persian Goddess of Water, how deep my love for you flows. It has been so my entire life here on earth. Your beauty, magick and sweetness restores my body, mind and soul. How grateful I am for you. 

In your honor, I will bathe in fragrant waters (without sea salt) this day. Then, dress in the colours of blue, white and turquoise that you may know I am aligning my energy with yours. I will wear my amethyst pendant and allow my hair to spill long and free down my back to welcome good health, luck and longevity. 

Water is holy! Water is our most precious resource, and thus, I bless every glass I pour with love, joy and wholesome well-being. I envision the water entering and filling my body and every cell within with love, joy and wholesome well-being. Such strong magick is water! I use mine for the highest good of all. 
Knowing that every drop of water on our planet is the exact same water our ancestors drank and bathed in, makes it rare, and precious, and somehow unifying- We are one with the water! I am grateful for the blessing that it provides us; that it is mutable and changes with the power of our thought and intention.

After breakfast, I stand under the patio holding my kitty and small rain drops kissed my face and his. I gave gratitude and sent blessings to you, to the earth, and to us all.

May all the waters be blessed. 
May we all honor and respect the gift of it and use our power to protect and keep it pure. 

Goddess of my heart, Ahurani, Sister of the earth and sky, be with me always.
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly 

29 March 2022

Love Letter to Mujaji


Beloved Goddess,

After living in arid conditions for the last 30 years, I give praise for the humid conditions that embrace me, now... How thankful I am for being called home to the sweet waters of sky and earth. My spirit rejoices!
Your dark beauty has been hidden within my primal soul for eons - keeping me moist and hydrated despite the harsh words, the mean powers and all the lifelessly dry moments that I endured needlessly, and for far too long. Your mysterious and magickal ways have kept me in balance when I could have waivered precariously swinging wildly up and down, wrecking havoc on my inner sanctum. Thank you for holding me in this sacred space, for granting me whatever I needed on unseen levels. Thank you for leading me where I can be restored, refreshed, renewed and rebirthed!

How grateful I am that you are blessing me with the sweet, cleansing, restorative essence of rainwater! You know how much I love the storm - the sound of thunder and the smell of rain. There is something so empowering in the fertile wetness of the earth that invigorates and inspires me. 
Majaji, restore the soil of my soul that I may reap a bountiful harvest of productivity and balance in all areas come autumn. 
While it gently rains, as the day begins, I stand on a little patch of soft moss grateful that there is such lusciousness everywhere around me. I am thankful for the waterfalls, not only for their powerful beauty but also for the negative ions that give- that make me feel so good, hopeful and excited.

Mujaji, flow through me.
Mujaji, cleanse me.
Shower me with your life force energy that I may be empowered in fertile, creative and magickal ways. 
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly.

28 March 2022

Love Letter to Vâch


Beloved Goddess, 

Earlier this day as I spoke your name, while placing a coral gold rose upon my altar and lighting Palo Santo with the intention of purifying my sacred space, and body, mind and heart- your image appeared before me; as clear and vivid as if you were here with me.  

O Divine Voice of my Soul, along with your presence, was a sweet fragrant scent of myrrh,  of frankincense, or maybe ylang ylang… I'm not certain- it was there, but all too fleeting! 

वाच् Offerings: protection and purification were felt as I embodied your power to banish any lingering shadows of fear or separation from love; to do away with all low energy negativity within the wholeness of my being. Here, in my heart, entered the lightness of your presence- a pure gold light glowing outwardly from within me - and filled the room with a soft aura of unconditional love.

As the beautiful music of Niyaz playing Love and The Veil danced about me, drawing my attention back into the altar room, I invited you to help me retain this holy heart center. I soulfully desire to not just 'let go' of all that is not for my highest good at this time - but to release it once and for all time! 

I asked of you:

May all that is not for my true self, my soul growth and divine heart focus gracefully and harmlessly depart my awareness, my body and my unconscious daily routine. And, be replaced with your power, your beauty, your wisdom and grace that I may practice my chosen daily sadhana, speak confidently in honor of my voice, and manifest the life I am here and purposed to live.

Just after speaking this prayer aloud, a small shift was tangibly felt (like a tiny jolt on the right side near my hip)…

Moving with the flow of the music and your energy, quietly entering into a meditative state, I serenely began cleansing, organizing, and rearranging miscellaneous items in my room, followed by a want to cleanse myself - my aura. Thereby releasing the angst I have been feeling, witnessing and holding in my awareness in recent months. Taking a deep breath, it all just fell away!

The final shift was experienced as the sound of music -ancient and haunting- continued pulling me into a very calm inner space.  Where the rest of the residual energy had just departed... From here, I was able to restore full sanctity to my space, my body, my life.

Vâch Devi, Goddess of Communication, I pray, please strengthen mine. Allow me to speak with others in the most loving, soulful, intelligent and well received ways possible; that healing may occur for us all.

Hearomg me, Mother of the Vedas, you kindly offer the mantra that reaffirms, shelters and sustains my soul.

Mala in hand, O bestower of mystic speech,  I began chanting to you:  

Om Aim Sarasvatyai Namaha 

64 times I sang-

Oom eye-m suh-ruhs-vuht-yeye nuh-muh-huh.
Oom eye-m suh-ruhs-vuht-yeye nuh-muh-huh.
Oom eye-m suh-ruhs-vuht-yeye nuh-muh-huh.

. . .

Such depth of nourishment restore me- mind, body and soul. As I chanted, I felt your wisdom, intelligence, knowledge and creative energy fill my mind and flow through my mouth. The healing force, always at work within me, suddenly make itself known. I felt the mantra supporting my growth, saying 'yes' to all my prayers, uplifting me, removing fear while holistically healing and restoring me to the highest version of my sacred self here on earth - in this space! It was magickal and deeply meaningful. 

I felt you settle gently and graciously within me, and here you remain, still. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly


27 March 2022

Love Letter to Nut


Beloved Goddess,

O star spangled Queen of the Night, you stretch your beautiful body across the sky to protect and shelter me as I sleep. 

As I dream you watch over me... lifting me into the other realms where the sweetest dreams are made and come true.

Last night, I dreamt I visited you- so high in the starless night I became afraid, until you found me and wrapped me in your arms and held me close to your milky breasts. Nestled there in the milky way of my mothers love, I felt at home - the heart of home that I cannot recall knowing before. Is this is the sacred place I have long dreamed of? Somehow knowing it and longing for it even without remembering where it was, or that you were my Mistress.

Nuit, Goddess some name Nut, how I love you and find great comfort knowing you watch over us all so faithfully, so lovingly. Divine Mother, how you bless us, and give us sweet rest when the day is done. How you create a soothing space for lovers to meet and bask in the love of one another. 

The gentle winds that blow all night long sing lullabies to babies, young and old. How sweet your song- as it lulls us into the land of Nod, as it carries us across the starry sea, the great divide between the tangible and luminal worlds. Somewhere far, far away from where we dance and eat and work and weep you bring us home. How kind and gracious are your blessings of healing and good health. 

Sometimes, when it's dark and all the world is quiet; and everyone is fast asleep in their bed, I awaken at 3am -the hour of blessings- and smell the soft, earthy fragrance of musk and honey....
Then, when morning rises bright in the sky and you have drifted far away, I blink and find my eyes full of stardust. Closing my eyes I seek to find you with me once again.... but find only the memories of dreams that you have given me. For this I am thankful. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

26 March 2022

Love Letter to Leshachikha

Beloved Goddess,

While walking this morning, I felt your presence all around me. Were you the leaf that fell from high above and brushed the length of hair before falling at my feet? I hid it soft and green between my breasts, just in case, to keep your protective energy with me the whole day through. 

Or were you the deer that looked up while grazing as I approached? Perhaps, you were the forest itself as I felt you everywhere, with every step I took. 

So, with every step I sang to you. 

Oh Leshachikha, Ooh, gentle Lady of the Forest, O Fairy Mother- birth me again and again and again- that I may ever be close to your heart. May I ever be... close to love, to nature, to Thee.

Thank you, fair lady, for being a guardian spirit keeping me safe as I wander far from home. You have a dwelling place within my heart, always. 

Some say you are yet still sleeping... If this is true, I scattered handfuls of wildflower seeds in the big open field near the waterfall, so flower blossoms will greet you all along the path on your way to visit me. 

Sweet Goddess, I will happily prepare a place for you to visit. A fairy grove with a secret entrance into the trunk of a strong old tree is ready for you to move in... Soft sweet moss lays everywhere upon the earth, there, and little lantern shaped flowers of the brightest yellow, and tiny wild orchid like flowers in the most vibrant lilac hue spill across the earth in green patches. The birds love it there, as do I. 

Please. Where did you hide the winter seeds? I thought we would use them to make a loaf of bread. Let me know, and we can eat some fresh from the oven with homemade grape jam and sweet clotted cream.

A little bird just came and interrupted my writing - she told me that you left a small gift for me beneath the pear tree - I immediately ran to find it in full white bloom! When, only yesterday, it was not!! What a magickal surprise. So beautiful... and as I looked around, I saw that they were all in bloom! Magnificent! Spring has officially arrived. Ooh! And, what a sweet, little holey stone, you've left for me. How ever was it fashioned that the hole is in the shape of a heart?! I absolutely love it - and you!

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

25 March 2022

Love Letter to Cybele

Beloved Goddess,

I am now dwelling in the Enchanted Forest surrounded by mighty pine trees, one of which I feel is your beloved Attis. 

Earlier this morning, just after the sun rose, I built a small altar over his roots. Upon the little moss covered altar I placed a meteorite stone, dark and heavy it was, to represent you and let him know that you are ever with him. This crystal is a spirit stone that brings me into a heightened state of awareness, opening and enhancing my metaphysical abilities, such as clairvoyance, telepathy and foresight. I feel that you have a part in this, so I'll leave it there until the new moon. Also, I left a key there, too, that love, health and victory may be unlocked within us all. 

Later this afternoon, I will plant the astilbe cuttings I was given as a gift near the purple spotted dead-nettle I remember growing there last summer. I think you will like the way the purples and mauvy-pinks look together. Afterward, I will shove the cast iron candle holder into the earth, and when it's warmer, some night in the coming weeks, I'll place a votive  candle in it and let it flicker and burn itself out with a prayer for you and your true love. 

Perhaps, I'll dance beneath the tree barefoot upon the earth and feel strength and courage enter into my body, that I may never become hopeless while here in this world. Though I have the heart of a lioness and my rising sign is Leo, I need courage that I may not be shy, that I may boldly pursue my dreams and stand up for all that I believe. That I may be brave when I feel afraid, and alone on this journey.

Mother, please help me learn new concepts that I may be aware of the changes happening all around me. Help me to open my mind and heart to new ideas, that I may be more creative and receptive to your wisdom. Help me to use my voice to communicate better with others. Open my third eye fully that I may see the sacred path I am to follow. Also, please help me to see and understand the wisdom of beings on other dimensions that I may help others to awaken and be empowered as we walk the path of beauty.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly 

24 March 2022

Love Letter to Tamra


Beloved Goddess,

Ancient ancestress to all the birds, is it true that women use to be birds? I feel on some level this is so, as I know I was born to have wings!

Even in my dreams I fly - or find a way up into the sky-upon the back of a black Pegasus, in the arms of my daddy long ago, or while sitting in a porch swing... 

The year that I turned 15, the birds began to come to me for healing - just being held in my hands for a while could mend a broken wing. I am not sure of the power I possess, yet it has happened just so a handful of times. The first one brought to me, took the longest to heal: a big iridescent purple, green and black bird. The others brought themselves... they would call from the tall grasses or hop frantically in the forest to get my attention. They needed only an hour or two of quiet nesting in the palms of my prayerful hands before they took wing and flew from me into the wild blue yonder.

Please teach me their language, Tamra, as they often try to communicate with me, but I do not always understand. 

Today, as I scattered birdseed, a big black crow came to partake and recited a bit of poetry to me. I made a wish and almost instantly, he took flight straight up into the sky, carrying my wish to you! Please make my wish come true, oh beautiful lady.
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

23 March 2022

Love Letter to Marzenna

Beloved Goddess,

Just as you oversee the earths transition from death to rebirth - please oversee mine. I am open wide for transformation - rebirth. 

I am in need of a beautiful change, one in which I move my body in joyful ways, one in which I belly dance and sing and grow lush gardens of flowers, berries and vegetables. One in which I not only write, but I paint and create, bathe and moon dance, make love and kiss the morning before the sun rises. One in which I publish my books and nap on a porch swinging bed, prepare feasts for my tribe to be eaten al fresco under the big old oak tree, and gather with moon sisters in the dark of the night. One in which I live by honoring each season as it begins and celebrate letting go as much as I do letting in. One in which I share wisdom with girls and young women, and make magick in the woods, near wild water, and in every area of my home. One in which I have my true love - a mystic of a man - a giant, strong enough to hold the hugeness of my soul, loving enough to ignite my inner flame so it burns bright for a hundred thousand lifetimes.

Marzenna, Goddess of Change, and Growth and Sacred Cycles, come, be with me, help me become the juiciest, healthiest, most beautiful and enchanting version of me that I can be. Help me to remember that we have known one another before this world was born. Help me to embody the divine feminine in the best ways possible for my soul mission here on earth.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

22 March 2022

Love Letter to Butterfly Maiden


Beloved Goddess,
Hopi maiden, remind me of the ecstasy of being free - the magick and mystery of allowing my own transformation to open me to new ways of living and being in this world - so that my life becomes a flower!
Show me how to be balanced in body, mind, heart and soul. Show me how to rebirth myself into my most authentic expression. 

Butterfly Maiden, every year I seek your wise counsel, and every year you find a way to grace my life. How beautiful and pure is your spirit. How sweet and kind to me, you always are. May the day come when I am free to travel this wild land with you- what fun we'll have just being carefree and happy, together. 

Sometime, soon, my beloved soul sister is packing up her home and moving closer to me. I am so excited... Please let her find a home that is in nature, near a creek, waterfall or stream- a place with wild and fruitful lushness; a land that has plenty of space, a huge sprawling house and perhaps a little cottage ideal for me to call home, too. I dream of gardens, of sacred space, of room for retreats and gatherings of all sorts. I dream of being the fullest expression of my divine essence. Please show me the way.
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

p s
I've enclosed a small token of my love for you. 

21 March 2022

Love Letter to Ishikore-Dome


Beloved Goddess,

Ishikore-Dome, shine your light reflected in the 8-petaled mirror upon my face, and into my heart that I may come out of my home cave (which I'm want to remain in writing both day and night) to experience the wonder of this day. As you know, today is my birthday, thank you for your best wishes that I shine my own light, that I explore and express my talents in new ways... How beautiful are your gifts to me: a feisty courageous spirit, a strong will, creativity, and a willingness to practice and take action on my dreams. 

Upon your altar I placed the magick mirror (a beautiful old woman gave it to me over a decade ago... Remember? -the one with the maiden laying beside the mirror as if it were a pond, gazing into its depths to see her authentic face) and seven small, silver candles. As I lit each one I spoke a blessing upon all the women and girls of this world, that they may be strong, wise, gentle, kind, confident, creative and authentic. I ask that you make it so.

Thank you,

-Yours devotedly

20 March 2022

Love Letter to Isis

Beloved Goddess,

Mother Moon, thank you for your gifts of love, inner beauty and spiritual awareness. 

On this bright spring evening the Lenten Sugar moon still appears full, and its light is making love to everything in sight. Such an exquisite glow reflects from my skin...

O Queen of Sorcery, upon your altar I have placed in the east and the west, bloodstone and amethyst stones as guardians, representing your protection over me. In the center, a silver dish in the shape of the moon holds a candle with the flame tall and bright. Myrrh and cedar incense burns and their smoke gently spirals upward to you. With the feather of a hawk, I pull it towards myself that it may cleanse and empower my aura... I breathe in deeply and speak this prayer:

Isis, Goddess fill my soul with your attributes. Permeate the white fabric I wear that  I may embody your essence and energy in meaningful ways. The petals of five roses have been placed under my pillow that you may visit my dreams this night. Isis, Goddess Divine, show me a sign of divination that I may know how to proceed in the coming days.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly 

19 March 2022

Love Letter to Anaïtis

Beloved Goddess,

O Humid Immaculate One, how welcome you are in the parched places of my soul. With gratitude I allow your wetness to flow over me, sinking into my very being, hydrating me in youthful, restorative and beneficial ways. Blessed Goddess, please renew my spirit, and grant me the gift of a sensual, creative, playful and loving relationship.

As the earth and heaven are married, bring all aspects- divine masculine and divine feminine within me- into balance. Make me whole that I may attract my most glorious mate on this new year of my birth. 

Bring blessings. Open me that your passion and energy may flow through me, and flower within me... that I may share abundantly with my one true love.

Anaïtis, as you suggested, I have mixed a bath potion of cinnamon, violet and vanilla. It's warm and spicy fragrance makes me feel sexy and beautiful. As I bathe with it, and adorn myself in your image, please bring my true love near, that we may gaze upon one another in excitement and soulful reunion; that our hearts, minds, bodies and souls may meet once again, and join in love for our mutual highest good in this life. May we be a blessing for one another throughout the years we share, and may we grow old together with the fullness of happiness, passion and harmonious pleasure.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

18 March 2022

Love Letter to Sheelah-Na-Gig

    Beloved Goddess,

Bodacious She! Ancient Mother, I love that you freak some people out! I love that you are brazen and old and wise and free!
Sheelah, why are so many afraid of the dark, mysterious, unknown aspects of the divine feminine? What wisdom had the people long ago who welcomed and embraced it, that we do not? Please enlighten us. We need your special blend of magick and Truth.
The sacredness of the yoni, as the pathway to life - the opening to the void, to the holy of holies.  Yet, modern men call your stone carved image on churches and other sacred spaces: architectural grotesques! How dare they! You who ward off evil, demons and eternal death.

There is deep magick in the vulva. I read that women in ancient times lifted their skirts and showed them to the enemy - which supposedly sent them fleeing in terror! What strange irony - that the modern day men are obsessed with the viewing of our magick portal, but only the young, hairless version, mostly. The natural, old or excessively bushy variety still has the power to frighten even the strongest man. Why?
Why is it that they both lust after and fear women at the same time? What power do we hold that still speaks some mysterious warning that most women no longer remember? Is this the reason rape isn't a sexual crime so much as it is a crime of control and power over? Men seek to tame us, to control and deny us our innate power!

Sheelah-na-gig, please return. Please invest every woman her goddess-given power that we may fully reclaim who we are, that we may remember what magick we possess and use it as we were born to do; Empower us old, wise one.
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

17 March 2022

Love Letter to Ostara


  Beloved Goddess,

Harbinger of my birth, I greet you joyously! Goddess of Dawn, I welcome rebirth into my life on every level. I am ready to release what has been and give birth to the new - everything that is in alignment with my highest good on my Path of Beauty.

This morning I awoke before the sunrise, took a shower with patchouli and myrrh soap, and dressed in white. I walked down to the creek and stood upon the earth with bare feet. It was chilly, but I felt so grounded - rooted in your love. Connected to your light energy, I actually felt some subtle stirring beneath the earth - Was that you?

As I stood there, I placed a symbol of all that I am ready to release (fear, lack, excess weight and skin imperfections) upon the earth and turned away leaving it there- without a single glance back. As I walked toward the east, I came across a small patch of daffodils; the first flower of spring! I picked one and walked home. Wrapped in a blanket, feet still damp from the dew, I sat on the porch swing and watched the sun rise.  It was so quiet and still. 

A small herd of deer came by, and nibbled on the sweet grasses sprouting down by creek. They saw me but didn't seem to mind my company. I felt their gentleness and sent them love. And, just as I was about to get up and come inside to make a cup of tea, I noticed that a tiny toad had been sitting beside me on the cushion! Once inside I looked up toad medicine and was delighted to see it was a gift and messenger from you! Was that your way of saying everything I've released is now leaving my life, gracefully, and harmlessly? I hope so. Symbolically, like you, toads represent fertility, rebirth, transformation, and love. 

I feel so blessed!

Whatever wonders are in store for me, I welcome them wholeheartedly! And, with a full heart I am grateful for you Ostara. 

Thank you.

_Yours devotedly

16 March 2022

Love Letter to Gauri


Beloved Goddess,

Your beauty is breath-takingly golden! Yet, your kindness is even more bright and beautiful! It's difficult for me to look upon you, so radiant is your aura. You shine brighter than the sun and I am forced to bow my head each time I am in your presence. 

Maha Gauri, how pure and pale is your skin... so smooth and clear. Truly, you are more glorious  every time I see you! Please send me the recipe for your Turmeric bath. Though I have no hopes of surpassing your beauty, still, I'd like to look my best, and you did say that it has many healing benefits, as well. Do you also add milk to your bath? I loved how it felt when I was with you last, but I was submerged in the delightful aroma and sensual sensation that I wasn't paying attention to what you were adding to my bath water.

Precious Goddess, you are most kind, and so very dear to me. Each and every time I mention a need or some want, you are quick to help me find a way to have my wishes come true. Your love and attention humble and delight me. How blessed am I to know you!

I can't believe you sent you mirror to me! What a lovely and priceless gift. It's so pretty... and heavy with the ornate gold surrounding it. I've long admired it, but I never dreamed that you'd want me to have it. I will do as you instructed- each and every time I look into the mirror I will speak and think only love. It's not easy to do - but I am trusting you that in time I will actually love what I see. Could it really be true that in time I will love my own reflection? That, like you, I will actually love my body and face and hair and see only beauty; beauty as I see in you? If so, this is a gift I will treasure always, as I currently struggle to do so, especially when I am naked or without makeup. I am most grateful for all that you do for me, Thank you.

I am looking forward to your next visit as we always have so much fun staying up late, talking and laughing. I still laugh out loud when I remember what you told me about your beloved lion. He's adorable in his fierce loyalty and gentle devotion.

Ooh! I almost forgot. The sweets you sent were so exotic and delicious. I'm still enjoying them.

Thank you!

-Your devotedly

15 March 2022

Love Letter to Anna Parenna

Beloved Goddess,

Enduring Year, you have gifted me another and this shall be my sixty-first! Ooh Kind Mother - the cycle of life continues to evolve and expand... so much has changed in my life - so much that it's barely recognizable. 

In your honor, I have created a circular garden altar, at the base of the oak tree. There on the trunk is a circle like indention that looks like a little window. I wish I had eyes to see within... as I can imagine the faeries that live there - and that wee view might show me their kitchen. I know that there must be tiny acorns and seeds upon their table. Every week I offer my hair that they may stuff their duvet and keep warm on these cold damp nights.

Though the altar simply resembles a fairy ring, at the moment, in time I want to plant small petaled flowers, and make a few charms and gifts to set upon it. And, as I know you will delight in this, I will do random acts of kindness in your name throughout the coming year. I'll write and tell you all about the things I will do to surprise and bless those unaware, but in need of love and kindness.

Until then, I hope you will continue to bless us all. We, the children of this earth, need you. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

14 March 2022

Love Letter to Ala

Beloved Goddess,

I write to you, though we have not been formally introduced. A friend of mine from Ghana spoke of you and told me of your goodness. 

I honor you, as earth mother, as She Who dances the seasons into being and lays them to rest, along with the children of the earth. Veda said she would ask you to bless me and grant me good luck. I wish to thank you for your kindness. I have performed the native cleansing ritual that I may have joy and an abundant harvest in all that I do. 

In your honor I have rooted a yam. The vine is healthy and growing very fast. Its leaves are shades of green and purple and I am most delighted to see it grow so quickly. Is this a good omen and a sign of your blessing? 

Once it is of goodly size I will plant it in a hanging basket and enjoy tending to it on the back patio, along with blooming geraniums, daisies and multi-hued impatience, late spring and through the summer. 

If ever I go to Africa I will bring a clipping and plant it there as a token of my deep appreciation of your generosity and loving energy. How deep and dark, like the fertile womb is your essence. Each cycle of the crescent moon I will think of you and light a votive candle for luck. Please bless the family of Veda, daughter of Ghana. She has been kind to me.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

13 March 2022

LOve Letter to Nerthus

Beloved Goddess,

Before sunrise this morning we lit the big bonfire we gathered in your honor last night. We sat around its warmth until the sun rose high in the morning sky. Sipping warm cups of herbal tea we sang your praises.

Later in the day we turned the soil and left offerings of sweet milk, in hopes that your blessings would help our garden grow and produce a healthy, nutrient rich harvest. 

Nerthus, I honor the gifts you give to us, of prosperity, health, energy and peace. I enjoy each and every season and journeying upon the sacred cycles of life and letting go. I am grateful that it keeps spinning and bringing new birth after death. There is so much to bear witness to, so much magick and mystery and wonder to marvel over... so much goodness in everything to focus only on the sorrow. 

As my birthday - and a new beginning fast approaches, please show me ways to be even more authentic, more in harmony with nature, and in alignment with the holiest of holies. May I ever be mindful of all that is given to me, and thankful for the journey ahead. May I walk my path of beauty as a goddess, with gracious compassion for others and a generous spirit of love and kindness. 

Thank you,

-Yours devotedly

12 March 2022

Love Letter to White Shell Woman


Beloved Goddess,

On the wings of wind and dreams and a spirit bird, I heard your message. You spoke of all the things I've been hoping for - unity with Great Mystery, joy and freedom - and the wild promise of overcoming every obstacle in my way with courage and wisdom.

White Shell Woman, how bright and beautiful is your protection. How calm and quiet are your ways. I am proud to call you sister, and find strength in your example.

After the rains cleared this morning, I sat still contemplating the beauty of this life - of the earth mother and suddenly appeared from an opening in the clouds: A double rainbow! Each colour was so brilliant and richly hued. Violet and blue and green, especially. I don't ever recall seeing them so vivid before. I felt such depth of gratitude. A promise was given and received.... My eyes got lost in the colours... riding along its length and stayed there until it faded from sight. Then, I closed my eyes and saw it for a little while longer...

Earlier this week, an eagle flew overhead, gliding in circles on the air currents. I would have missed it had it not called to me with its high pitched whistle. I looked up and it looked down on me; its wings spread long and strong across the azure sky. We talked for a short while before it flew up out of sight - too high for me to see... But, it gave me your message before it continued on its journey.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

11 March 2022

Love Letter to Hara Ke

Beloved Goddess,

Sweet water Goddess, She Who brings refreshment to us all, how I have awaited your return! The rains you sent are most welcome! I love the sound that announces your arrival and I still get excited - just as I did when I was a little girl! 
The sweetness you bring to the earth is felt in the depth of my own being - in the most exquisite ways. 
It was late at night when your train arrived. I was in bed, sound asleep, when the storm woke me. Much like the Spring awakens the earth, the sound of thunder and pouring rain called to me in the dreamtime and sang to me until I returned! Naked, I got out of bed to open the window, so you could enter my room and fill me with your precious energy of rebirth and regeneration. 

Hara Ke, I know so many who complain when you visit. Please ignore them. For the life of me, I do not understand their feelings or thoughts regarding you! How is it even possible for anyone to dislike you? I do not know! You are the essence of life itself!! We owe our very life to you! 
Goddess, I welcome you with open arms. I open my heart to you; and you know that the moment I hear of your arrival, I overflow with joy and rush to be near you! I adore the soft and gentle as well as the heavy rains, alike. I invite you to stay for days - weeks if you will! 
Stay and watch me dance in the street! Watch me embrace every single drop that kisses my face, my hair, my body... my soul. Cover me with your kisses until I'm dripping wet with love of you!
Come with me by the rivers edge and let's watch the waterfalls spill over with joy, too! They sing so loudly, so beautifully. How we love when you visit. I love sipping warm jasmine tea with you, or curling up to read a book while you're tending to the garden. It's pure delight watching you shower the trees with your cleansing love. 

As I curled beneath the warmth of the covers there in the darkness listening to the story you were telling of your long journey, I fell back to sleep. As I dreamed the two dragons who stand in attendance with you in the land where precious souls await rebirth, spoke to me. They whispered secrets that burned my ears and showed me where you kept the key to my happiness.  Also, my grandparents and Daddy hear that I was there and came to greet me. It was so wonderful seeing them again. And, James Phoenix, let me kiss and hug him for the longest time, promising to come see me in my waking life as soon as he was able.

Sweet Goddess, please know that I heartfully await their return. I can hardly wait to see them again here on earth- even though I may not recognize them as they once were. I will love every one I meet just incase it's one my soul knows intimately and shall remember for all time.
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

10 March 2022

Love Letter to Hera

Beloved Goddess,

Have you forgotten me? I have been celibate for over seven years, Hera, as you instructed, waiting for my true love to find me. Does he not exist? Or, was it just a way for you to get me to focus on my own self and be my own true love? Or, is it because I'm now too old, and have missed my long hoped for fate?

I know!

You've told me many times that true love is hard to find... that love between a man and a woman isn't all it's dreamed of to be. 

I remember... You told me of Zeus (aka Jupiter) and how he broke your heart more often than not... But still - you loved him. And, he loved you, you said, despite his unfaithful lust for other conquests.

(Hera, how can that be true love? I'm still not sure why you endured his heart-breaking ways that only led to aggravation! But even still... I want a man of my own. One different than the rest - better than the ones I've loved before. Someone true and deep and poetic. Someone big, and tall, and strong and wise and playful... Someone sensual, and kind and loves to garden and make things.... And ooh!!! someone with a million aspects, just like me; someone perfect just for me. I know just what you're going to say... 

Okay. I'll keep waiting.

In your honor, I have bathed my body in the oil of myrrh and washed my hair with rose water. I planted seeds so that bright red poppies will grow and bloom this summer in the garden along side of the stream; where the daffodils are growing sweet and yellow in little clumps beneath the tall oak trees. 

Secretly, I hope that by the time they show their pretty scarlet petals, my love will show his strong and handsome face to me... and when our eyes meet, may we both remember that our souls are one - only slumbered this long life time waiting for each other. And, rejoice that we at long last have found the other, and happy we will grow our love strong and true to last a hundred other lifetimes, too.

Grant me my hearts desire, dear Hera and I will build an altar for you in the wild oak grove. And even when I am very old, I will visit you there and leave offerings of love as a gift of gratitude for the love you give to me.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly


09 March 2022

Love Letter to Aditi


Beloved Goddess,
Come near to me. Sail your boat upon the waters of my soul, into the center of my heart.
Aditi, She whose name means Unfettered; She of infinite sky, of boundless time and space, Beauty is your aura and prosperity your blessed grace. You grant me infinite blessings of protection and luck. Thank you for watching over me, guiding my heart and keeping me safe.

How sweet the butter you sent, thick and golden hued! Enough to last for many moons. I am honored by thoughtful gifts. In your honor I have lit 12 butter lamps and sat in joyful contemplation of my spirits song- that which lives beyond the flesh and bone of my body. For hours I watched the flames flicker until they were softly extinguished... 
Some flames burned tall, reaching for some unseen height. The others were crescent shaped or round like the phases of the moon. I was told that this reveals mental clarity, a peaceful soul and magickal properties... Thank you for these gifts of spirit. I am honored to receive. 

Yet, Devi, She who rules over divination- reveal something more... Please grant me knowledge of what's to come. Will there ever be a true love for me in this lifetime? I hold such depth of longing within... The little girl I once was had this same burning question- still unanswered, and still I wait. 
If he is to be mine, please give me a sign. Show me where to be, what to do, how to prepare or open myself for the blessing of his love. Time is nothing to you- but it is passing quickly for me. If I am to enjoy him in this lifetime, he must arrive before too long, as I am soon to be sixty-one. I know you wish to grant my hearts desire, and so you will. 
Thank you.
_Yours devotedly

08 March 2022

Love Letter to Hu Tu


Beloved Goddess,

On the dawn of this early spring morning - I listened to the rustling of the leaves in the trees and the soft twitter of birdsong and thought of you....

Empress Earth - all that has transpired in the realm of ecology, nature, earth- the whole of this planet... and tears streams down my cheeks. How beautiful you are - how luscious, rich and sensual. The pure magick and mystery of your being is exquisite beyond compare and yet, how many turn their eyes away, ignore, ravish, defile, pollute and destroy you without a thought, a care, or moments hesitation. 

And, still you are here, holding holy space for us, breathing into our lungs, sheltering our bodies, giving so freely of yourself to nurture, comfort, nourish and sustain us all - the good and the evil. 

My heart swells with love for you - for all you represent; for all you are in your holiness; for all you do and endure for the love of us all.

Mother - please forgive us. Forgive us our deaf, blind and shameful neglect, disregard, greed, and selfish ways that bring you harm. Ooh holy of holy ones... forgive us for bringing you deep sorrow and pain when you deserve only the highest praise, the lowest bows and the most sincere worship and awe. 

Today is your birthday, and few will notice. Few will walk upon your precious body and feel the sacredness beneath their feet. Few will eat from your garden and rejoice in the great abundance. Few will drink from your waters and acknowledge the gift of life. Few will bow their head in prayer and silently beg your forgiveness for trespassing against you, nor dance with thanksgiving for your continual grace, fertility, care and providence. 
Happy Birthday beloved Mother. In your honor, every day, I will walk, and eat, and drink, and dance, and pray for us all. I will kneel and kiss the earth beneath my feet. In humbleness, and with the deepest gratitude and compassion for you and for all you give unconditionally give and do to hold and support us. For all that you are, far beyond our knowing. You deserve more than I can ever give in return, more than I can ever repay, more than I can ever consciously have words to say...

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly